Let's Make A Deal

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Late into the night, I can still hear Dipper and Mabel speaking with each other. They offered me the couch to sleep on, to which I profusely stuck out my hand and said, 'It's a deal!' to their fearful surprise. Realizing my habitual mistake, I took my hand back sheepishly and simply thanked them.
I must be a master at pretend sleeping, because the twins are still talking away about me in the same room that I'm in. I keep quiet, simply listening to what their hushed voices have to say.
"I'm calling Pacifica. She shouldn't come over tomorrow to see us," concludes Dipper.
"You mean to see you," Mabel singsongs. "But why not?" she asks.
"I- I don't know!" stutters Dipper. "I just don't want her to get involved."
"Dipstick, she has a right to know," Mabel insists.
"I guess, but I don't want to put her in any danger. And what if anyone else in this town finds out?" asks Dipper. He seems worried.
"Oh, you know what they'll say. 'Never mind all that!'" Mabel imitates. "And anyway, we're pretty sure Bill isn't a danger to us now. It's not like he's going to hurt anyone. At least, not in the ways that he used to. Even if he would, Pacifica would be happy to know that you know she can take care of herself full well, even if she is your girlfriend."
"You can't be sure!" Dipper counters. "I mean, how can someone go from trying to murder people to someone accepting kindness left and right? How can Bill become so great all of a sudden? He's a killer, he's insane, I mean, do you really thing someone can change so drastically in such a short about of time, Mabel?"
"Don't say that, Dip. He needs help and we're here to give it. You saw him. Think of how scared he must be. He has no idea what happened to him.  I think he deserves another chance, even if it's just one from us," Mabel says. I smile. That's just what I need: a second chance. I can fix what I've broken. I can change who I was. I'll still be Bill, I will never be perfect- no one will ever be. But I never want to hurt anyone. Never again, because I know the kindness they can have in their hearts. And I have a heart now, too.
"Stan and Ford are coming in a week, Soos told me. Like Melody said, they'll know what to do," Dipper says.
"You don't think they'll... hurt him... do you?" Mabel asks quietly.
"Not unless they think he's dangerous."
"But he's not!" Mabel exclaims. "I just know he isn't! Sure, he used to be the terribly evil, terribly dangerous, but people can change, Dipper!" Mabel yells, a bit too loudly. I know it's time for me to speak up.
"I hope you're right, Shooting Star," I say, siting up. The two give me a frightened look.
"How long have you been awake?" Dipper asks, startled.
"That doesn't matter," I say. "Do you know why I was such an evil person?" I look at them, but they simply look at each other and provide no answer. "Well DO YOU?!" I shoot up, fuming. They have no right to talk about me behind my back when they don't even understand anything about who I am! I look at them again, shooting them a deadly glare. They're terrified of me. To be honest, I'm not surprised. I guess I did used to be a pretty frightening guy. I wasn't just scary, I was insane. They're holding onto the other's shirt sleeve, their knuckles white, their faces pale. The look on their faces is the exact reason why I had been who I was. "I was that way because of what is going on right now with you both. I wanted to see that look on people's faces, I wanted them to cower before me, I wanted to be powerful. But when I lost everything, well, I think those feeling have left, especially when you greeted me with such hospitality." I sit down again, my anger fading. I shouldn't have frightened them. "I'm sorry. For everything. I do hope you can forgive me. Someday. I don't deserve it yet. I'm still Bill Cipher, I'm still a terrible person, but I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. I don't know what changed about me. But something did. And I just wanted you to know all that," I finish, not meeting their eyes.
My temper reminds me that I still am the triangle that tried to kill the two before me. Just less... triangular. And I feel something I have never felt before in all my thousands of years. I have felt happiness, fear, puzzlement, and many other things, but never before have I felt ashamed.
"Let's make a deal," my voice fills the uncomfortable silence in the room. Dipper and Mabel go wide-eyed. "Don't worry," I tell them. "No trickery involved in this one. I just want you to promise me something. If I ever go back to the terrible person I used to be, if I ever lose my temper, if I ever go crazy, please, promise me this: promise you'll do everything you can to help me. Please. I don't want to be alone anymore."
Dipper thrust his hand out. "I think we have a deal, Cipher." A bit surprised that he accepted, I shake his hand in return.
"Thank you."

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