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Centi walked out of the temple with my mace dragging across the ground. No one was in the temple, they were all out on the beach. She held Pink Pearl's gem shards tight in my hand, Cantu wasn't just going to let her rot in Rose's room.
Centi quickly walked passed them, but one saw me.
"What are you?" Someone asked. "Like your gem."
Centi turned around, it was a Topaz, one of pink Pearl's friends. "Um. I can't remember..."
An Emerald walked over. "I know an Emerald when I see one!" She had long dark green hair. She speed walked over to me an frowned. "You're... corrupted..."
Centi felt hot tears in her eye She turned around and ran into the woods. Her eye stung from the tears and She stopped at the rock. She dropped Pink Pearl near the rock and backed up. Hopefully she'll like it here...
"What you did was wrong," Sapphire said, fixing her dress.
"Shut up! I know what I did was wrong!" Centi snapped. "Maybe the diamonds will give me a break."
"You're going to see White Diamond," Sapphire said.
"Arg! Why are you my Sapphire!" I snapped.
Sapphire shrugged. "For the future I guess."
"What's going to happen in the future?" I asked.
Sapphire's shoulders lowered. "They're going to make your a time traveler. You're going to travel through different time lines, shatter gems, ruin lives... but just to fix the future."
"Centi. You can't. If you run you'll be shattered, you have to let this happen."
"FUCK YOU! I gotta get out of here!" Centi looked around, two Amethyst guards blocked the doors. Centi ran over to them. "You have to let me go! You have to understand!"
They both looked away with sorrow in their eyes. "We see this almost every day..." one of them said.
"Emerald!" A voice said. Centi turned around. White Diamond sat down.
Centi shivered as she slowly walked over to White Diamond. "M-my Diamond..."
Sapphire bowed. "Hello, White Diamond."
"Sapphire," White Diamond nodded. "Emerald 2-341. You have kept a gen prisoner in a bubble for over 10,000 years. The punishment will be-"
The whole room went silent.
"Excuse me?" White Diamond hissed. "Do I have to give you two punishments?"
"Don't you dare!" Centi hissed.
White Diamond pointed to the Amethysts. "Corrupt her. But make sure she's still able to time travel."
Centi screamed as the two Amethysts dragged her out of the room. "SAPPHIRE DO SOMETHING! FIX THE FUTURE!"
"I can't," Sapphire looked down.
Shortly, Centi was strapped to a table, infected with a fluid that went straight to her gem. And within a few minutes everything went black.
"It was all your fault!" Centi snapped. She turned around and saw Sapphire.
Sapphire sat down.
"If you'd helped me I'd be normal!"
Sapphire pushed her bangs out of her face and showed her giant eye. "I know. But we're the same, we've always been. You're wrong, if I helped you we'd both be corrupted and dead by now. Corruption kills Gems slowly. But I couldn't help you then, and I ant now."
Centi said something under her breath. "Let's just go back to the normal time- fours days after Pink Pearl is dead," Centi went to the time line in a millisecond. "I wonder if anyone knows she's gone..."
"They do," Sapphire said, standing up. "Now, I'm not your Sapphire anymore. You can time travel on your own."
"Wouldn't be any different," Centi said, and walked to the temple.
Centi walked on the beach, immediately greeted by a tiny Peridot with her gem on her lower back. "Hey! I saw you at the beach a couple days ago!"
"Hi...?" Centi said.
"Are you corrupted?" Peridot asked. "Well, I'm a Peridot- obviously. But you can call me Little. That what my gf calls me anyway."
"Yeah. My girlfriend."
"What the hell is a girl?" Centi asked.
"It's a female- what we are. Anyway a girlfriend is someone you love and..."
"Blahblahblah!" Centi hissed. "Screw love! Why are you talking to me?"
Little froze. "Have you seen Pink Pearl?"
"She's gone. Shattered," I said.
Little froze even more. I saw Rose sitting near the water. Guess my plan worked.
"I'm sorry. She got into a bad fight and was shattered," I lied, then I went up to Rose. "Rose."
Rose turned around and her face went pale. "C-Centi...?"
"Yeah. I saved your god damn life you stupid fa-"
"EVERYONE HIDE JASPER IS HERE!" Lazuli shouted. Everyone ran into the temple.
"Why are you all hiding? You fought these gems for god sake!" Centi snapped. Centi summoned her weapon and watched Jasper walk on the beach. "Well, well, well! Good old Centi! I haven't seen you since you're corruption!" Jasper rubbed the gem on her nose. "So, what's corruption like?"
"You'll find out soon enough," I mumbled under my breath.
Jasper sighed and looked out into the ocean. "My ship crashed. You gotta spare?"
I sighed. "Yeah- it's on the island."
"Where's the nearest warp pad?" Jasper asked.
I eyes the temple. "On top of the statue's hand," I knew there was a warp pad inside the temple. But I didn't want Jasper to find them.
"Gee! Thanks!" Jasper jumped to the top of the statue and warped away.
Then they all walked out. "A-she didn't fight you?" Lazuli said.
"No. she doesn't always wanna fight," Centi said and rubbed her hair back. Home World isn't as mean as you remember."
Lazuli walked over to me, the gem on her thigh made Centi blush, but Centi looked away. "How did you get corrupted?" Lazuli asked, she gently poked my gem and Centi screamed in pain.
"Oh no! I'm sooooo sorry! I didn't mean it!" Lazuli looked at my eye.
"I- it's okay..." Centi said. She couldn't stay mad at someone as pretty as Lazuli. Wait what?
Lazuli just grinned.
"So- are you a Crystal Gem?" Topaz asked.
"I'm... a time traveler," Centi answered.
"What?! Really?! I've always wanted to meet one!" Peridot cried.
"Hm? There's nothing great about us. Being a time traveler sucks," Centi looked out in the ocean and it reminded her of Pink Pearl. "There's consequences..."
"Aren't time travelers bad Gems?" A Moonstone asked, the gem on her throat mirrored the ocean.
"Not always. Some volunteer," Centi said.
"So... did you volunteer or are you a bad gem?" Moonstone asked.
I can't mess this up, Lazuli won't dig a bad gem... will she?
"Kind both?" I said. "I was a bad Gems for little reasons and being a time traveler is kind of like doing community service hours, I'm making it up. I had other choices for community service but I thought time traveling would be easier."
"Guess you were wrong?" Topaz asked.
"Totally wrong," I said.
"So what time line are you really from?" Lazuli asked.
"Thousands and thousands of years ago," I said.
"What's it like in the future!" Moonstone shouted.
"Well, there's going to be this new organism called people. They're going to build building and stuff like that throughout their time, making it a little harder to fight Home World," I said. I didn't wanna tell them not one of them was going to be alive.
Since I killed Pink Pearl days before today, Pearl was still alive and so was Rose. Emerald and the rest didn't know Pink Pearl as much, maybe the don't even remember her...
"Can you take me to the future?" Lazuli asked.
My heart thumped. "Huh- I'm not that easy," I said. "Time traveling is really complicated- more then you can imagine."
Lazuli giggled and that made me see stars. "Just once. Can I at least see  10 million years from today, nothing bad can happen from that right?"
I sighed and shoved my hands in my pockets, thinking. "Maybe."
Lazuli squealed and jumped up and down. "I'M GONNA SEE THE FUTURE!!!"
"Shhh!" I pushed my finger against Lazuli's lips. "No one else can know- okay?"
Lazuli nodded and I took her hand. In milliseconds we were 10 million years into the future.
"Oh my god..." Lazuli's eyes fell.
I've never been a 10 million years in the future and I was afraid to look. I opened my eyes and my face fell. "What...?"
There were no humans, just water, a plant just made of water. "Where are the humans?" Lazuli asked.
"I... I don't know..." we were standing in a tiny island, at least 100 feet wide. I looked around and suddenly something popped up from the water, it grabbed my leg and pulled me down, it was screaming and it's skin started burning from the sun.
Lazuli pulled me back and the creature returned to the water. We both painted and I rested my head on her chest. "I don't know what's going on."
Lazuli took a deep breath and lifted a pile of water. Both our faces fell. Huge water creators swam around in the water, some had Gems and some didn't, but all their gems were diamonds and were all placed on their chests. They have adapted to the water, by why? Did the ocean take over...
"Centi! Look over there!" Lazuli pointed in the distance, a tall green figure stood over the water.
"It's a Malachite- let's go check her out," I said. I stepped into the ocean and started swimming.
"I can make that easier..." lazuli said, she had the water split apart which made a path.
We continued walked but the future we walked the deeper the land got. Until we reached something. Stick out of the sand was cement.
"What's that?" Lazuli asked.
"Something the humans created," I answered. I looked deeper. "There's a lot more," I stood up, they were buildings in the city. The sand covered them up and the deeper we walked the less sand there was and the more visible the tall skyscrapers were.
We finally reached what they called a street.
"This is where the humans lived?" Lazuli asked.
"Most of them," I said. "They lived in things called apartments Sapphire and I lived in one for a little bit... before she met Ruby."
"Oh- you mean Garnet's Sapphire then! Yeah she's been more distance ever since her and Ruby have been dating for a little bit," Lazuli said. "Have you ever been in love before?"
"Me? No... we don't have that in Home World," I crossed my arms, not that it was cold out, because I do that when I lie.
"What did you do that you had to do community service?" Lazuli asked.
I crossed my arms tighter. "I- um... tried to save a Pearl..." that's what the CG's dig right? Saving people?
"What do you mean?" Lazuli asked.
I opened my mouth to explain but realized how close we were to Malachite.
I summoned my weapon and took a step forward. "MALACHITE!"
Malachite looked down. There was a huge Lapis Lazuli gem on her forehead and a Jasper stone on her upper stomach. "Who are you?" The Malachite asked.
"I'm Cen- Emerald! What are you doing here?" I called.
The Malachite laughed and sat on her butt. She had four long arms and two thin legs. She had four green eyes and long pale hair. "I'm the ruler of this area."
"You a time traveler or something?" The Malachite asked.
"Well, we Malachites control the ocean now. 2 million years ago water covered Earth and all the humans and other Gems have adapted to water. Since us malachites don't need to adapt, we are the rulers."
I shivered. "How many are there?"
"Of us? Over six thousand!"
I grabbed Lazuli's hand and went back to our normal time, but just six hours ahead, at nighttime.
"W-why didn't you ask more questions?" Lazuli asked.
"Because we really can't mess up that future," I said. "We mess that up we're screwed. Listen, I brought you to the future and I'm never doing it again. We might have really messed something up."
Lazuli shook it off "Well, thanks for bringing me," then she leaned forward. I felt my gem glow a little bit as her soft blue lips gently press against my cheek. What was that?

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