Chapter 1

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"Okay, Sam and Danielle Witwicky, you're up" the man by the name of Mr. Hosney speaks.

The classroom at John Marshal school fall silent, as two teenagers stood in front of a wooden panel, their gazes at their fellow peers in front of them. The two teenagers were none other than Sam and Danielle Witwicky, fraternal twins. Both stand side by side, as Sam grabs ahold of his backpack that he brought up from his usual seat in the far back of the classroom, and slowly empties out the contents, while his sister watches. Sam, being the eldest out of the two, was a rather tall brunette, with dark amber eyes. He was considered "unpopular" by many people, and would make sure Sam had a rough time at school. While, for his sister, Danielle, the two were quite different. Danielle, being a rather petite, but taller than most other girls, had dirty blonde hair, sporting dark amber eyes like her counterpart. She was rather in between the unpopular and popular group; meaning, some popular people were her friends, but she would rather stay in the sidelines, preferring the simple unpopular people, like her brother. Both of the twins are kind, wholehearted people, and would protect their friends without any hesitation.

"Sorry, I got a lot of stuff" Sam apologizes to the class, as he manages the shuffle everything that he brought out of the bag, onto the desk in front of the twins.

Danielle smiles slightly, adjusting her posture, pulling down the faded dark green jacket her father had given her years ago on her tan shoulders. Her long, ashy brown hair was tucked and letten down on her right shoulder, her left side bare, exposing her tan skin. Her hands were crossed behind her back, as she stares at every one of her peers, stopping right at an all too familiar person- well, people.

It was Trent and Mikaela, the couple of the whole grade. Everyone envied the two, as the girls would envy Mikaela, dating the football quarterback of the school team, Trent. While, the men would envy Trent for being the boyfriend to Mikaela, one of the hottest girls in school. She was very beautiful, Danielle admits, since she managed to snag Sam's attention, as he was madly in love with her. She notices Trent's blonde head lean over to Mikaela's dark brown hair, as Danielle notices a rubber band aiming for her twins' head. Danielle didn't have enough time to react, when the band hit Sam straight on the left side of his throat, laughter erupting in the classroom. She glares over at Trent, who wore a smirk on his face, as he winks over to Danielle, his girlfriend beside him oblivious to his act.

"Who did..Who did that? People!" Mr. Hosney exclaims to the classroom, a sharp look evident on his aged face, "Responsibility."

Mr. Hosney sat back down, letting Sam and Danielle get back into their work. It was silent, until Danielle clears her throat, before speaking.

"So, for our family genealogy report, we decided to do our great-great grandfather, who was a famous man- Captain Archibald Witwicky. Very famous explorer," Danielle starts out with, nudging Sam to grab the map that was strewn about on the desk in front of them, and to hold it out for the class, "In fact, he was one of the first to explore the Arctic Circle; which is a big deal. In 1897, he took 41 brave soldiers straight into the Arctic Shelf."

"So," Sam says, taking his turn speaking, as Danielle stands beside him, gripping onto the wooden pedestal in front of them, "And here we have some of the basic instruments and tools used by 19th-century seamen."

The class erupts into light laughter, hearing the last word Sam had said. Sam was oblivious to the reason why, but Danielle knew straight away, as she held in her laughter, tempted to just give a light snicker at her brother.

"This, here," Sam gestures holding onto a bag, "Is the quadrant, which you can get for 80 bucks. It's all for sale, by the way."

That shut Danielle up quickly, as she darts her head over to her brother, a look of shock in her eyes. Sam was trying to sell their family artifacts- their ancestor's artifacts. They were not meant to be sold, especially by Sam. Danielle subsciously grips onto the podium tightly, her fingers slowly turning white from the pressure she held back, as she listens in to Sam bargaining.

"These are pretty cool" Sam explains, as he holds up a pair of broken glasses, "These are our grandfather's glasses. I haven't quite gotten them appraised yet; but they've seen many things-"

"Are you going to sell me his liver?" Mr. Honsey huffs out in distress, causing Sam and Danielle to look over to him, "Mr. Witwicky, this isn't show and sell- it's the 11th grade. I don't think your grandfather would be particularly proud of what you're doing."

"I know," Sam apologizes once again, "I'm sorry. I just, you know, this is going towards Danielle and I's car fund. You can tell your folks, it's on Ebay. I take Paypal."

Danielle drops her head, silently cursing to herself as Sam continues to ramble on, as if he was a auctioneer, giving the many ways off people can buy this. And, it was true about the car fund. If Sam and Danielle did well on this report, then their father, Ron, would take them out to a dealership, and get their first car. It was something Danielle desperately did not want to lose.

"Unfortunately," Danielle cuts in on her brother, giving him a slight glare, as she turns her head back towards the classroom, "Our great-great grandfather, being the genius he was, wound up going blind and crazy in a psycho ward, drawing strange symbols, and babbling on about some giant ice man."

It was like the light was on Danielle's side, as the last class bell of the day ran, as everyone started to excuse themselves out of the classroom, desperate to get away from the Witwicky twins, preferably Sam.

Danielle doesn't hesitate lightly slapping the back side of Sam's head, glaring darkly at him, as she walks over to Mr. Honsey's desk, playing with the hem of her sleeveless Army shirt. Sam shortly walks to his side, a slightly look of hope on his face, as both twins stare at Mr. Honsey, who sat on the chair behind his desk.

"So, how was it?" Danielle asks shyly for both her and Sam.

"Hmm...I'd say a solid B-" Mr. Honsey tells.

It was like both teens were shot in the heart, as both of them drop their grins, starting at their teacher in shock.

"A B-?" Sam huffs out.

"You were hawking your great-great grandfather's crap in my classroom-"

"No, kids enjoy.." Sam trails off, before calming himself, and gestures to the window outside of the classroom, "Look, can you do us a favor?"

"What?" Mr. Honsey sighs.

"Can you look out the window for a second? You see my father? He's the guy in the green car."

Danielle decides to look as well, and notices her father, Ron, out on the side of the street, waiting for her and Sam.

"Okay," Sam sighs, looking at Mr. Honsey, "I want to tell you a dream. A little boy and girl's dream. And a man's promise to the two. He looked at us in the eye and said "Kids, I'm gonna buy you a car. But I want you to bring me $2,000 each and three A's." Okay? We got the $2,000, and we got two A's. Okay? Here's the dream. Your B-. Pfft! Dream gone. Kaput. Sir, just ask yourself, what would Jesus do?"

Danielle rolls her eyes, as she mutters to herself, hoping that Mr. Honsey would at least bring the grade up to an A.

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