People Forget Things Quick

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Emerald was sitting on the warp pad when I got back to the temple. Emerald smiled at me and waved, Topaz and Peridot were cheering her on, but why?
"Go E!" Topaz said.
Emerald shivered and swallowed something in her mouth.
"What was that?" I asked, sounding droopy. I did feel that way, since what happened with Pearl just moments ago.
"A piece of a dead fish I found," Lazuli said, giggling to herself. "Emerald lost a bet..."
Emerald gagged and whipped her mouth. "I'm never doing a bet with you again Lazuli..."
I looked at Lazuli and thought about Lapis. I wondered if she was going to betray me. I tried to act like nothing was bothering me, but I'm usually bad at that. There's so much going on...
"Hey P! I wanna show you something cool!" Topaz said, taking my hand and leading me out of the temple. "Have you been deep into the water before?"
"I have," I answered.
Topaz looked at me as if she regretted taking me here. "Have you... do you feel like nothing can hurt you there? Like being at the bottom of the ocean is like... heaven?"
"I do," I answered. Suddenly I thought about Malachite, is that why she's at the bottom of the ocean? She feels safe?
Topaz sighed. "Things have been Akers with Little..."
"Like what? You guys are inside love right?" I asked.
Topaz laughed. "Geez! We haven't gone that far yet! It's just in love. And yeah, we are. Peridot has been- depressed lately and I don't know what to do to help her out."
"Bring her to the bottom of the ocean? Maybe it'll help her feel... safe," I said.
Topaz sighed. "Don't tell anyone I told you this, P. But I think Little is- suicidal."
I held my breath. "But she seems so happy! Maybe she's not as sad as you think?"
"She tried cracking her gem almost as soon as we got out of the water that one night... I'm scared. I'm scared of finding my own girlfriend dead, cracked, shattered..." Topaz drifted off.
"I'll see what I can do," I said.
Emerald's hand was smooth and relaxing. I felt like I had the entire world in my hands. I wanted to hold onto her had forever, but she let go. Emerald pointed out to the ocean.
"We're going to the bottom of the ocean?" Emerald asked.
I nodded and hid my blush. All I told Emerald was that Peridot was stressed because of the war and that water might help, though I knew I completely lied to my- the gem I'm in love with.
Soon topaz and Peridot came. Peridot had a huge fake smile on her face. "Hey guys! Ready to go swimming?!"
I forced a grin and so did emerald. Maybe I can tell her my feelings today? Tonight? No- I'll talk to Garnet first. I haven't even done that yet...
Pretty soon I found myself sinking to the bottom of the ocean, holding emerald's hand because she floated instead of sinking. Her hand was smooth and soft. There were some cuts on her hands I tried to avoid, probably from the war.
"What's the bottom like?" Emerald asked with bubbles escaping her mouth and reaching the surface.
"Relaxing," I answered back.
Soon enough we hit the bottom and emerald sat next to me, I placed my hands on her shoulders so she couldn't float up. Like her hands, her shoulders were smooth too ._.
I looked over at Peridot and Topaz, they were a few yards away from us, holding hands, talking...
"Have you ever felt love before?" I asked.
"You mean have I been in love? Yes. I am," Emerald said.
"I am?" I asked. Why did she say I am. "What do you mean?"
"I am in love," Emerald said blushing.
"Oh- with who?" I asked.
Emerald just shook her head and looked back at Peridot and Topaz, half smiling.
I ran up to Garnet, still soaking wet. "Garnet!" I called.
"I'm here. I knew you'd call me," Garnet said.
"I need to ask you something," I said.
"I know," Garnet said smiling. "You wanna know about love."
"I do," I said.
Garnet smiled and looked around as if there was an audience. "Love is weird. Love is amazing. Love is like a drill drilling through your heart, but for a good reason."
"Love is painful," Garnet said. "That's all I got."

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