I Need Your Help

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     I'm still stumbling towards the sleepy town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. I have absolutely no energy. I'm going to collapse at any second. I need to get to Gravity Falls. There are people there who'll know what to do. I hope.
There's only one problem. Well, there's more than one, but I'm only worrying about one at the moment. A river lies between me and Gravity Falls. It's a small river, so it shouldn't be a problem. I won't even have to swim. But I don't even think I can trudge through the water with the little strength I have left.
I kneel at the bank of the river, exhausted. I wearily open my eyes to see my reflection in the water staring back at me. What I see is truly a monster. A broken, human, monster. I look like I'm going to die. What I see in that reflection can't be me. I'm Bill Cipher! I'm not even a human! But I am... somehow, someway, I'm a human now.
All I see in that reflection is bones and skin. My hair is blonde and unkempt. Streaks of dirt are covering it. My lips are parched. Is it safe to drink the river water? I don't care anymore. I plunge my hands into the water, breaking my already broken my reflection. The river water quenches my thirst, but does not near satisfy me.
My reflection has returned. Oh, no... oh stars, no! In horror, I see I've neglected something about my new appearance. I look human... almost. It's my eye. My right eye. It's hardly changed. It's yellow with a black slit for a pupil running down it. Whatever I think, I'm still Bill. I've got this wretched eye to prove it.
     I have no choice. I have to cross the water. I take the first step and my holey shoe fills with water, soaking my foot. I shudder at the cold as I take a step with my other foot. Slowly, I take step after step, trudging through the swirling water. After a few long minutes, I've reached the end. I'm on the bank of the other side of the river at last. Looking back, I can see that it was hardly even a river, just a creek, barely two feet deep. I'm so delirious...
     I'm so close. Gravity Falls is right there... but I just know I'm going to pass out again. I'm barely past the stream I crossed hours ago. I've got a nasty gash on my forehead. I think I hit my head when I last fell unconscious.
     I can't stop now. If I give up, I'll never get to Gravity Falls. A random surge of hope lights inside of me, then disappears. I can make it. I have to. Hope is all I have left.
     Somehow, I manage to walk on. My legs haven't given out yet. My eyesight is bleary, but I think I'm making progress. I have to be! If I'm not, I'm doomed to this forest forever.
     By some kind of miracle, I've done it, I'm here. I've reached Gravity Falls. The clock on town hall tolls eight o' clock. In the last of the evening light, I can make out the date posted on its doors: June 12, 2015.
     It seems like my heart has stopped in my horror. June 12, 2015? That can't be right! If that's true... no. No, it can't be. I can't have vanished for almost three years! It was just August! August of 2012! What happened to me?
     Memories rush at me all at once, so many that I can't handle them all. I was tricked. I was tricked by Stanley Pines. I disappeared. I was gone for two years and ten months. How is this possible?! I was a fiend, I died, now I'm here, and I'm a human.
     Pines... where is he? Where are they? They'll know what to do... Who am I kidding? I tried to kill them. I tried to kill everyone in this miserable town. No one will ever help me. I'm going to die inches away from help. And no one is going to care, because I am Bill Cipher. I'm a monster.
     But I have to try. Wherever I've been the past year and a half, wherever I haven't been, for that matter, I have to try. The Pines are my one last hope. I'm going to make a deal. I'm going to get their help, or die trying.
     I'm here. This is the door to the Mystery Shack. I'm scared to knock. Who's going to open the door? Will they know who I am? Do I want them to know who I am? It doesn't matter. Whatever they choose to do to me is my fault, and my fault alone. I am to blame for everything I have done.
     I bring my shaking hand up to the door. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, my knuckles rap the wood. I'm struggling to stay on my feet while I wait, praying that someone is home.
     A few moments later, I see the door open. As the opening widens, a young man comes into view. His hair is brown and messy. He seems very tired. Has he just come from somewhere? He has grown tall, and a birthmark resembling that of a familiar constellation is printed across his forehead. He looks at me warily. I look at him, wondering if he notices who I am. His gaze flicks to my right eye. Startled, he stumbles backward, his hand still holding the door. His eyes widen in fear.
"Who is it, Dipper?" a feminine voice calls from another room. The girl comes into view, looking much like the young man at the door. Her eyes are beautiful, sparkling as she walks up to the door. She has no metal in her mouth, as I have previously remembered her possessing. She and her brother's faces have thinned out, and they've grown into more adult bodies. The girl looks at me intently, noticing my right eye. Frantically, she looks at her brother, who gives her a frightened look in return. She turns her head towards me, fear lining her voice. "Who are you?"
I try to smile, but my body fails me. I can't even give them some kind of relieved expression. "Pine Tree," I say. My voice is so hoarse. I realize I've never used it before. "Shooting Star!" I manage to exclaim, though my voice is barely above a whisper. "I need your help..."
My knees buckle and everything goes dark.

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