First Days and New Gay Friendships

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//TW: bullying and homophobic slurs//
Will's POV

First day at a new high school. No big deal, right? Wrong. Most of these kids have known each other for years and here I am, transferring in the middle of senior year because my dad got a job offer in New York. That's what lead me here, walking down the hallway of the enormous school, trying to find the office so I can get my schedule. I stop when I see a large group of students forming ring around something in the corner. The crowd erupts in cheers and I push my way to the center, curious to what had captured the attention of so many kids. In center of the ring stood 3 boys, towering over a figure on the floor. The figure starts to move and I realize it's a boy. He gets on his knees and I catch a glimpse of his face. He's unnaturally pale and skinny. He has a curly mop of raven black hair and his defined jaw line is adorn with multiple bruises. "Get him Octavian!" Someone from the crowd yells and one of the boys steps forward, like me his hair is blond and he has blue eyes. "Stand up fag!" The boy stands up and Octavian throws a punch, only for the surprisingly nimble boy to dodge it. Octavian's goons go and grab both of the boy's arms and hold him in place as Octavian steps up to him. The blue eyed bully throws a punch and it lands on his jaw. The raven haired boy spits out blood and looks back up with a defiant look in his eye. I step in to the circe as he's about to take another punch and I grab Octavian's hand. "What do you think you're doing?" he growls. "The right thing," I shrug and punch him in the nose. It breaks with a satisfying crack and he falls back. His two goons back off, dropping the boy to the ground. The crowd dissipates and I turn to see Octavian's goons are helping him up. I kneel down next to the smaller teen, "Are you ok?" "Just peachy," he groans. I can tell immediately he has an accent, but I can't quite place it. "What's your name?" I ask, helping him up. "Nico, Nico di Angelo." "I'm Will Solace." "You new here?" he asks, eyeing me suspiciously. "Yea," I answer. "Then you won't want to be seen with me," he says walking off, "thanks for your help though." "Wait! Why won't I want to be see with you," I ask. "Because no one wants to be seen with the emo fag, I'm practically the punching bag for the school." "Well, if the school's full if homophobic assholes then I guess they'll have a problem with me too." Nico stares up at me in shock, "You're gay too?" I roll my eyes, "Didn't I just confirm that?" He smirks. "So... can you help me find the office?" I ask. "Sure thing Sunshine," he says. "Ok Deathboy."

( T_T)(^-^ )

So what do you guys think?
I think it's crappy.
Much like all of my writing.
But, some people like it I guess.

I take prompts, just so you know. So comment prompts or send me ideas!

I'm uploading the crappy ones first, because I have changed my writing style to something similar to the first chapter if my other story, Sun Angel. Because, let's be honest, after chapter 2 it all went down hill. I legit cried editing it.

So, I thought you guys deserves an update, author notes will not always be this long.

Umm.... thanks for reading my shit?


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