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As we ran, I realized I wasn't making Thulite run down the battlefield, Fluorite was. I suddenly got a sick feeling in my stomach that Garnet only told us the good news about her vision and not the bad part. Like she told us the good news to get us going. I saw Garnet running beside me, only I was thinking this, not Fluorite.
I summoned my weapon as we got closer to the group of home world Gems. I grabbed my sledge hammer tightly and realized...
I didn't have Aqua.
I dropped my weapon and turned around, running as fast as I could. Until Fluorite made us stop. "What? Are you afraid?" Fluorite asked.
"N-no!" I answered. Though we were fused, I could see Fluorite walk up to me (like how Steven could See Lapis Lazuli and Jasper when they were fused as Malachite).
"Then where are you making us go?" Fluorite asked.
"I..." I didn't know what to say. I couldn't say I was keeping a gem "hostage" I don't think the CG's will accept that. I tried to unfuse but I felt like Fluorite was trapping me. I tried moving my arms and then saw Thulite standing over me. She swooped down and grabbed me, drowning me in water.
I screamed for help but Fluorite stood on top of the water and watched me drown. Thulite leaned close to me, Fluorite's gem sparkled in the water. "Do you know who I am?" Thulite asked in Fluorite's voice.
"W-who?" I asked.
Thulite said, "I'm a trader back on Home World I was forced to fuse with Gems that disrespected the Diamonds and I would keep them prisoner for thousands on years. I knew it was wrong, so I joined the CG's and I haven't kept someone prisoner for centuries. I miss having a prisoner..." then Fluorite swam down and to me and swam around me.
"You're my prisoner now..." Fluorite said. Then she swam to the top and the water pushed me up to the top. The water suddenly turned into a damp swamp.
"YOU CAN'T KEPT ME PRISONER!" I snapped. My voice echoed through the swamp and tears spilled down my checks.
"Oh well," Flurotie's voice boomed. "I just miss being all by myself."
My feet were stuck in the swamp mud, no matter how hard I tried to lift my feet it was no use. I fell to my knees and listened to Thulite killing the Home World Gems. On the outside, Thulite seemed peaceful. But on the inside she was a prison.
Was Garnet like this too? Were one of the Gems keeping the other hostage. I used all my night to make Thulite look over at Garnet, punching a gem in the face. "Garnet..." I said, put water came up and covered my mouth.
Garnet looked at us. "Yes, Thulite?"
Fluorite just stood there. "Do you think... if you unfused then it would be easier to fight?" Fluorite shot me an evil look and flew over to me as if she were still underwater. "Shut up!"
"Y-you don't have to do this!" I begged.
"I do! It's what I was made for," Fluorite floated around in a circle. "I miss keeping hostages."
"Then find someone else! Find a real prisoner!" I snapped.
Fluorite looked around. "I don't see anyone..."
"Look!" I pointed to Jasper, who was screaming Aqua's name. "Get here. She shattered another Fluorite!" I tried to think of something that would piss her off.
"She did?" Thulite ran up to Jasper and grabbed her.
"Did you shatter a Fluorite?" Fluorite asked.
Jasper rolled her eyes. "I've shattered many gems. The only one-"
"But did you shatter a Fluorite?" Thulite asked.
"I will now!" Jasper summoned her weapon and smacked Fluorite's gem. Suddenly everything when black.


Hello guys! Thank you for reading my first ever wattpad story!!! :3
I'm actually out of ideas for this book so if you have any ideas leave a comment


To be continued...

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