A Tragic Death

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I walked down the long hallway in a giant ship, shaped like a green hand. We were going to Home World, my Diamond wanted to check and see how the war was going on Earth.
"Pear," my diamond's voice boomed.
"Y-yes my Diamond...?" I asked.
"Can you tell Peridot about the report of the war? She'll tell the rest," my diamond said.
"Yes, of course, my diamond," I said and rushed down the hallway. I looked around to see a tall, green, skinny figure with a Peridot on her forehead. I always wondered why they gave those limb attachments to Peridot, she's nothing special back on Home World. Finally, I found her, being screamed at by a Rose Quartz.
The Rose Quartz had a gem on her back, I saw her fighting in the war, why was she here? I walked up to them and listened.
"You need to go back into that War! That's an order!" Peridot snapped.
"But we're losing!" The Rose Quartz snapped. "I'm not risking my life out there! You have to tell Pink Diamond to call this off... Pink Pearl! Tell your Diamond to end this war!"
"I..." I stumbled.
"Don't tell her what to do! She's not your Pearl!" Peridot snapped. "Why don't you go tell Pink Diamond your request? Huh? She'll destroy you!"
The Rose Quartz grunted. "I don't see you out there!"
"I'm not a warrior gem! You are!" Peridot snapped.
"What's going on over here?" A loud, scary voice snapped. A Jasper walked over to us, she had her gem on her nose. "Rose Quartz... why aren't you battling?"
"She's scared," Peridot teased.
"We don't care if you're scared!" Jasper snapped, pushing Rose to the ground. "You're not loyal to the Diamonds..."
"I am loyal! I'm just... scared," Rose said, standing up. "You should be battling too...!"
"But I'm not!" Jasper snapped. "We're Turing this ship around, putting you right in the middle of the war, and tell Pink Diamond what you've done. And if you even survive this war, you'll get punishment."
I saw Peridot smirk at the corner of my eye.
"N-no! Please! You can't do this! Don't put me back out there!" Rose begged.
"Too late!" Jasper summoned her weapon and slammed Rose in the head. Rose exploded and her gem fell on the ground. Jasper picked it up and bubbled it. "Can't wait to see the look on her face when she reforms in battle."
I sighed and watched Jasper leave with Rose in her hand. "Peridot..."
Peridot looked at me. "Oh. Hey. Forgot you where here. What do you need Pearl?"
"My Diamond wants me to tell you about the report for the war," I said.
Peridot's eyes widened. "Oh my stars!!!" Peridot cried and ran to the front deck. "Follow me! Hurry!"
I chased after Peridot and stepped onto the front deck.
Peridot was sitting in a chair, moving her little yellow fingers around. "Okay," Peridot said. "Speak into this, and it'll write it down for you. I'll go get the messenger ready," then Peridot ran off.
I looked at Peridot's yellow fingers floating in the air, they were making a octagon. I walked up to it and spoke:
"The war between Home World and the Crystal Gems seems to be in order. A Rose Quartz, gem placement on her back, has escaped the war and hoped on our ship sometime during takeoff. The Rose Quartz says we are losing, badly. She suggested we..." I thought about what else to say. Then realized I could say whatever I wanted and send it quickly before Peridot arrives. "...That we should have more Gems fighting, even if they aren't a warrior gem!" I took a deep breath. "Message complete," I said, and the fingers closed and plopped on the ground.
I gasped and picked them up. Did I break it? Soon, Peridot walked in. "Oh, don't worry, they do that," Peridot said, putting her fingers back into place. "Did you finish your message?"
"Yes. I have. It's sending," I said.
"Good. Go tell your Diamond you have completed your mission," Peridot said. "Also. I'd like to speak with you an hour before we land on Home World. Is that okay?"
"I- yes. That's fine. But if my Diamond needs me... she comes first..." I said.
"Understood," Peridot said, and I walked out of the front deck.
I headed back to where my Diamond was, but instead I saw Rose. "Rose...?"
The Rose turned around, it had its gem on its stomach. "What?" She asked.
"What... are you doing here? This is my diamonds hallway!" I said.
"I need to speak with her," the Rose said. "Do you mind?"
"In a way. Only if my Diamond does," I said. "What do you need?"
"I need to... ask her how the war is going," Rose said.
"You should be in battle, just like the other Rose Quartz," I said. "You aren't going to see Pink Diamond."
"Yes. I. Am," Rose said. She charged at me. I jumped in the air and dodged her attack. I summoned my weapon, a sledge hammer, and swung it at Rose. I hit her in the side and she flew back, hitting the wall and falling.
"Stay away from Pink Diamond!" I snapped. "Or I'll shatter you!"
Rose got up and summoned a shield, she swung it at me and it knocked me over. Rose jumped over me and ran down the hallway.
"No you don't!" I snapped. I threw my sledge hammer at her, she turned around and it hit her right in the gem. Rose screamed as she fell on the ground. I cracked her gem. "You're a Crystal Gem! Aren't you?"
"Y-yes..." Rose said, standing up and pulling out a sword.
Where did she get the sword???
Rose ran towards me I dodged her swing at me and swung back at her, but she ducked and sliced the sword through me.
I can't remember what happened after that.

I reformed and opened my eyes. I was... on Earth? I looked over and saw the ship, the giant green hand one. It had crashed. Green smoke covered the air. I got up and ran to the ship. "Pink Diamond!" I called.
No answer.
I picked up rocks and looked under them, no signs of Pink Diamond or anyone on the ship. I looked over and saw a bunch of Gems standing around in a huge circle around a pile of rubble. I ran over to them and pushed them out of the way. I looked at what they were looking at and nearly fainted.
It was that Rose Quartz that fought me before, she was holding Pink Diamond's shards. She shattered her. I summoned my weapon and swung it at Rose, but she jumped in the air and disappeared.
"What are we going to do?" A gem cried.
"Pink Diamond is dead!"
"Yellow Diamond will shatter us all for not protecting her!"
"We must tell someone!"
"Screw telling someone! We have to kill that Rose Quartz! No! Kill ALL Rose Quartz!"
"Everyone! Look! The rebel Pearl!"
Everyone look in the distance, the rebel white pearl stood there, standing on a broken piece of the ship. She was holding a long light blue spear, and a vicious smirk on her face. As if she owned us, that since pink diamond was gone, she ruled this place.
"Pearl! Let's go!" Another Crystal Gem cried, it was a fusion... GROSS! It was a Garnet.
Suddenly, an arrow shot from nowhere and hit Garnet in the stomach. Garnet grunted and the two ran off.
I looked behind me and saw a fusion. This one was acceptable, it was a fusion between Emerald and Zircon... Moonstone. The two unfused and high-fives each other for the good aim. The Emerald had her gem placement on her back, and the Zircon had her gem placement on her right foot.
"After those Gems!" An Amber snapped. The whole crowd ran to the rebel Pearl and Garnet. The crowd pushed me over and I fell to the ground. I looked up and watched he crowd disappear in the distance. I got up and looked where Rose was, and saw a piece of Pink Diamond's gem. I cried and picked it up. It was smaller than my hand.
I held onto it tight, and began looking for everyone else.

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