The Blind, the Deaf, and the Dead

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First time writing something like this.

I'm sorry.
//TW: character death//

Once again, I wake up with a familiar, small, raven haired, Italian in my arms. I smile at how peaceful he looks in sleep. My gaze flits down to the small silver band on his ring finger. I had asked him last night.

I squeeze Nico's hand to signal that he could stop walking. I face his palm up ward and tap out, 'We're in front of the Italian restaurant, the place we first met.'  Nico wasn't blind back then, when we first met, but he was slowly loosing his sight. I get down on one knee, despite the fact that he could no longer see me, 'Nico di Angelo, I met you when I was 15, now we're 21, and everyday since then has been filled with happiness. We've had our fair share of challenges, and I'm sure we'll have more, but I hope I can face those troubles with you by my side. Nico di Angelo, will you marry me?' Nico's hand goes to his mouth and I see tears in his eyes. He reaches out in search of my other hand and I give it to him. 'Yes,' he tapes out. I surge forward and wrap my arms around him. I press my lips to his in a swift, chaste kiss, before pulling back back. I grab his hand and slip a silver band on his ring finger, along with a matching gold one on mine.

End of Flashback

I unwrap my arms from around Nico and take the hand with the ring one it. I press a soft kiss to his hand before getting up out of bed. "Ah," I gasp as a sharp pain stabs my heart. "Shit," I stumble out of the bedroom and down the stairs, I had forgotten to take my heart medication last night. That hasn't happened in 6 years, since the day I met Nico. I gasp as another sharp pain shoots through me, I grab onto the railing to keep from falling. As I reach the bottom step, I latch onto the wall for support and head towards the kitchenette, where my medicine is kept. I claw my way into the kitchenette and reach for the medicine cabinet. Another wave of pain runs through me, causing me to fall to the floor. Papers from the counter scatter all around me. My breathes were now coming in short ragged gasps. "Nico!," I call out, well aware that he couldn't hear me. I lost the feeling in my legs, black dots clouded my vision, I'm not going to make it. I look around for a paper and pen. I get my hands on a sticky note and shakily raise the pencil. 'If you find this,' I start to write, yet again, another wave of pain flows through my body, causing me to cry out. Tears fill my eyes, making it even harder to see, 'please tell Nico I love him, he was the light of my life. My sunshi-.' My chest clenches and the pencil drops. Everything slows down. I see our first date. The trip to the doctor's when they told Nico he would go blind. Meeting Hazel along with Nico's parents. Nico meeting mine. Nico taking me to visit Bianca's grave right before he lost his sight. The night I realized I love him. Moving in together. Last night, proposing to Nico and him saying yes. The happiest moment of my life. And then.... darkness.

Nico POV

I wake up and feel the other side of the bed in search for the familiar warmth that is Will, only to come up empty handed. He must have gone downstairs to get his medicine. I sit up in the bed and wait for what seems like hours. I finally feel a hand on my shoulder and smile. I reach for the hand, but it's not as strong or rough as Will's. 'Hello Nico, it's Hazel.' 'Where's Will,' I tap. I feel a drop of water on my hand, but then I realize, it's not water. 'Haz, what's wrong?' 'Nico.... Will, he's dead. H-he has been for 3 years.' I feel tears fill my eyes and run down my cheeks. "No... he... he proposed last night.' 'Nico... the day after, Will was found dead in the kitchen. He- he left a note. Tell Nico I love him, he was the light of my life, my sunshine.' I push Hazel's hand away and feel for a pillow behind me. Bringing it to my chest, I rock back and forth in attempt to calm myself down. Will's not dead. Will's not dead. Will's not dead. Will. Is. Not. Dead.


How was that?

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