My Name is Bill Cipher

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My name is Bill... I think. Bill... Bill Ci... Cipher. I don't know where I am. I'm scared. What happened? Who am I? What am I? How did I get here?
Ohh, my head hurts. My head is spinning. I feel so sick. I can hardly move. I'm so cold. My heart is pounding hard against my chest. It's a dull, throbbing pain now.
Wait. Heart? My heart? My hand flies up to my chest. I'm beginning to panic. Something's wrong. Something's horribly wrong. In return, my heart beats against my hand, consistent.
My name is Bill Cipher. I- I don't think I'm who I used to be. I feel... different. Painfully different. My body is so limited. I can't move much, and it hurts every time I do.
Body... have I always had one? I'm so confused. Have I hit my head? Head... I don't think I should have one of those either...
Blearily, I open my eyes. Hold on... eyes? Do I have more than one? Have I always had that many? At first, I can't make anything out. But then I realize where I am. I'm soaked- that's why I'm shivering. Murky puddles surround me, lining the side of the structure I'm propped up against. It's so dark. I'm so hungry. Rubbing my hands along the sides of my face, I can feel my jawbone jutting out, along with my eye sockets. I must look like a monster.
     Monster... that's not too far away from what I feel like I'm supposed to be. But the word monster is too harsh, not refined enough to call myself.
     My name is Bill Cipher. I... I've lived for thousands of years. But I sure don't feel like it. I feel so young, so helpless. What's happened to me?
     I have to get out of here. I feel unsafe. What in the universe am I wearing? It seems that these articles of clothing used to be nice, but now they are tattered and dirty, they've lost all color. A ripped bow tie hangs from the collar of my shirt.
I don't appear to be hurt, but I ache all over. I'm afraid to try to stand. What if I can't? Oh, what am I going to do? There's no one here, I'm all alone. Maybe I should just stay here. I'll be better off dead than anything else. Heck, I hardly even know who I am, who I was, or why I'm here.
I'm going to do something about this. I don't know what, but I really don't want to die, whoever I am. I groan as I strain to stand. My legs are so shaky, I fall a few times, tearing my already ragged pants and skinning my knees. On my third attempt, my legs are still wobbly, but I don't fall. That's a start. But it doesn't really fix anything. I'm not closer to being any less bewildered.
There has to be someone around here who can at least tell me where I am. Perhaps I can do something for them in return for some food, directions, maybe some clothes. I... I need help.
'My name is Bill Cipher', I'll tell them. Maybe they'll know who I am. Maybe they can help me.     
My name is Bill Cipher. I'm not supposed to look like this. My true identity is... is a... a fiend. That's it. But I don't feel as powerful as I did as a demon. What am I now? What have I become? This seems so familiar... I've been like this before.
Oh, great. If someone knows me, they'll know I used to be some kind of twisted being. That's not going to help. I'll have to fake my identity. My name is... Will. Yeah, that sounds fine.
Who am I kidding, of course that isn't going to work. My name is Bill Cipher. I love to make deals. Maybe that can help me. I'll do anything. I can work for anyone. I just need help. I don't even know who I am. I'm so scared.
     I don't want to accept it. I don't want to accept the fact that my body itself proves. My power has vanished. I am worthless. I have nothing left. Not even the me that I once knew. I... I am a human being.
I gasp as a rat skitters by my feet. A bitter wind comes out of nowhere and sends a chill down my spine. I begin to walk away from the structure, but all that's there is a stretch of woods. I begin to panic. I'm in the middle of nowhere, I'm all alone, I'm going to die out here.
     The chirp of a bird snaps me out of my misery. Turning around, I look up at the structure I'd been leaning against. It's a water tower. It looks surprisingly familiar. I've been here before, I'm sure of it.
     My name is Bill Cipher and I know this place. I feel like I've been here my whole life. This feeling is like deja vu. It's like gravity itself has been turned upside-down.
     Wait. Gravity itself has been turned upside down...? I let loose a laugh, maniacal, void of happiness. I know who I am. I know where I am. How I'm here now, I don't know. But I'm back.
     I am looking over the heart of Gravity Falls.

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