The First Male Gem

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Pearl walked into a temple on something they called a beach. There was a bunch of water in the distance. Lazulis like water.
"Hey, follow me," Pearl grabbed my arm and pulled me deep into the temple.
"What is it?" I asked. I tried to get out of Pearl's grip, but she wouldn't let go. I started to feel hatred for Pearl.
"This is the temple. This is where all the CG's meet and make plans," Pearl said.
"Make plans? What for like a tea party?" I teased.
Pearl huffed. "Well. I've never seen you here before. I'm guessing you just decided to join our side?"
"Long and short of it," I answered.
Then suddenly Pearl grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me close to her. "You look nothing like a Topaz, that's the gem you said you were, right?" Pearl asked.
I pulled away. "And you look nothing like a Pearl!"
"What's going on?" Garnet asked. "Rose is starting the meeting."
Pearl grunted and gave me an evil glare. Then she walked to a warp pad in the middle of the temple. I followed Pearl and sat down next to an Emerald, something about her made me want to impress her.
"Crystal Gems!" Rose said as she stepped on the warp pad with Pearl. "So far... as we know... we have won the war!"
Everyone cheered and Pearl just smiled and clapped.
"But this doesn't mean they'll come back..." Rose began. "We must be ready to fight every day, every second. We've all been on Home World and we all know how they are. They'll attack when we least expect it."
Pearl summoned her weapon and pointed it at the crowd. "So, if you don't know your weapon yet then you'll come train with me."
Some of the Gems groaned. A Bismuth stood up in the crowd. "Some of us don't need weapons."
"Everyone needs a weapon!" Pearl shouted. "How will you fight?"
"With our fists!" Bismuth turned her hand into a pic axe. "Some of us just don't need weapons."
Pearl rolled her eyes. "So your gem is useless?"
Emerald groaned and slowly leaned closer to me. "I hate Pearl. You new here? I've never seen you."
I looked at Emerald. She looked like the other Emerald that fused and shot an arrow at Garnet. Emerald had mid-length lime green hair. Her gem was on her chest and she was wearing dark green leggings and a long green shirt.
"I hate her too," I said. "And yeah I'm new."
"Lemme tell you newbie. Don't get in Pearl's way. She is Rose's, but even though she's really annoying she does kind of own the CG's," Emerald said.
"Oh. What did she do to you?" I asked.
"She keeps telling me I have to find my weapon," Emerald said. "I think Bismuth is right."
I looked at Pearl and then at Bismuth. "I feel like Pearl is too stuck up. So why did you join the CG's?"
"Home World wasn't treating me good. Since I'm over three thousand and still haven't found my weapon they've been treating me like a Pearl," Emerald said.
"Like a Pearl? What do you mean by that?" I asked.
"A slave. I never liked how Home World treated Pearls and I tried to talk Blue Pearl into joining us, but she told on me," Emerald explained. "And then blue diamond wanted to shatter me. So I just stayed on Earth. Anyway, what gem are you again?"
"Topaz," I said. I didn't know how long I could keep this lie, I'm going to get caught at some point.
Emerald laughed and whispered in my eye. "I know you're a Pink Pearl and you belonged to Pink Diamond right?"
I shivered.
"And when she was shattered you decided to join us because Home World was going to kill you?"
I summoned my weapon.
"Don't worry. I'm not going to rat you out. I think it's great a Diamond's Pearl is joining us," Emerald said. "Just don't let Pearl find out, she'll think you're trying to replace her."
After the meeting Pearl called on the Gems that didn't have their weapon yet. "CRYSTAL! STAR SAPPHIRE! EMERALD! BISMUTH! SNOWFLAKE! GET OVER HERE FOR TRAINING!"
Bismuth groaned and walked past me. I watched Emerald and everyone else drag themselves to Pearl, except for one little gem. A runt. An Amethyst.
Suddenly I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw a gem... that looked... odd.
"Hey, I'm Staurolite. Or you can call me Stauro. What gem are you?" Stauro looked different from the other Gems. His face structure was shaped different and his voice was deeper.
"What are you?" I asked.
Stauro seemed surprised. "I don't know. The Diamonds said I was a... screw up? I'm not like the rest of you. I seem to have different emotions about things and I don't like to wear dresses..."
"Well maybe you're going through a weird faze," I said. "Just try to wear a dress."
"I look weird in them," Stauro said. "And when I wear dresses the others make fun of me."
"Need training?" Pearl asked, walking up to us.
"No," I said.
"I wasn't asking you," Pearl hissed.
I rolled my eyes.
"Seems like someone as different as you would need some kind of training," Pearl said to Stauro.
"What's so different about him?" I hissed.
Pearl shot me a look. "Well, his parts are different. Also he has a different body shape. Almost everything is different about him expect for that he has two arms and two legs! And even those are shaped differently!"
"Maybe there's something wrong with you?" I said. "Maybe you're looking at her wrong."
Pearl laughed. "Oh please. How about this, you find out what's wrong with Stauro in the next 48 hours I'll let you take my part. And if you don't find out I'm kicking you out of the CG's."
I mumbled. "That's too much. You just want me to leave the team, don't you? Well, I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying with the Crystal Gems and you're going to have to deal with it."
Pearl grunted and walked away.
Though I backed down on Pearl's deal.
I'm still going to find out what's wrong with Stauro.

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