Pearl's Problems

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I headed back to the warp pad, but then it lit up and I hid behind a statue of Rose. The warp pad stopped glowing and I saw Pearl. Great, why is she always popping up in my life?
Pearl sighed and walked towards Rose's fountain, humming to herself. Then Pearl ran to the fountain and noticed the water droplets in the air. "What?" Pearl mouthed.
I cursed under my breath and watched Pearl examine the droplets floating in the air and within minutes they disappeared.
"Whose out here!" Pearl snapped.
If I didn't know Pearl would kill me in the woods, I would've said something. But maybe Pearl will kill me now and she'll actually shatter me instead of just bubbling me and hiding me in her room. I leaned back against the statue and summoned my weapon. I watched Pearl jump up and land on top of the fountain.
"Oh Rose... if only you knew how I felt for you," Pearl said, her weapon disappeared and she sat in the Rose's statues arms. "Why can't you just tell that I love you! I didn't join you because I hated Home World I join you because I loved you! I knew if I didn't join you if never see you again..."
I rolled my eyes and slowly stood up from behind the statue, I lifted my weapon up and slowly walked over to Rose. Something inside me went crazy. But why? Why did I feel so weird?
You have to kill Pearl, Pink Pearl. You have to do it for your Diamond!
"My Diamond is dead!" I snapped, only to realize the voice was just inside my head.
"Arg! P-Pink Pearl! What on Earth are you doing here?" Pearl quickly jumped off the statue and brushed herself off.
"I was... uh... looking for something," I lied.
"Like what? There's nothing here but Rose's fountain..." Pearl drifted off, her eyes lowered down to her feet. Her eyes looked lifeless and if I cared about her I'd feel sorry for her.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked.
Pearl looked up at me with sorrow in her eyes. "I'm not like the rest."
"I can tell," I answered. "But do you know why?"
"I know exactly why. I was made wrong," Pearl said.
"You don't know that," I said, pretending to care. I guess I felt some what bad for her, but after everything she's done all I wanna do is leave her here.
"I do! They told me they messed up," Pearl snapped. "I'm supposed to be dead. I'm not supposed to be alive. Why am I telling you all this?"
"How did they mess up?" I asked.
Pearl stayed silent for a moment. "They way they created me... I came out too early and I wasn't able to process my emotions well. And that's why I'm like this. Why I'm not like everyone else."
"That means nothing. Just because you're made wrong doesn't mean..." but Pearl made me stop talking.
" Rose hates me. She knows I hid all those gems and stuff... she's making me leave the Crystal Gems..."
I gasped but hid it. "What-why?" I asked. "You're Rose Pearl!"
"I know," Pearl said softly. "And now I belong to no one," Pearl walked back to the statue and sat down in Rose's arms. "I know you hate me. But can you do me a favor?"
I rubbed the hair out of my face. "Sure. What is it?" I still did hate Pearl, but she is going through a lot. Her crush kicked her out of the Crystal Gems and now Pearl had nowhere to go... she's lost again.
"Can you leave me alone?" Pearl asked.
"I've always wanted to do that!" I said.
"No. I mean. Make everyone leave me alone. I'm done being here. Ever since they told me I was made wrong I've always questioned everything I did, I always wondered if it was something a right gem would do. So I'm leaving. Break the warp pad when you go," Pearl finished.
I froze and stood there in silence. "You're- leaving?" I mumbled.
"Yes. Forever. Burn this place! I don't care what you do just- go," Pearl said.
What's going on? What's wrong with Pearl? I know she was made wrong but this is just weird. Pearl usually seems like she has everything under control but it looks like she's losing it.
"What's going on?" I asked. "Why do you want me to leave?"
"Just go! Do one thing for me and leave me!" Pearl snapped. "Just go away!" Tears poured down her pale cheeks. The only thing on my mind was, what is Pearl going to do if I leave her. I normally wouldn't care. But for some reason now I do care. But after a few moments of just standing there Pearl raced to me and pushed me into the warp pad. "Go away!"
"Fine! I'm leaving!" I snapped and warped away.

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