The Memory of a Voice

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I awake to the familiar sounds of screams and chaos. I struggle to stand until I realize I'm already hovering. What's going on? Where am I? I feel so much less limited, less confined. I look down at my body and see- no. No way. "YES!" I shout in triumph. I'm me. I'm actually me! I'm finally rid of that useless human body!
     Whatever the Pines's did to that statue must've gone horribly wrong. I giggle with extreme glee. They never saw this coming. But here I am!
     ...Where exactly is here? The screams around me... why are they so familiar? I'm suddenly hit with instant recognition. I'm in the Two-Dimensional Dimension! My home that I liberated. The screams aren't of terror, as they used to be, but of chaos and insanity. I find it quite calming.
I'm not sure how exactly I got here, but that doesn't matter. I'm enjoying every single second of it! I'm Bill Cipher yet again! This is going fantastically... isn't it? I think this is right... I can be who I used to be, no problem. Heck, I can even liberate a few more dimensions if I please! Why not start with earth? That'd be fun! That's where... Pine Tree and Shooting Star live... Am I really making the right decision? Something feels off. I shouldn't be caring about these things...
Hey, where are my henchmaniacs? I'm sure they'd like to join in the fun! But again, something seems so wrong. I feel... I feel lonely. I don't like this. I've always felt like this, I've always been alone, but it's never... hurt before. I- I think I miss them. I never thought I'd admit to- no. What am I thinking?! I begin to laugh maniacally. I've grown soft on that miserable planet. My name is Bill Cipher! I can do whatever I want without anyone on that planet's consent! No one can tell me what to do! No human body can keep me down!
     It's so great to be back! Think of everything I can do! Think of all the dimensions I can liberate! Think of all the parties I can throw! I'll invite my henchmaniacs, of course, maybe that guy down there, screaming his head off! Literally! He must be the life of the party-
     Grunkle Stan, let him down! The memory of a voice echoes through my head. Oh stars, it's her voice. The scene plays over in my head.
     Don't hurt him. Another voice trails the first. I know exactly who it belongs to. Why should these things come to mind now? I don't care about them! All I care about is myself... right?
     You're kind of fun, you're pretty friendly, and you're smile's a lot nicer than it used to be. Her voice fills my head again. No! That wasn't really me. She wasn't really talking to who I really am. She just thought that was me. I'm proud of you. Ugh. The things she said... I'm Bill Cipher! I'm all powerful! I could kill her with a snap of my fingers! So why do I feel remorse?
     My human parts are gone, so why is this loneliness hurting? This is what I wanted! I mean, I thought I wanted this- this... something's wrong. I'm not feeling physical pain, as I used to in that human body when my soul became conflicted, but the mental pain is still lingering. What is this feeling? It's like remorse, it's like loneliness, but there's something else, too... could it be that I miss... that dimension? No... my time spent there? Maybe... them? Of course not! That can't be!
     Okay. Calm down, Bill. Relax. It's time to have some fun! Where to start, where to start... oh! The Rotating Dimension would be fun to liberate! That is, unless Keyhole, Hectorgon, and 8 Ball didn't get to it first... Ah! I could rightside-up the Upside-Down Dimension! That would rock their world! "AHAHAHAHAHA!" I laugh aloud. I'm so pricelessly funny!
    You know, Weirdmaggedon was fantastic! I should try that again sometime! So much chaos... I almost killed Pine Tree and Shooting Star. I- oh... oh, stars, I almost killed them. Why do I care? They mean nothing to me. So why... why do I feel like they might? That's impossible. I'm incapable of feeling heartfelt emotions such as that. I don't want to feel heartfelt emotions such as that. Heck, I don't even have a heart!
     This is dumb. I feel kinda stuck. I want to go down there and have some fun, but there's this nagging feeling at my core pulling me back. I asked for their help. Had I really been so low to ask the people who should be the ones following my every command for help? Or have I just been wrong this whole time? Am I really so special to liberate dimensions without consent, to threaten to injure and kill, all just for my pleasure? I feel just as conflicted as I did in that human body, except I feel no pain. I hate this feeling. I just want it to go away!
"Bill. Bill!" A familiar voice sounds from not far away. I look around searching for the source of the voice. "Bill!" My eyes fly open, and I am face to face with the concerned looks of Dipper and Mabel. Oh, stars...
It was all a dream.

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