Step Right Up

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I've been awake all night after Dipper went back to his room. I can't stop thinking about what he said. Am I really going to get my powers back? Am I really going to merge into some unknown powerful being? I haven't slept for a minute. I'm just sitting behind the counter of the register, lost in thought. Light filters through the windows as I realize that it's morning already. I- I'm actually really tired...
I hear footsteps enter the room. I look to see who it is and I'm met with the stares of Stanley and Mabel. "Hey kid," Stan greets, "whatcha doing out here?"
"Oh, uh," I state plainly. "Just thinking."
"Well, you're gonna need to think someplace else soon- we'll be opening up shop in a couple of hours. Since I'm around, I'll be manning the shop for Soos today," he replies.
"Do you need any help?" I ask, mid-yawn.
"You look tired," Mabel notices. "Nothing a little Mabel juice can't fix! Would you like some, too, Grunkle Stan?"
"No, thank you!" he exclaims, pulling a box off a shelf.
Mabel rushes out of the room. Five minutes later, she returns carrying a blender full off sparkly pink liquid with suspicious glittery ice cubes. I think I saw a plastic dinosaur in there, too... sweet! She hands me a full glass. "Enjoy!"
I take a sip and a blast of flavor floods my mouth. My eyes widen in surprise, but I drain the whole cup. "You like it?" Mabel asks.
"It's like coffee and nightmares had a baby," I reply, the lasting flavor still strong.
"That's what I'm saying!" Stan replies from behind some stacks.
"I love it!" I exclaim. Mabel's eyes light up. Stan groans.
     "Yeah, yeah," he says. "Now would you come and lend a hand? Oh, and Mabel, pumpkin, go set out some cups full of that death drink. We can sell that for ten, no, twenty dollars per cup!"
     "Sure thing, Grunkle Stan!" Mabel grins and runs out of the room, pitcher in hand.
     "Now you, kid, are going to help me out with a new display!"
     "Display?" I gulp.
     "Oh, yeah! Man, I haven't done one of these in years! At least not a live one. Eh, you can ask Soos and Dipper about it. Anywho, you're going to be the Shack's new mascot, so to say, for the day! I'm gonna make big bucks offa you, kid."
     "No! No way! I could have ripped your whole galaxy apart if I wanted to, I had henchmen to do my bidding, I was able do anything, and you want me to put on a song and dance for dumb tourists who are gullible enough to believe anything you put in front of their faces?"
     "Exactly!" Stan clasps his hands. "Now you're getting it! Now, let's see where I put that cat hybrid costume..."
     "Wait, wait, what's in it for me?" I ask. I'm not playing one of his stupid hoaxes for nothing.
     "I like your game, kid. You're in it to win it! Now that's the kind of attitude I wish my employees would've had!" Stan exclaims. "Hmm... I'll take you into town for a day with my niece and nephew. Sound like a deal?"
"Mm-hm!" I stick out my hand and Stan shakes it. "Now how do I put this costume on?"
"I look stupid," I state to Stan as I look at myself in the mirror.
"You look cute," Mabel coos from behind me.
"You'll do fine- besides, I only chose that costume because you have the perfect eye for it! It's only half a scam!" Stan grins and gives me a thumbs up. "All you have to do now is meow!"
"Meow? No, no I'm not doing that."
"We had a deal, remember?"
I sigh and then meow. A shockingly perfect cat-like mew escapes my mouth. Mabel looks at me in wonder while Stan looks at me in shock and begins to clap. I've even surprised myself. "Oh my stars!" I exclaim frantically. "I'm a cat!" Mabel bursts out laughing. "It's not funny!" I exclaim, a bit worried.
"You're fine, Bill. You're just really good at cat impressions!" Mabel laughs.
"Go and wait in the back show room, you two," Stan tells us.
Stan walks outside and Mabel and I see from the far window a bakers dozen of tourists, shouting and waving dollar bills in the air. "Welcome to the Mystery Shack! We put the 'fun' in no refunds!" Stan shouts. "I'm Mister Mystery Sr. and I'm here to show you something never before seen by human eyes!"
"Oooh!" the crowd gasps in delight.
"Today and today only, the Mystery Shack is housing a-" he pauses for dramatic effect, "twisted forest cat humanoid!" The crowd screams in delight. "And for only one hundred dollars, a trip inside to see it can be yours!"
Screaming again, the gullible tourists gladly had Stan their big bucks as he lets them inside the Shack.
"Man, they are dumb," I remark.
"Oh, hush, now," Mabel replies.
     "In here!" Stan beckons. I'm standing on a small stage, Mabel is on the floor next to me.
     "Say something cheesy," I whisper to Mabel. "'Step right up' or something dumb like that."
     "Step right up!" Mabel cries. "Get your picture taken with the twisted forest cat humanoid! Only fifty dollars!" For a moment, the crowd doesn't respond.
     I meow.
     The crowd screams in delight, literally throwing their money at Stan, who is joyously grabbing it up. I can barely see as cameras flash. People pull on my fake glued on ears and take more pictures and are pulling me in different directions. Why did I agree to this chaos?!
     Not soon enough, Stan drags the tourists to different phony attractions as Mabel pulls me off the stage. "Aww," she coos, straightening my ruffled hair. "Did the little kitty-mitty get his fur ruffled?"
     "Argh, cut it out!" I exclaim. Then I sigh. "Hey, it was worth it. Tomorrow, me and you are going into town! Dipper and Stan, too, but still! I'm ready to get out of this stuffy place- and this disgusting costume! How did he even get this?!"
     Mabel giggles, her cheeks getting rosy. "You're so funny, kitty."

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