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-I saved Lapis
-I kinda understand love
-Pearl didn't kill me
-Home World didn't find me (yet)

Have not completed
-Finding out what's wrong with Pearl
-Confess to Emerald (will probably never happen lol -cries-)

I stepped on the warp pad and tried to warp to the statue's hand (of the statue Fusion above the temple) but Rose ran up to me.
"Topaz! I need to ask you something," Rose said. "Where did you go yesterday? I saw you warp back here."
"Oh- I... went to..." I tried to think of somewhere else where there was a warp, but I couldn't. "Your fountain..."
"Did you happen to see Pearl? I got so mad at her for keeping those gems that I just- snapped," Rose said. "I'm afraid she's going to either go back to Home World or..."
"I didn't see her," I lied. "But I'll go look for her," and then warped to the fountain.
I got to the fountain and looked around, then I saw something. I ran to the statue of Rose and saw light blue liquid, I knew what it was. When a gem is severely cracked their gem oozes this weird liquid out of their gem, and the color depends on their gem.
"PEARL!" I called, I ran around the fountain, I ran outside and called Pearl's name.
"Oh Rose, if only you knew how I felt for you."
Her words echoed through my head.
"I've said that so many times before..."
"But now that you hate me..."
"I gotta go now."
I ran to the back of the fountain and saw another large statue of Rose, and Pearl was in its arms. Roses covered Pearl's body and more of the liquid dripped on the statue. I jumped up and turned Pearl. I screamed and nearly fell off of the statue. I held on tighter and looked at Pearl. Her gem was nearly shattered, the liquid poured from her gem, her eyes were closed. She was dead.
"Pearl!" I cried, even though I knew she was dead. I shook her, but I was just shaking a dead body. I shook and stared at Pearl. I decided to put her in the other Rose's arms, the one in the fountain. I placed Rose's on Pearl and hid my tears. I shouldn't have feelings about this- I hate her. But she shattered herself, and that's horrible. I whipped my eyes and jumped off of the statue. Even if I put Pearl in the water, her gem was too damaged. She's gone.
I walked around, I minus as well look around before I leave. I pick up a large rock and kept looking around. Finally I walked back to the warp pad and warped to the temple, as soon as I was lifted in the air I dropped the rock and the rock smashed the warp pad.
Now nobody would find Pearl, just what she wanted.
I sat on top of the Fusion statue above the temple and sighed. Pearl shattered herself and though I still hate her in a way I feel bad. I shouldn't of left her. If only I let her kill me in the woods she wouldn't have killed herself.
But what did Steven say they messed up on? Why did they send me here in the first place? Steven said they messed up but never told me what. Was Pearl suppose to die or did I do it wrong? Was I suppose to kill Pearl and bubble her? Thoughts rushed through my head, wen suddenly a piece of the statue broke and I slide down the statue. I fell off of the statue and screamed, the wind screaming in my ears. Suddenly something grabbed me and flew me back to the top.
"You okay?" A familiar voice asked.
I looked and saw Lapis.
"Lapis? What are you doing here?" I asked.
Lapis shrugged. "I feel like... I like it here better than Home World."
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"I'm a Crystal Gems now," Lapis answered.
I felt shock fill up inside me. "You're- what? You're not joking are you?"
"Nope! I'm a crystal gem," Lapis said.
"When did you decide to be a crystal gem?" I asked. "It doesn't make since."
"Well, I'm not sure. When I was with the Crystal Gems I realized how nice they were. When I went back to Home World they were all mean and stuff."
I kept my cool. It just didn't add up, Lapis just left yesterday and now she's back? I've been here for more than a week and I feel like I can't handle everything.
"Did you talk to Rose?" I asked.
"I didn't know I had to. I'm a crystal Gems whether she knows or not," Lapis said.
"But Rose is the leader and..." then I realized it wasn't worth it. "Nevermind. Do what you want."
Lapis grinned and looked down. "What was it like belonging to the diamonds?"
I shrugged. "Everyone gave me respect and treated me like a semi diamond. Though I still belonged to a Diamond I was still considered a slave. I wasn't allowed to be five hundred yards away from my diamond, I did one time and I was killed. But I came back."
"So it was hard?" Lapis asked. "Not as good as I imaged."
"Yeah," I slumped. "It was fun in a way. Knowing your Diamond loved you more than anyone else. But you knew if you made one huge mistake you'd be replaced."
"And that's what happened with Pearl," Lapis said.
"What? No, she was competing with another white Pearl to become white diamond's Pearl," I said.
Lapis laughed. "Pink Pearl... I was there. I saw what happened," Lapis lowered her voice, signaling for me to come closer.
I leaned closer to Lapis. "What happened?"
"Pearl was always the same, she was made wrong, yes, but I don't think that's why she's who she is," Lapis pulled her knees up to her chest. "She tried to stick a sword through my gem while she was hugging me. She told me that she was suicidal, and this was when she was white diamond's Pearl, and that she killed other Gems and that made her less helpless."
"Wait... so she was white diamonds? This why she kept those gems in her room..." I said. Then suddenly I felt something in my gem, it felt like it was being ripped out of my body but it didn't hurt. "Lapis..."
Lapis gave me a worried glare.
"I saw Pearl at the fountain. She killed her self but I feel like she's still alive," I said.
Lapis sighed. "The only one that will know that is white Diamond."
"They have these devices on their pearls and it tells them it their gem is cracked, shattered, or fine. Even if Pearl isn't white diamonds anymore white diamond will know," Lapis said.
"Well we can't see white diamond- she'll kill me at least for turning my back o home World," I said.
"That's why I'm going to turn you into another gem," Lapis said, grabbing my wrist.

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