You'll Never Truly Know Someone

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I ran out of the temple and onto the beach. Some gems were sitting near the ocean. I ran to the ocean and dove it it. I don't know why. I just did.
Maybe the water will tell me what's going on, what the Lapis Lazuli's problem is that I need to fix. I let myself sink to the bottom and sat there. I was really deep into the ocean, I saw some water animals swim past me.
I felt something touch my back and when I turned around I saw a figure, but just for a second.
I shook it off and went back to concentrating.
Something touched my back again.
My Pearl there's something called Future Vision.
When does their problem happen?
Nobody knows.
It grabbed my shoulders and dragged me deeper into the ocean. I screamed and grabbed whatever was grabbing me. Green sparkling liquid covered the water around me. I screamed and got free. I opened my eyes to see four giant eyes staring at me. It looked at me and a smile appeared on its face.
A Malachite. Malachite tried to grab me but a chain that was wrapped around her wrist kept her from doing so.
Malachite groaned and the two gems that made Malachite started screaming at each other. I looked at her Gems and felt a knot in my stomach. Her gem on her nose was the same gem as Jasper's, but I couldn't find the other gem... or gems. Was this Fusion a prison?
Malachite swung her hand at me and hit me so hard I was knocking out of the water and into the air.
I flew through the air but at my highest point I slowly came to a stop. So there I was, floating in the sky. I looked around, all I could see was sky. But I heard voices.
"She'll... have to forgive me!" A voice said. It was Pearl. Pearl.
"P-Pearl! Look at what you're doing!" The second voice I knew... but I couldn't put my finger on it...
"I am and I know Rose will forgive me once I get rid of you!" Pearl snapped.
"Pearl! Please don't do this! You killed all your friends... how are you going to live with yourself?"
"Because I'm going to kill you in the most slow and painful way!"
"ITS NOT~\_i---ust$);:um..."
And then I started falling.
Instead of falling in the water I fell in the sand. In front of the temple. My head was pounding and the world was spinning.
"Wow, you play?" Emerald stood over me and picked me up. "Did Amethyst give you she drink she made?"
"She made this weird drink and is making everyone drink it and it's making people sick!" Emerald laughed and pointing to some Gems throwing up.
"No. emerald. I think Pearl is hiding something. I... had a vision and she was yelling at someone. And I also had a vision of a prisoner Fusion of a Malachite in the ocean..." I said but Emerald put her finger to my lips.
"Shush. Don't worry about anything! The war just ended! And you've been Pink Diamonds Pearl for how long? You deserve a break!" Emerald said.
"A break? Yeah I guess so..." I said.

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