A Loss of Clarity

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(I tried and potentially failed at writing angst)
(Nico's POV: Bold
Will's POV: Underline)

High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life,

"No Will," Nico sobs, "you deserve better than me." Will pulls Nico impossibly closer. This had happened before, Nico's nightmares followed by him believing he's not good enough, but never this bad. "Shh, Nico. You're everything I could want and more," Will reassures. "Why do you have to be so perfect all the time?!," Nico shouts, now enraged., "you're a better boyfriend in every aspect. Do you realize how inferior that makes me feel? How pathetic it is that I rely on you to calm me down every. single. night.?" "Nico, I didn-" "Of course you didn't realize! You spend so much time calming me down, that every other second you spend focusing on medical school!" Something finally clicked inside of Will, he was tired of Nico not believing he was good enough, tires of deadlines, tired of dealing with peoples shit all day, he snapped. "Of course I spend a lot of time studying! Medical school is hard, unlike you I have a life outside of this house. I still make time for you though, apart from calming you down! If you could get out if this mindset that you're bot good enough you would see!"

Fight fear for the selfish pain, and it's worth it every time.

"Will. Get out," Nico commands. "No Nico, I live here too," Will shouts back. "GET OUT!!," Nico cries. "NO NI-" Will's cut off by Nico's shouting. "JUST FUCK OFF!" Caught up in the moment, Will yells back, "GO TO TARTARUS!"
Nico's face turns into one of shock and regret flashes in Will's eyes.

Hold still right before we crash, 'cause we both know how this ends,

"Nico, I-" "Don't," Nico chokes out, "j-just go." Will hangs his head in defeat and walks out the room.

Our clock ticks till it breaks your glass and I drown in you again,

The second Will closes the door, Nico breaks down, tears flowing down his cheeks. Will opens the car door and hops in, closing it behind him. He sits there for a minute before, he too, burst into tears. "Gods damn it Nico," Will cries, banging his hand on the steering wheel. "I- I try everything, you're not the one who's not good enough."

Cause you are the piece if me, I wish I didn't need,

Why. Why do I need him so much? I used to be so independent, but now I can't even sleep without him. How pathetic. Having to depend on someone to calm me down from a nightmare. I had never realized how much I needed Nico to stay sane. Having someone be emotionally dependent on you is comforting, it motivated me to keep my cool. Nico was the one part of my day I could look forward to. Now... that's gone.

Chasing, relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why.

''Nico please open up," Will begs helplessly. A sobbing, broken down voice emerges from the other side of the door, "g-go away." "Nico, I didn't mean it," Will pleads.

If our love is tragedy why are you my remedy?

If he could get through that door, he would be able to calm me down almost instantly. He always could. And I hate him for it. M-my Sunshine.

If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?

How is it, that the one thing that drives me crazy, somehow keeps me sane? Makes me see that there is more to life that just medicine. M-my Shadow.

If our live is tragedy why are you my remedy?

I can hear him banging on the door. He knows what I'm going to do, but he also knows it's hopeless unless he gets that door down. "Nico! Nico, please don't." I inhale deeply, I can almost feel the relief the second the cool, silver blade touches my skin.

If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?

I bang helplessly on the heavy wooden door, tears streaming down my face. I was well away of what Nico was doing, and it killed me to know I couldn't do anything to stop it at this point. Neither of us are strong enough to stop.

Walk on through a red parade and refuse to make amends.

Blood flows from my wrists and with each thought a new cut apears. "Will deserves better." "You're helping him." "He'll get over you." Somewhere in the back of my mind I can still hear Will yelling apologies, but the sound of roaring blodd flowing through my ears drowns him out.

It cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all commoon sense.

I continue to shout apologies as I try to bust open the door. The soft sobs emitted from Nico are the only indication I have that he's still alive. And that's all I need to keep going.

Don't speak right before we crash, 'cause we both know what we'll choose.

I know my constant begging isn't going to do anything to help Nico, but I can't seem to stop.

If you pull then I'll push too deep and I'll fall right back to you

I think of all the good that has come out of my time with Will and it's almost enought to make me stop. Almost.

Cause you are the piece of me, I wish I didn't need.

Slowly, I carve Will's name into my arm. Relishing in the pain.

Chasing relentlesly, still fight and I don't know why.

Several large indents were made on the door, leaving my shoulders bruised.

If our love is tragedy why are you my remedy?

Black dots begin to cloud my vision and my legs give out from under me.

If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?

I finally manage to break open the door. Splinters of wood scatter everywhere, but I don't have time to care. I rush into the bathroom and find myself faced with a sight that left me in tears. Nico was passed out on the floor, wrists slashed and blood pooling around his arm. I run out of the bathroom in search of a house phone.

If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?

I revice a call two hours later telling me Nico di Angelo was declared dead.

If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?

Two guards stand outside a room, lined with white padding. "What's the deal with this one?" "Driven mad nby the loss of a loved one, untreatable." Inside said room, is a person. Scratches raking up and down their arms, clothes streched out, in the corner rocking back and forth muttering, "I'm sorry." A person, by the name of Will Solace.



First time writing angst, how was it?

Send me story ideas for future chapters! Tell me if you would like the idea credited, like I'd just say who suggested it.

So.. ya

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