Chapter twenty two

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// Chapter is unproofread. Excuse the weird spaces and alien-y grammars.

Enjoy reading! xx \\

Chapter Twenty two

Andee Moran

        It's Monday and I'd been seriously trying to drew Joey's attention to me. It was frustrating. But yeah, I'm not giving up on her.

        So, dismissal time, and I've been searching for her for almost an hour. She was nowhere to be found. I found Beth on the tracking field earlier she said that she 'might' be in the library. Which I highly doubt because, duh, it's Joey were talking about here ladies and gents.

        She don't do libraries.

        If she do, she'd be sleeping.

        But stupid as I could be, I went to the library and check to any living signs of her. But yeah... she was nowhere within sight.

        I bumped into Mel talking to her other friends. She said she thought that Joey was with me. And then I did told her that she wasn't. She said that she 'might' — yeah, were back with the 'might's — be home. Resting.

         So, I did felt a little relief when she said that. But yeah, the word 'might' did bothered me. There was I walking towards my car and halted abruptly.

        Maybe I should go and call to check up on her.

        Yeah, you do that.

        I fished for my phone and immediately dialed Joey's phone. It was ringing. But no one was answering. I kept on calling her phone for almost the fifth time now. I gave up and switched to calling her house number instead.

        But I still failed miserably.

        I was starting to get hype. I was tapping my foot in frustration. She wasn't answering any of the calls. Her friends weren't sure where on earth she could be. I was definitely stressing myself.

        Without thinking twice, I crawled to my seat and started the ignition. I backed up before accelerating and fully hitting the road.

        Less than five minutes, I had fully arrived her apartment. Deja vu. Something screamed at me. It was just like before when I wait for her. I looked at her apartment and found her apartment front door slightly parted. I was disturbed.

        I mean, why would Joey leave her house like this? Open doors and...

        Darkness. Everything was dark. No sign of anyone. And it gave me the shivers. It was beyond scary. I was worried and in no world I knew what to do.

        There was a faint light by the corner. I walked slowly there and arrived at Joey's bathroom. It was the only place that was faintly lit.

        Was she taking the shower? Pee? Poo? I had no idea. I gulped before reaching the door and knocked.

        Zero. Fücking. Response.

        I knocked once again. Twice. Thrice. But no reply.

        Sweats strarted beading on my forehead. I felt scared. Because maybe Joey did something stupid.

        No. No. No.

        I kept chanting the mantra to myself. She wouldn't do something like that now, would she? Pfft. I mean, she's crazy. Most of the times. But seriously...

        "Joey? Open the door or I'm seriously going to bust it open." I was serious.

        And when no response came in, I backed away just a little before giving the door a full blow. It busted open and at the same time, a light was flickered open by the living room.

        My head snapped to the living room and back to the empty bathroom. I blinked once. Twice. Before I stood straight and face an open-wide mouthed lady.

        "You— you broke my door." Joey said slowly, her face showed shock and at the same time confuse.

        "I'm sorry I thought—"

        "Why would you bust someone's door? Why of all door, you ended up busting my bathroom door?" She said, breathless. It was clear on her face how shock she was. Even I was too.

        "I thought you commit—" I gulped. "—suicide." Kill. Me. Now.

        "You thought that I'll seriously kill, I mean, commit suicide? What are you thinking?!" She yelled.

        "I tried calling you but you weren't answering! I got concerned and went to your house. And there's only your bathroom light so I thought... I.. oh, my gosh! I'm—"

        "I left my phone here. Because I was out calling for a help with my door. Because I locked it. And I was about to take a shower but luck was on me tonight."

        "What's going— oh! Hey, Andee. You're... here?" It was Ellis.

        This. Is. Embarrassing!

        "Uh I—" I stammered.

        "He broke my old door." Joey said breathlessly as she peeled her gaze from the broken door to Ellis.

        It was clear that Ellis was shock. But yeah, years of knowing her. I knew she'd eventually burst out laughing.

        "OMG! Seriously?" Ellis said between laughter. She couldn't possibly contain it. I mean, it's funny alright. But I was embarrassed and Joey was still not recovering from her shock.

       "I'll fix it. I promise." I said.

        "Sure." Joey strolled slowly towards her bedroom and moments later she turned on her television.

        "Now, where are we going to get our privacy now, Mr. Karate-man?" Ellis teased.

        "Oh, shut up. I'm going home."

        "You do that." It was Joey. Though she wasn't looking at me, I knew she was pissed.

        I sighed, "I'm sorry, Joey. I'll fix it, I swear."

        She pursed her lips and just simply nodded. I looked at Ellis for something but she just shrugged and jerked her head to the side. I nodded at her before muttering, "Bye."

        I shut the door behind me and walked towards my car.

        I. Embarrassed. Myself. One. Hundred. And. One. Percent.

        The door busting, was epic.

        Knowing no one's in the bathroom. Was a serious epic fail.


Short update. I seriously was not in the mood when I'm writing this. But sure, I'll ADD SOME WORDS ON IT NEAR FUTURE! So, stay tuned!

Next update would probably next week. And proofreads of the early chapters would be, I'll try, this week, maybe? If I could squeeze my time a little bit.

Thanks guyssss!


-M xx

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