Party Time!!!

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Emerald laughed and grabbed my hand. She brought me to the top of a giant statue which was the statue of a giant Fusion. "Hey guys!" Emerald called.
Suddenly a Lapis Lazuli her gem was on the side of her right thigh. A real (Orange) Topaz her gem was on her forehead. A Peridot her gem was on her lower back. And a Moonstone her gem was on her throat. They jumped on top of the statue and laughed.
"What's up E?" Topaz called. "Got something crazy for us to do?"
"Yeah! Let's ditch this joint and go somewhere actually fun," Peridot said.
"Guys, this is-" Emerald look at me to make sure I could tell them who I really was. I nodded and she continued. "This is Pink Pearl, Pink Diamond Pearl! She ditched her Diamond to come with us!"
"Sweet! You're a total badass," Lapis said.
"You're like white Pearl, you both ditched your diamonds. Expect you don't seem as annoying as Pearl," Moonstone said and everyone laughed.
"Hey guys you need to train to get your weapons," Peridot mimicked Pearl. Everyone laughed again.
"So how did you ditch your Diamond? You aren't the one that shattered her are you?" Topaz asked.
"Nononono! Rose shattered Pink Diamond..." I said.
Everyone was silent.
"Rose? I think you got it all wrong! Rose would never shatter anyone!" Lapis cried. "Maybe it was a different Rose Quartz?"
"Maybe," I lied.
Moonstone shook it off. "So, what do you guys wanna do?"
"How about we mess up some of the Gems in the kindergarten?" Peridot said. "We'll make them come out wrong!"
"Nah... we did that last year," Lapis said. "Let's do something more dangerous."
"How about we go swimming? We just finished up with the war we mine as well relax," I said.
I don't know why, but I really like the water, even after what just happened.
Topaz shrugged. "Sure! Why not!" Then she did a backflip off of the statue and into the water.
Lapis did a dive, Peridot did a cannon ball, and Emerald took my hand. "Come on!" Emerald said.
"Wait! I-I'm afraid of heights..." I whispered.
"Well, you won't be afraid after this!" Emerald said. She squeezed my hand tighter and jumped off of the statue. I screamed until I hit the water, a wave of cold water hit me. I felt Emerald swim me to the surface. When we got to the top I wiped my eyes and looked at her.
Something hit me when I saw her. Her eyes shunned in the sunlight that was now setting behind me. Her long hair floated in the water. Her smile made me smile. What is this?
"Good idea... P!" Topaz called.
"P?" I asked.
"I call Emerald E, so I'll call you P! I also call Lapis L, and I call Peridot Little... you know, 'cause she's short," Topaz explained.
"I'm not that short!" Peridot complained.
"Yeah, yeah... sure Little," Topaz teased.
Peridot jumped in the air and landed on top of Topaz. Lapis laughed and jumped on top of them too.
"So... where did you met these guys?" I asked.
"In the red kindergarten," Emerald said. "Actually, Topaz, Peridot and I were assigned to me to check on the Kindergartens by Rose. We saw Lapis, she was... struggling. The hole she came out of was weird and she was messed up. So we took her under our wing and she decided to join us."
"What was wrong with her?" I asked.
"She couldn't walk or talk, her gem wasn't even the right shape," Emerald said. "We knew home World wouldn't accept her so... we hid her from them."
"That must've been hard," I said.
"I was it really was," Emerald said. "They were looking for her too! Since they never saw Lapis come out of her hole they were assuming either she was a reject or she ran away," Emerald said.
"A reject?" I asked.
"It means the gem didn't make it," Emerald said. "But after a little while they claimed her as a reject and left her hole alone."
Topaz popped out of the water with Peridot choke holding her.
"Gotta tell you something about Topaz and Peridot..." Emerald said. "They're in love."
"Oh? Like what Ruby and Sapphire are? So... how can you be inside of love?" I asked.
"Wow! Okay I'll tell you what inside of love is later. Being in love is when you like the way a person looks and acts to you and others. It's hard to explain," Emerald said.
Is this what I was feeling towards Emerald? Was I in love with her? Maybe I should talk to Garnet about this, she basically is love.
I just laughed and acted like I didn't feel weird around Emerald.
All we did was talk and swim around, here and there I could almost feel Malachite below me, looking up and me, watching me and my friends.

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