Life in Darkness

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Rose leaned up against the temple, her eyes gray. Garnet standing hundred feet away from her, watching, she knew what was going to happen to Rose in 45.4 seconds- but for a good reason.
"I can't watch this," Garnet said.
"You don't have to babe," Garnet said, then she unfused.
"Sappy. Let's just let it happen, it's for the better. Rose did something horrible... something we can't fix," Ruby said.
"I know Ruby. I just hope this is for the better. I don't want to see anything after this..." Sapphire said.
"Let's get out of here," Ruby took Sapphire's hand and they both walked away. "We'll get Pink Pearl tomorrow."
Rose puffed out a sigh and stared into the distance, her eyes locked on the ocean. Her emotions becoming less and less after realizing what she's done. The Crystal Gems are falling apart and it's all her fault.
Rose sighed and turned around. She screamed and fell off of the temple. Falling, falling, landing on a rock, and shattering her gem.
The corrupted gem lowered her hoodie from her face. "It's done," she said, and walked away. Though she was corrupted it didn't mess up her thoughts that's what long term corruption does, so in open a couple more thousand years she'd be dumber than a handful of sand.
"Thanks," Sapphire said, communicating through mind.
"I'll meet you soon near the rock Pearl would've killed Pink Pearl. We got things to discus and don't bring Ruby. She doesn't know any of this- she doesn't need to," Centi said and walked off.
Sapphire rubbed the rock as Centi talked.
"Rose and Pearl and evil. Every Crystal Gem doesn't know what's really going on and if we spill the beans everyone will go insane. Rose is jailing poor Gems that are innocent. Pearl did the same thing by why?" Centi leaned on the rock. "We're time travelers! We should know how to do this!"
"Centi- I don't... I don't wanna be a time traveler anymore," Sapphire blurted out. "I wanna stay with Ruby and be Garnet until the end."
Centi froze. "What? Now? Serious shit is happening and you wanna leave now? You're my partner don't make me team up with Zircon! She already spoke with Pink Pearl when she had to Future Vision a while ago... if we didn't go back in time. Come on Sapphire, let's just solve this and you can go do whatever you want."
"I want what I want now," Sapphire said. "I'm sorry but Rose is dead and so is Pearl-"
Centi laughed. "I went to the future a little while ago, and Pearl is alive- she's gonna shatter Ruby in two thousand years after you guys split up. I thought you'd know that thanks to your Future Vision."
Sapphire froze, ice began growing at the end of her dress. "I- I can only see past a certain point. Pearl... would never k-kill Ruby! Ruby can fight her anyway!"
"I know," Centi said. "It was a suicide. Ruby couldn't live without you anymore and decided to let Pearl kill her. After that Pearl looses her insanity and goes back to being normal. But there's one things wrong about Rose being dead..."
"What?" Sapphire nearly whispered.
"Rose will give birth to a child, they're going to name it Steven. But Steven can't be alive if Rose is shattered. There for we have to go back in time again and bring Rose back."
"This doesn't make any since! We told Pink Pearl to fix everything and yet- she hasn't..."
"Well did you tell her what she had to fix?" Centi asked.
"No," Sapphire crossed her arms. "I wasn't there. It was when Ruby and I split up."
"Well. Pink Pearl seems to ruin everything and now you know what we gotta do..." Centi summoned her weapon- a mace. "We finish this. In this time line she's in Rose's room locked up, we'll shatter her quick."
"I can't shatter another gem! We already shattered Zircon..." Sapphire said.
"But now we fixed that! Shattering Zircon was the worst mistake we've made! Let's shatter Pink Pearl four days before today, the day before Rose yells at Pearl and makes her almost kill herself. I'm trying to fix the future not wreck them," Centi said.
Sapphire sighed. "You shatter her. Not me," then Sapphire walked away.
Centi sighed and headed backwards to the temple, her thoughts rushing. She never wanted to be a time traveler. The Diamonds made bad Gems time traveler, like Centi. She hated shattering gems as much as Sapphire did but since Sapphire isn't a bad gem she isn't forced to shatter anyone and if Centi quits being a time traveler then she dies.
Centi got to the temple and walked into Rose's room. Steven was going to do a better job than Rose in the future. Peridot will die because Steven is there but for Earth, Centi would bend backwards for Earth. Centi walked deep into Rose's room until Pink Pearl was visible.
Centi sat near Pink Pearl. "Pink Pearl," Centi said.
No answer.
Centi looked at her eyes and noticed they were gray... she was still talking to Malachite with her powers. Centi sighed and stood up.
"How long have you been here?" I asked.
"There's no time I got here. It's hard to explain. I was never born, I've always been here," Malachite said. "Every fusions fate, like me, was always here."
"Confusing," I said. "What if you get shattered?"
"Then I'll die with the real Malachite," Malachite said. "Not that it scares me. I'd rather be dead then here."
"Don't say tha-"
"Pink Pea- PINK PEARL!" Malachite leaned to Pink Pearl- her body suddenly a pale gray- hey gem was missing and her eyes were blank. "WHO SHATTERED YOU?!"
I felt a horrible pain in my gem and I was back in Rose's room. The water was gone, replaced with pink liquid.
"I-I'm so sorry..." a green gem stood tall over me, she held her mace tightly in her hands. Tears rushed down her eye that looked like a gem.
Then everything went black.

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