can't think of a title, but drinking is involved

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This is crap, so I'm posting this first. (The crap then the good stuff)
(Seriously though, this is shit. Just skip)

"Come on Will, it'll be fun!," Cecil says, rather loudly. Will sat on his bed, surrounded by medical textboodks, looking quite unimpressed, "If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. I don't drink, nor do I like to go to parties. Not after the last one." Lou Ellen huffs in annoyance, "How were we supposed to know you couldn't hold you liquor, it's not our fault you're light weight." Will rolls his eyes and turns his attention back to his textbook. "Please," Cecil begs, "it's just at the bar across town." "How are we even going to get in?," Will asks. "He said 'we'! So you're in right? Oh, and to answer your question, we have fake ID's, we make you one as well." Will looks back up at his friends before sighing and climbing off the bed, "Don't make me regret this." "No promises," Lou teases as they leave the room.

Nico stood behind the counter of a bar, looking over the crowd. A club, located downtown, at least 20 miles away from his college, was the last place you would think to see him. Loud music, alcohol, hot sweaty bodies pressed together as people tried to dance, really wasn't his scene. But he needed the money, and the only reason he was able to get this job is because he knew the owner. "Hey Nico!," calls a voice from the side of the bar, Nico turns to see who it is. A group of people make their way through the crowd and Nico can finally see there faces. A smile places itself on his face as he comes to recognize the people as his group of friends. (Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Leo, and Rayna.) "Hey," he calls out. "Can I have my usual?," Leo asks jokingly. "Sure thing," Nico says, grabbing a bottle from the back shelf. "So how have you been?," he asks the group as he prepares Leo's drink. 

Lou Ellen pulls up in front of a small bar. As they get out of the car, Will realizes he can hear the music from outside. "I regret this already," he mutters, following Cecil and Lou into the building. Once inside his friends lead him to the counter. Will sits down on a bar stool as his friends order him a drink, he notices the person serving them doesn't look much older than himself. In fact, he was pretty sure he had seen the same short, raven haired man at his school. Will was pulled from his thoughts when Cecil returned with to drinks in his hand. "Here," he says, shoving a glass into his hand. Will, still not fully focused on the world around him, starts to chug his drink, with out taking his eyes off of the strangly familiar bar tender.

[0,0]                                                                                                                                                                                                      |)__)                                                                                                                                                                                         -"-"- 

Nico sighs as he sees the same blond hair, blue eyed boy come up for refills, he was beyond drunk. Nico figured that was partially his fault. The first few times the stranger had come up, it had been with two other people, who hadn't had nearly as much, but now he was here by himself. "Can I have another?," Will slurs together, swaying on his feet. A man walks up behind Will, "I'll pay for it," he says, flashing an unsettling smile. Reluctantly Nico starts to make the drink and the man slaps a 20 down on the counter. Nico passes the drink over and turns around, but not before seeing the man slip something into Will's drink and walking off. Will grabs the drink, "WAIT!," Nico shouts. Will gives him a confused look. "Um.. let me get you a different one," Nico suggests, before prying the drink from Will's hands. The confusion in Will's eyes in clear, as Nico dumps the drink out and replaces it with something lighter, and with less drugs.

[0,0]                                                                                                                                                                                          |)__)                                                                                                                                                                                          -"-"-

Once more, Nico spots the blond from the middle of the crowd and the same man from before is talking to him, obviously trying (and failing) to get Will away from the bar. Groaning, Nico walks out from behind the bar and toward the blond, this wasn't the first time he's had to deal with this, but it's the first time it's bothered him on this level. Quickly weaving between the people in the crowd, he reaches Will in no time. "Hey Sunshine," he says, slipping a hand around Will's waist. "Hi?" Without further explaination Nico starts to pull Will from the crowd, looking for the people he had come with before.

"Here, drink this," Nico commands , handing the stranger (Will) a water bottle. Nico had asked Leo to handle the bar, which was probably not the best choice on his part. "Do you know who you came here with?," Nico asks. "Uhhh," Will groans, holding his head, "Some friends convinced me, Lou Ellen and Cecil." "I'll go see if I can find them, stay here, if you need to throw up there's a bathroom right there," Nico says pointing to a door and promptly walks out of the break room.

Nico later returns with two people following in persute, looking rather ashamed of themselves. "This them?," Nico asks when he returns. Will looks up, "Ya, it's them." Nico whips around to face them, "You realize he almost got drugged? I had to switch his drink! I almost didn't let him go back to the dance floor! He can barely drink a bottle without getting completly smashed!" Will looks up in alarm, "I almost got drugged?" "Ya, what's your name anyway, I guess that's kind of important," Nico asks. "Will Solace, and yours?" "Nico di Angelo." Will tries to stand up from his chair, but ends up stumbling. Nico rushes to his side and helps him sit back down, "Ya, you guys are going to have to help him walk." Cecil and Lou walk up to Will and grab either arm. "Are any of you sober enough to drive?," Nico asks. "Lou is," Cecil answers. Nico nods approvingly and walks behind them out the door. Once they reach the exit Nico stops, "Does he have a roommate who can help him in the morning?," Nico asks. "Ye- no, not really. I'll stay with him," Cecil offers. "Sounds good," Nico mumbles and starts to turn around. "Wait!," Will calls. Nico turns back around to face Will, who dispite his current state was blushing nervously, "Could, I uh- have your number?" Nico smiles and pulls a pen out of his pocket, "Here, call me when you're sober," he says, writing down a series of digits on Will's arm. "I will."


Boom! Another crappy chapter!

*hides behind laptop screen as debrise from epic 'Boom' flies everywhere*

*squeeks* hope you enjoyed.




(do not do any of the previously stated commands if you have any special disorder that doesn't allows you to make authors happy)

Remember! You can send me chapter ideas! I WILL write all that I recive (unless I get an overwhelming amount, but that's not going to happen)

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