Protective Boyfriends and Transgender Partners

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Nico's POV

"Will," I whine, as my boyfriend stares down at me unimpressed. "No Nico. You can't keep binding improperly, it could hurt you." I look down at my shoes, ashamed. Will knew I was transgender, just not that I had been using the roll of bandages from the infirmary to bind my chest. "You'll have to wait until we get you a proper binder, Neeks. I'll be with you the whole time until then," Will reassures. I shift uncomfortably on the infirmary bed. I think it over, trying to come up with temporary solutions to my problem. "Can you find me a baggy shirt to wear? Or maybe one of your hoodies," I ask meekly. "Sure thing Neeks," he holds out a hand, which I gladly take, and he helps me down from the bed. Together we walk to the Apollo Cabin, but I keep my arms crossed tightly over my chest, feeling  exposed. We enter the cabin, Will walks over to his bunk and immediately starts sifting through his clothes. "Here, he says as he holds up an orange Camp Half Blood hoodie. I slip the orange hoodie on over my head and adjust it so nothing shows. Will wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. "I love you," he whispers. I wrap my arms around his torso and bury my head in his chest, "I love you, too." "My dark prince," he says, bending down and kissing my nose. "My sunshine," I say and place a soft, sweet kiss on his lips.


How was that? I have more to the story, but the ending wasn't as good as this. If you want the rest, let me know.
I, myself, am not transgender so if I offended you in anyway or got anything wrong please let me know. (I am very paranoid about this I really don't want to offend anyone)
I was going to make another chapter for a gender-fluid Nico, but I'm not entirely sure how the pronouns would work and I don't want to offend anyone with it. If I were to do a gender-fluid chapter I would use ey/em/eir/eirs/eirself pronouns because from what I know those are the most gender neutral pronouns. Thanks for reading!


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