7 Thousand Years Later (prologue)

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I felt my gem hit the ground and I immediately reformed. I opened my eyes and I was on the beach. I quickly got up and summoned my weapon. "PEARL WHERE ARE YOU!" I snapped.
"She's not here," a calm voice said.
I turned around and saw a small boy.
"Who are you? Where's Pearl?" I snapped.
"My names Steven. Pearl is... right here," Steven showed me a pink bubble with Pearl's gem inside. "She can't hurt you now. I found out what she did to you... she told me how she kept Gems in a bubble in her room and shattered them when she was mad. Well, I could only save five of them."
"What? Where are they?" I asked. "Where's Peridot... where's Garnet and Lapis and Peridot and Topaz and- Emerald!"
Steven sighed. "It's a long story. But we have an Emerald. Maybe it's the one you're talking about?"
"DOES SHE HAVE A GEM ON HER CHEST?" I nearly screamed.
"Yeah... she's back at the temple-" Steven did finish because I ran right to the temple. I opened the door and rushed inside.
"Emerald!" I cried.
"Who are you?" Another Lapis said, her gem was on her back.
"I'm Pink Pearl. Where's Emerald?" I asked.
"On the roof," a familiar voice said.
I turned around and saw- yellow Pearl.
"Yellow Pearl? What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Long story. Long story short, in with the Crystal Gems now," yellow Pearl said. "I heard you were too?"
"I am," I said. "But why did you turn your back on your Diamond?"
"She... actually tried to help the Crystal Gems- again- it's a looooong story," yellow Pearl said. "So, the only Pearl we need now is white Pearl."
I sighed. "So we have everyone but white Diamond and white Pearl?"
"Correct," yellow Pearl said.
I looked over at Lazuli sitting on the couch. "If only Pearl didn't go insane..."
"Pearl went insane? You guys know she already was insane," I said.
"Pearl killed you 7,000 years ago," Ruby mumbled. "Times changed."
"Hey, where's Sapphire?" I asked.
Ruby mumbled something under her breath. "We're going back in time anyway."
"We're going back in time to change something," yellow Pearl said. "We screwed something up. But the real reason why Steven got you..."
"Was because you're he only one that can go back in time and remember this," Steven said.
"Remember what?" I asked.
"The present, what time you're living in now! None of us are able to remember this time when we go back in time so if we go back in time we won't remember what mistakes we have to fix. So we're going to tell you them and you're going to help us fix them!" Steven said.
I rolled my eyes. "Fine. But there's a problem. Pearl killed me and I don't think I can fight her, she's going to kill me again and again no matter how much I go back in time!"
"That's the thing. We're going to go 7,000 years ago and you're not going to go into the forest. Just stay in the temple with Emerald and you'll be fine," yellow Pearl said.
"But... I... I don't know..." I said.
"Pink Pearl, you've wasted 7,000 years of your life. And now you can get it all back if you do as we say!" Yellow Pearl said.
I forced a smile. "Fine, where the time traveling thing?"
We walked off the warp pad and Ruby led us to a really small warp pad, only one person could fit in it. "Am I going... alone?" I asked.
"Yes," Ruby said. "Hey, Pink Pearl?"
"Yeah Ruby?" I asked.
"Make sure Sapphire and I don't break up. I really need her in my life," Ruby said.
"Oh. Oh okay I got it," I said.
"Okay, now all you gotta do is step on the warp pad and I'll activate it to 7,000 years and ten minutes. Just remember don't go in the woods!" Yellow Pearl snapped.
"Okay- got it!" I said.
"And don't tell us we sent you back to the past, we might get confused. And don't tell us what's going to happen either," Lazuli warned. L
"Okay. See you in... a while I guess?" I said.
"Bye!" I said. And yellow Pearl activated the warp pad. I hoped on and everything went white.
Hey guys!!!! :P
I used to be a Steven Universe editor before vine was shut down so now I'm going to put some of my old edits on wattpad. Hopefully you'll like them.
To be continued...

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