Shattered In A Fusion

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(Art above is not mine I saw it in an art show)
I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't, it felt like someone glued my eyes shut. All I could do was hear. I couldn't feel, I couldn't see...
"She's coming..."
"Your worst fear..."
I felt a hand lightly grab my arm.
"Come with us..."
"No! Come with me!"
Another hand grabbed me but it was more rough.
"You have to come with me!" The other voice begged. I pulled away, unable to see, I couldn't tell who was talking to me.
"You don't have to go with her. She's a jailor!" The sweeter voice said.
I forced my eyes open and saw two floating gems. I've heard about this before...
"You have to come with me!" The floating Lapis Lazuli begged. "You have to help me!"
"Come with us, we'll treat you like a princess," the floating Zircon said.
I pulled both of my hands back and looked around. I was in a void. Everything around me was white.
Hopefully the stories aren't true...
"You don't know what I'm going to go through!" The Lapis gem glowed when it talked, so did Zircon. I couldn't see their image, just their Gems. Suddenly a large green figure grew in the background and lunged at me.
Pink Diamond set down a pile of papers on the side of her "throne" and looked at me. "Pearl," she said.
I ran over to her. "Yes my Diamond?"
"I need to tell you something. Something all Diamond tell their pearls," Pink Diamond said.
I ran up to Pink Diamond and sat on her lap. "What is it my Diamond?"
"Life, my Pearl, it's life. It's a matter of life and death. When I die they'll kill you too, they'll kill you the same way I'll die..."
"Don't say that you'll die my Diamond!"
"Hush! I will die... I don't know when... I don't know how... but I will and so will everyone else," Pink Diamond looked around her castle. "Being shattered isn't as scary as Gems say, when you get shattered it's like seeing all four of us diamonds in the same room. There's something called future vision when something bad happens to you. There is either one, two, three, a hundred gems that will speak to you. You won't be able to see their image, just their gem. If you see this it means you're the only one that can fix their problem. It only happens when that gem is in the same problem as the other one."
"When does their problem happen?" I asked.
"Nobody know."
I opened my eyes and saw myself lying on the ground with a white pearl looking down at me. "She's still alive!" The Pearl called. This Pearl was rose's Pearl.
I quickly got up and looked down at my gem. It was fine. I looked over and saw tiny green gem pieces shattered all over the ground.
I picked a gem shard up and looked over at Pearl.
"Not the first to be shattered," Pearl shrugged it off.
I dropped Fluorite's gem shard and followed Pearl. In the distance there was a giant yellow ball that made the sky different colors. I followed Pearl through the empty battlefield, gem shards were the only thing that covered the ground. I tried not stepped on the gem shards as a sign of respect, but it was nearly impossible.
"Pearl, what are you doing here? We must get back to the temple," Garnet said.
Pearl sighed. "I know I know! But I found something..." Pearl summoned something from her gem after doing a weird dance. "I found this near the warp pads," it was a mirror, Pearl turned it around and there was a Lapis Lazuli gem on it. It looked like the gem I saw before. Was this her problem, being stuck in a mirror?
"Who is that?" I asked.
"Who?" Pearl asked.
"The gem in that's stuck in the mirror?" I said.
"Oh, I'm sure it's just a useless gem," Pearl said.
"I'm sure she's something more..." I said.
"No! She must be nothing if she's in the mirror!" Pearl said.
I could tell Pearl was really senseless. Pearl put the mirror back in her gem and we started walking to something called a temple.
"How many are left?" Rose asked, jogging up to us.
"Not a lot, Rose. We only have twenty groups left," Garnet said, fixing her glasses. "They're already at the temple."
"Good. We have to have an important meeting," Rose said, her eyes were full of regret.

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