[13] Magical Creatures

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I shattered my heart and let the fragments be carried away by the wind. I hope one day, it finds you.


I'm nervous, that's for sure. As I mentally debated on whether to approach Natalina and Beau or not, I can feel my hand shaking. Lunch is almost over, and they didn't even spare me a glance! I want to apologize for being insensitive yesterday.

I was pulled back from my trance of thoughts when Natalina sat next to me. I stared at her, but she just smiled reassuringly at me.

"Az, you can always count on me. You're not alone, got that?"

Instantly, all my worries vanished. I pulled her into a hug. Nat started complaining on how emotional I am, but right now, I don't give a damn.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm here, too. Aren't you gonna hug me?"

I turned to see Beau glaring at us with his arms crossed over his chest. Nat and I laughed at how childish he looked.

"Beau, you can go hug yourself." I countered with a smirk.

Natalina immediately added, "Who in their right mind would embrace a Friggerwart like you?"

And yeah. That started their bickering.

I sighed contentedly. I'm aware that students are gossiping about us again. From the corner of my eye, I can see several Strayhounds frowning. Alie tore her gaze away from me. Tsk. I know the three of us are making a scene, but what can I say? It's nice to have someone on your side.


"Isn't it awesome that we're having Animology class together?" Natalina started blabbing over and over again. Beau had his hands covering his ears. "What's awesome about spending another hour with you, Yeniboo!?"

"Grr! Call me that again, and I'll make sure your tongue will be longer than my hair!"

I shook my head and walked behind. We were heading to the Animology room at the west tower. My feet are hurting but I think I can still endure it. Why does the castle have to be so big anyway? A few moments later, I noticed tiny colorful lights dancing above us. I squinted my eyes and gasped when I saw their figures.


Both Nat and Beau turned to me. I was backing away because one of the floating lights came closer. Is this for real? Before I make any brutal actions, Beau casually explained, "I don't know the term you used, but these are light fairies. They reside in the West tower. They're harmless."

Natalina smiled, "Well, except for the fact that they're poisonous. But don't worry! Unless you offend them, they're actually cute."

"Honestly, I don't know if I should be relieved or what." I avoided eye contact with the little creatures and followed them towards a flight of stairs.


I stopped at the fifth step and turned to the voice. It was Alie Parker. I frowned. Is she here to annoy me or something? I thought we had a silent agreement to ignore each other? "What is it?"

Alie slightly bowed her head. "I-I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I was just thinking if.. we can be friends again?"

I eyed her. "You already gave me a bad impression. What makes you think I'll be friends with you?"

Alie met my eyes. And by then, I know I can see the sincerity she had.

"I know. It's my housemates. T-They hate your guts. They say that you should be casted away or something.. I apologize for listening to them."

I shrugged and stole a side glance at Natalina and Beau who were waiting for my response.


Alie's eyes lit up. "Thanks, Aza! So, we better get going right? Come on!" She linked arms with me and I furrowed my eyebrows. "We're in the same class?" The Strayhound witch nodded enthusiastically and started telling me stories about her childhood and brief encounters with magical creatures. I found myself listening to her.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Natalina rolled her eyes.


"Please turn your books to page 578."

Everyone did as told. Though I'm still lost in awe by my surroundings. The room we're in is a jungle! No joke. There are trees everywhere and the floor became solid ground. Having desks and chairs here's really out of place! I studied the plants nearest from me. I heard Alie giggled at my ignorance.

"You should get used to it. The West tower is designed to magically adopt to our Animology lessons. Now that we're in MidWorld jungle, I can only think of one interesting creature to deal with."

I smiled. Every class should be this awesome! That way, I wouldn't get bored in the near future. Though I highly doubt I would with all these magical lessons. We stared up front to see Professor Heron, a tall skinny lady with pointed ears---Beau told me she's half elf---study us with a scrutinizing gaze. When I looked down at my book, I gasped when I saw the picture of a bird moving towards me.

"A Yeniboo is a tiny bird with golden feathers that is believed to first appear in the late 1600's." She started. I immediately turned to Beau who forced himself not to laugh. Natalina was red with anger. I remember he called her a Yeniboo earlier. So, he called her a golden bird? What's so offensive about that?

Professor Heron walked towards me. She had a kind smile on her beautiful lips.

"Though they seem elegantly harmless to most witches and wizards, Yeniboos are actually the fiercest type of birds. They are well-known to have an ear-breaking voice and kill their own mates after the mating season. The females are far more dominant than males. That's the reason why male Yeniboos are endangered."

Oh. Well, that answered my question.

Professor Heron pulled out her wand from inside her robes and murmured an incantation. She swished it in the air and with one flick, the Yeniboo in the book flew out of the pages and perched itself on top of my head. Natalina grinned at me.

"So, how's Animology going so far?"

I smiled and patted the Yeniboo, which began it's screaching song. Beau started taunting Nat again and Alie studied the bird closely. Fron across the room, I heard a weak blast. When I whipped my head to the direction, I found Professor Heron glaring at a Chisslewing student. The one who Matt got into a fight the last time. His nose swelled and grew bigger.

"That's what you get for attempting to pluck a Yeniboo's feather, Mr. Erland! Have you no shame?"

We all laughed at him. Suits him right. I was surprised when Professor Heron met my eyes. I smiled at her. I think Animology will be my favorite.


Aza SterlingsWhere stories live. Discover now