Dancing from the Heart

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(Warning: this is absolute shit, just like all my writing)


"Nico you have to," my half-sister Hazel asked. "No. Hazel, I'm not doing dance in high school." "You do it everyday after school! What's the difference if you do it at school?" I sigh and turn to face Hazel, "I don't want a bunch of female dancers trying to flirt with me the whole time. The class after school is full of girls I have known for years, they know not to flirt with me."  "In fact, it's almost like an inside joke when we get new students," I chuckle. "Please Nico. We both know you secretly want to. Plus, it's the same teach from the dance studio," she points out. Dam it. I hate it when she's right. "Fine, I'll do it, but only because I know the teacher." Hazel squeals excitedly, clapping her hands together, at my surrender. "Don't make me regret this," I mutter and walk off to go to the dance studio.


"Kayla, I'm going to be able to go to college if I don't get more fine arts credits," I whine. My sister barley looks up from her magazine as she sits on the couch. "Take dance," she suggests. "W-what?!" "I said, take dance. It's what I did," she says. How bad could it be? I'm a fast learner, I could probably pick it up fairly easy. Why not?



I finish slipping on my ballet shoe and walk into the classroom. On wall is lined with mirrors, while the other had bars drilled into the wall. I begin stretching on the bar, waiting for the other students. "Nico?" I turn to the source of the voice and see Jasmine standing in to doorway. Jasmine is one of the dancers from my class outside of school, we've been dancing together since we were 5, now we're 15. "Hey Jaz," I smile up at here. Soon other dancers started filing into the room, but only one caught my eye. A tall, muscular boy with blond hair and sky blue eyes. He looked so out of place among the other dancers, as if he didn't know what to do. "You're staring," Jasmine whispers. I direct my gaze towards her and glare, "Am not." She laughs as if I just told her the funniest joke in the world, instead of trying to intimidate her, "Not that I can blame you," she starts, "he's hot." "Ya." The teacher enters the room and her eyes scan over the new dancers, she stops at us and smiles warmly. "Today, we will be testing your general skills and knowledge so I can see what we need to work on, and who my future leads are for the recital," she announces. "Partner up!" I feel someone tap my shoulder and turn to see a girl, surprisingly my height, with honey blond hair and green eyes, "Wanna be my partner?," she asks sweetly, but there is an underlining tone of flirting in her voice. "No thanks, I'm already partnering with Jasmine," I say. "Aww... I'm sure I'm a much better dancer," she says, brushing her fingers up my arm and finally resting her hand on my shoulder. "N-no, I'm sure," I answer, removing her hand from me. I hear stifled laughter come from beside me, I don't need to look to know it's Jaz. "No need to be nervous, I don't bite... much," she says. "I'm not nervous I-," my sentence is cut off when Jasmine burst into laughter from beside me. The girl who was previously trying (and failing) to seduce me, glared daggers at her. When Jasmine's laughter finally subsided enough for her to form a sentence she said, "Honey, he gay," and broke into another laughing fit on the floor. 



"Will," Ms. Kate calls as I'm packing up my clothes. "Yes, Ms. K." "You're going to fail this class if you don't get help. You have plenty of potential, but no experience and this class is going a little to fast for you," she explains. "I've asked one of my best students to help tutor you after school," she says. My eyes go wide, I don't want to have to spend anymore time with these flirtatious girls than I have to. "With all due respect, I don't want to spend the whole time getting hit on." Ms. K laughs, " I don't think you'll have to worry about that. This tutor is rather shy, but an excellent dancer. Nico di Angelo, I've had him as a student since he was 5. Very passionate, that one." I feel my throat go tight at the idea of being alone in the same room as Nico. He's one of the only reasons I haven't quit this class. "Meet him here, after school at 2:30 sharp," she says before dismissing me to go to my next class.

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