Kidnapping Jasper's Friend

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I held onto Pink Diamond's gem shard tight. I found five other shards, but they weren't enough to put her gem back together. Not like that was going to bring her back. At least I have something to hold in my hands when Home World shatters me.
There has to be a way out of this.
Home World is bound to shatter me, they say Diamond's Pearls are suppose to have the same faith as their Diamond.
I can't be shattered.
I don't care what happened to my Diamond.
Suddenly I saw something in the distance. Jasper. She was sitting on a piece of the ship, looking down at her hands, she was holding something. A gem. I quietly walked behind her and hid behind a piece of the ship.
Why does she have a gem? Is it cracked?
I stared at Jasper, looking down at the gem. I could tell it was an Aquamarine. The gem shinned in the moonlight, the sun set long ago.
"Come on Aqua! Come back!" Jasper begged, then she stood up and set the gem on the piece of the ship she was sitting on. "I'll be right back. Please, if you reform, stay," then Jasper ran off.
I quickly ran up to the gem and picked it up. I examined it, it wasn't cracked, I guess she just died and didn't come back yet. I gently laid the gem on the ship and sat down next to her.
"They say you can hear someone talking to you... even if you're inside your gem," I said. "I never heard anyone talk to me. But, someone's talking to you. Right now. I'm Pink Pearl. I'm Pink Diamond's Pearl. But something happened, and now my diamonds gone!" I sighed and held back tears. "Are you... are Crystal gem? Are you a Home World gem?"
Suddenly, the gem glowed and started rising. I ducked back behind a broken piece of the ship and hid. She reformed and landed on the ground.
"Jasper...?" She said, looking around. I glanced at her. She had long white hair and was wearing dark blue shorts. She had sparkling blue eyes and her gem was on her stomach. "Jasper? Come on, don't hide!"
I slowly stood up, Aquamarine flinched.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"So you didn't hear me talking to you?" I guessed. "Well. I'm Pink Pearl."
Aquamarine looked around, she was looking for my Diamond. "She's not here anymore," I said.
"What? Why? Is the war over?" Aqua asked.
"Afraid not. We're losing," I said.
"Where's your Diamond? I was actually looking for her-"
"The leader of the Crystal Gems, Rose Quartz, shattered her," I said. "She's gone," I showed her her gem shards.
Aqua's mouth dropped open. "W-what? How? I never knew you could shatter a diamond!"
"Well Rose did," I said, walking away.
"Wait! Do you know what Home World will do to you?" Aqua asked.
"Shatter me. I'm accepting my fate," I lied.
Aqua sighed. "Well, it's good you're going by the rules. Maybe you should hide for a bit. Live another hundred years?"
"I'm fine," I said. A horrible plan rushing through my head. It was so dangerous, but it had to work. "Can you show me where I can message the diamonds?"
"Um... sure?" Aqua lead me deeper into the pile of rubble. "We have a communicator around here somewhere... here!" Aqua ran up to the communicator. "Just speak in here."
I walked up to it and said:
"Good night."
I summoned my weapon and swung it over Aqua's head.

I carried Aqua's gem around. I bubbled her and kept the bubble floating above my hands. I had to avoid Jasper as much as I could, Aqua seemed important to her.
I jumped over broken pieces of the ship and kept her gem in place, I looked around for a crystal gem.
This plan will never work! But it has to...
I climbed up a huge hill and looked out into the night sky. "Hellooooooo!" I called, so far so good? I changed my clothes into something more... crystal gem like. Instead of a Diamond I made a star around my gem. I changed my see-through flowy skirt into a suit. The straps were wrapped around my arms, and little stars covered my suit. "Is anyone here!!!!" I called.
No answer.
Plan B.
I ran down the hill and far away, I hid Aqua's gem behind some rocks and laid on the ground. Now we wait. We wait for a crystal gem to see me, think I'm a crystal gem, and take me in. There's over a million Crystal Gems, so why would they think I'm not part of the team? There's too many of them!
I laid there for hours, the darkness was started to worry me. I could barley see anything, so how could the Crystal Gems find me.
I groaned, retreated Aqua, and headed off.
This plan will never work. The CG (Crystal Gems) aren't idiots! I have to kill my own kind... in front of them...
I sprinted. I ran as fast as I could until the sun appeared again. I saw some Gems fighting, about a hundred. I saw Garnet and the rebel Pearl. Perfect.
I drew out my sledge hammer and swung it at an Amber. My gut felt tight. Amber poofed and I felt like I shattered her. I killed my own kind.
I shook it off and kept swinging. Poofing Gems left and right, missing the ones with stars on them.
"How did you do that?" A familiar voice asked. I turned around and saw... Rose. The shatterer of my Diamond. When I didn't answer she did for me. "Tons of training... right?"
I nodded. I couldn't even speak to her, I couldn't even look her in the eye.
"What's your name?" Rose asked.
I hid my gem with my weapon. "Um. Im a... pink Topaz!"
Rose chuckled. She sounded so lovely, if I had just met her, I'd never think she'd shatter anyone. "Im Rose Quartz, leader of the Crystal Gems! Have we meet?"
"No. I just... joined," I said.
"Well... tell us your story! Tell us why you wanted to become a crystal gem!" Rose said.
Since I killed all the Home World Gems... at least over here... the twenty Crystal Gems all sat down, when Rose. They acted like it was story time. "Well... there's a rule on Home World where if something happens to your master you get the same fate." I was surprised Rose didn't recognize me. "My master was shattered by... the diamonds. And the diamonds wanted me to have the same fate. So, I ran. And decided to fight with you guys...?"
"Why would they want to shatter you?"
"This is why Rose shattered pinky!"
"Who was your master?"
"How long ago was this?"
I sighed. "My master was... a... Tanzanite!"
"What did you do? You're not a Pearl! Why did you have a master?" A Snowflake asked.
"Well... I... well... um... I got so mad I yelled at Pink Diamond," I lied. "And she couldn't forgive me. So she made me a slave to Tanzanite."
"I hate the diamonds!" A Ruby said. I looked at her, she had short black hair, black shorts, and a red bandana, and was holding a Sapphire's hand 🌚🌝
"What did they do to you?" I asked.
"I fused with Sapphire..." Ruby looked at Sapphire and her face blushed pink. "But blue diamond didn't like it, and she wanted me shattered!"
"But I flew her away," Sapphire said, chuckling.
"Thanks babe..." Ruby whispered.
What are they doing? What is this? Are they just really good friends?
"So... why else do U guys hate the diamonds?" I asked.
"They don't like love," a Fluorite asked.
"It's like... Ruby and Sapphire! They love each other and would do anything for them!" Fluorite said. Fluorite had long dark green hair. Her skin was green and she had green eyes. Everyone on her was green.
I loved over at Ruby and Sapphire. "What's your fusion?" I asked.
They both got up and fused into Garnet, I gasped in surprise. Garnet was the one that got shot with that arrow, how was she okay now?
"I..." I wanted to say, I saw you before. But I couldn't eat myself out now. I guess I'm basically a CG now.
"Have you ever fused before?" Fluorite asked.
"N-no actually," I said.
"Then I'll be your first!" Fluorite said. She stood up and ran to me. She grabbed my hand and spun me around in a circle. I gasped as my gem started glowing, and so did hers. Her gem was on the top left of her forehead. While I was panicking, she was laughing, having fun, as if she fused everyday.
Suddenly everything was white. I opened my eyes and looked down, I was much much taller. I gasped and fell on my butt. I looked down at my body. I was a Thulite. I had four arms and four eyes. Fluorite's eyes were above mine (like Rainbow Quartz's eyes). I had long skinny legs, those were my legs I was wearing long white boots. I had long blonde hair.
"Fusion is weird for the first time," Rose called from below. "For example!" Rose took Pearl's hand and they started dancing. Soon, they fused into a Rainbow Quartz. I was four times taller than her.
Fluorite lower her hands, which were above mine, and picked up RQ (Rainbow Quartz).
I looked down at my arms, it felt so weird being a fusion. "So..." but then I stopped. My voice sounded so... mature.
Fluorite laughed and summoned her weapon, a dagger. She even summoned my weapon and put them together. We made a sledge hammer, but instead of the hammer part it was changed to knives.
"You could totally fight in the war!" a Moonstone called.
"I... guess so?" Thulite said. "Where's the war?"
"Well, you did kill everyone over in this area," Garnet said. "My future vision says they're more over there..." Garnet pointing far into the distance. A bomb exploded down where Garnet pointed. "It's all that left, 563 more Home World Gems left. When there's only 326 left, they'll retreat!" Garnet said.
Thank heavens.

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