Back To The Past

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Plopped on the ground. I was on the beach in front of the woods. I shook off the feeling and walked back to the temple. I walked inside and found Emerald with Peridot. I walked over to them and sat down. Then I realized I didn't see Emerald in the future.
"Hey Pe-Topaz!" Emerald caught herself.
"Hey," I said, trying to act cool.
"Where have you been? You were gone all night!" Peridot said.
Suddenly I couldn't remember, the going back in time thing was really messing me up. "I... just walked around," I said.
Peridot rolled her eyes. "Look whose coming over.."
I didn't have to look to know who it was. "Hello Emerald. I didn't see you in training."
"That's because I wasn't there," Emerald said with a fake smile.
"Why not? You should've been!" Pearl said.
I looked away from Pearl and thought about what she told me before. How she had those gems bubbled in her room. I had to free them... somehow. I have to fix the future. I got up. "Pearl, what's that door over there?"
Pearl stopped. "Oh, that's only for me and Rose. We haven't picked who will be the other three..."
"That's behind the door?" I asked, walking up to it. "A secret room for you and Rose only?"
"No, we actually have our own secret rooms based on our gems and our personality. Pearl opened the door with her gem. There were little waterfalls that floated on nothing. Pearl made the door close, I summed my weapon and used the stick end of my weapon to stop it from closed. Pearl didn't notice and walked away.
When Pearl was gone I opened the door and walked inside. The door closed behind me and I ran to the waterfalls. I dove into all the waterfalls, the water was cold, really cold, ice cold. I looked around for the bubbled gems and dove into another water fall.
Suddenly something pushed me out of the water, I opened my eyes and saw Malachite's eyes. I fell through the water and looked back at the waterfalls, she wasn't there. Was Malachite's gem in here?
I sighed and dove back into the waterfalls. Ice cold water hitting my face and body. Then I felt something. I opened my eyes and saw at least thirty bubbled gems in the waterfall. I grabbed one and I popped it. It was a Bloodstone. I popped the rest and they all came running out of the waterfall and out the room screaming in fear and rage.
I popped all but one. It was a Sapphire. Maybe keeping one gem as your prisoner won't be so bad? I held onto the Sapphire and sneakily walked out of the room. I ran back to Emerald and watched the confusion began.
"WHERE IS WHITE PEARL!" A tiny Ruby snapped.
I realized all the Gems she trapped were small. Pearl only fought small weak gems when she was upset.
"What's going on?" Rose snapped.
"Where's white Pearl!" A Purple Pearl snapped.
Pearl hid in the crowd. "She's right there," I said, pointing to Pearl.
Pearl shrieked and summoned her weapon.
"Pearl, who are these gems?" Rose asked.
"IT'S ROSE QUARTZ! SHATTER HER!" One of the Gems shrieked and went after rose.
"No!" Pearl jumped in roses way and Pearl stabbed the other gem and killed her. "Leave Rose alone!"
A small Andesite pushed her way through the crowd and up to Pearl. "You killed us and kept us trapped in your room!"
"Pearl... is this true?" Rose asked.
"Uh- uh no! I mean... I thought they were Home World Gems..." Pearl said.
"Oh please, just like how you thought the lapis lazuli in the mirror is a Home World gem too?" Rose asked.
"I found her... here look I'll free her and show you!" Pearl took the mirror out of her gem and ripped Lazuli's gem out of the mirror.
This was my plan. I'd save Lazuli from her problem, and hopefully I found out what the Malachite problem is. Lazuli's gem floated in the air and she reformed and gently fell to the ground. She got up, she had short dark blue hair and wore a long skirt. She was different from the Lazuli with the gem on her right thigh. The Lapis with the gem on her thigh had long hair and was wearing shorts and a t- shirt.
"W-where am I. Who are you?" Lapis said.
(Note: the Lapis Lazuli with the gem on her back is Lapis and the one with the gem on her thigh is Lazuli)
"She! She doesn't even know who we are she's a Home World gem!" Pearl snapped.
I rolled my eyes, I grabbed Lapis's arm and pulled her close to me. "I'm going to help you, no matter what, so just play cool like you know everyone okay?"
Lapis nodded and I let her go. She looked at me and realized who I was but still didn't say anything.
"We should just bubble her now!" Pearl snapped.
"No! Maybe she can't remember?" Rose said, walking up to lapis. "Lapis Lazuli- are you a crystal gem or a Home World gem?"
Lapis looked at me. "A... crystal gem..." she lied. I nodded.
"Good! See Pearl? She's one of us!" Rose took lapis's hand and lapis stared at me as if saying, get me out of here.
Rose took Lapis to the warp pad but they didn't go anywhere. "Why were you in that mirror? And why is your gem cracked?" Rose asked.
"Because... someone stepped on my gem when I was in the mirror... and... someone caught me, kill me, and put me in the mirror," Lapis said.
"How tragic! No need to worry you're with us again!" Rose said, but then her face dimmed. "Pearl I need to speak with you."
Pearl froze and watched Rose walk out the temple, then she slowly followed her.
Everyone walked near the exit and listened.
"Pearl, do you know the reason why you became a crystal gem?" Rose asked.
Pearl sighed. "Yes. I do Rose."
"Then tell me. What was it? Desire? Grief? Depression? What made you want to feel like you wanted to join me?" Rose said.
"I..." Pearl looked for an answer. "Because you were there. Because you ruled the Crystal Gems."
Rose turned around and looked out into the ocean. "Pearl. Do you remember how I found you? You were lost, you were hiding from everyone. You were insane, you killed and shattered any gem that came in your way. You were insane, how did I even fix that?"
"I... don't know," Pearl said.
"The Crystal Gems believe in peace and love and you can't hide Gems in your room. That's not peace," Rose said.
"I know I know! I was just afraid they might take over or something...?" Pearl lied.
While Pearl and Rose were talking I took Lapis's hand and pulled her to the back of the crowd. "Okay listen, I'm going to fix your gem and I'm going to bring you home."
"I can fly to Home World myself, but thanks," Lapis said.
"Your welcome?" I said.
"How are you going to fix my gem?" Lapis asked.
"There's a fountain of Rose's tears and it can heal your gem or something creepy like that. I'll bring you there now while everyone distracted," I said. I ran to the warp pad and warped to Rose's fountain. I took a step off of the warp pad and Lapis followed me.
"So what do I do when I get to the fountain?" Lapis asked.
"Just jump in a guess? Then you can fly yourself back to Home World. Look, I know this is risky but you never saw me. I know that something horrible will happen to you and I did all of this to help you, to save you. I don't know if you have anything to do with Malachite or the other gem I saw when I was shattered in a Fusion. Just don't tell Home World where we are. Or I will shatter you," I said.
Lapis took a deep breath. "Okay, got it."
We reached to the fountain and lapis jumped in like I told her to. Within seconds she popped out, her gem was fixed and her eyes had pupils. "Pink Pearl... thank you," Lapis said, and she flew off leaving water droplets in the air behind her.


Heads up: I'm writing a yandere Simulator x reader and I will publish it soon! 🗡


To be continued...

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