One Direction Fanfics in a Nutshell

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One Direction Fanfics in a Nutshell

Things you see like these:


2. "Oh my gosh! Someone call 911!"

*cough* 999 *cough* (unless in America)

3. "Oh my gosh Louis, stop eating my damn carrots!" I say chuckling'

Ha, HAHA, how original.

4. "Now if you guys will excuse me, I'm going to brush my hair." Zayn said walking away with a comb'

Zayn in almost every fanfic, I swear.

5. "Harry, this is your son Harry Jr. I had him when I was fifteen, ever since we know..."

I don't think Harry would be willing to have a family YET, it is a very big commitment (but HEY, fanfiction :D)

6. "What should we name our daughter Harry?" I ask bundling her up closely into my arms. "Darcy." He answered smiling softly.'

Is the name 'Darcy' a thing? I've seen it like, five times in different fanfics already?!

7. "Mom, can I go live with One Direction?"
"Of course honey! Don't forget your clothes by the way!"

If I were a girl and asked that, my parents would just look at me as if I were on crack.

8. "I don't want to go to the One Direction concert though!" I whined.'
*one week later*
"I-I love you, Harry Styles." I struggle to say.'

Oh the irony :D

9. "I looked at them as they sat behind my desk."

Did they skip Highschool or something?

10. "Zayn's magical smooth lips smirked at my small joke."

Apparently Zayn is a lip wizard, and it likes mean jokes.

11. *When that OC babysits one direction*

Of course! Babysitting five men, definitely normal :D

12. "He bit his bottom lip, which made him look a lot sexier"

And I thought his music and good looks were the chick magnet here...

13. When a based-on-sex chapter lasts for two chapters, TWO CHAPTERS!

14. "My name is Amanda, and I can't believe I'm saying, but I got kidnapped by THE One Direction band!"

Are you saying that you're EXCITED?!

15. *when the OC uses her phone and 20 chapters later she charges it*

Can I get an order of that AMAZING PHONE?!

16. Title: One Direction's Sex Slave (18+ ONLY)

The whole story is written in text lango and is written by a FREAKING 13 YEAR OLD!!

17. "I blushed when I saw his manhood."

Apparently girls are attracted to jackets, I should get one.

18. "I couldn't help but sigh as I saw Harry's long brown curly hair and sparkling looking green orbs."

Apparently this chick thinks the readers don't know how Harry Styles looks like.....if so, that person must be living under a rock....

19. "I looked at his manhood hesitantly and looked up at Harry and said, "Harry, no, please, stop, I'm just fifteen."
"Age doesn't matter to me." He said while kissing my neck.

Oh Harry, quit acting like a boss and realize that jail exists here :D

20. Every OC girl is like a model that came out of a magazine! NO FLAWS, LITERALLY!

Well, I decided to do one of One Direction at night because, why not? :D

I hope you guys enjoyed this one, because half of the ideas I come up with are at night xD

Once again, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next update.

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