Chapter 38

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The three teenagers inside Bumblebee's alternate form stare out the windows, taking in the sight of the many buildings around them as the entire Mission City is around them with the remaining Autobots and Military Personnel. Danielle gives a deep breath, adjusting her sweaty palms on the steering wheel of Bumblebee, holding onto the wheel tightly, but not too tight to let Bumblebee move the wheel as he pleases.

Everyone pulls up to one of the more open streets of Mission City, open wide enough for the Autobots beside the three teenagers to transform simultaneously, without any sizing troubles. The three get out of Bumblebee, taking over 10 steps away for Bumblebee to transform as well, standing over 15 feet tall. The military vehicles stop right next to the Autobots, Captain Lennox and Epps primarily hopping out of the vehicle.

"Air Force has arrived!" Captain Lennox shouts out, "Pop smoke!"

From his shouting, Danielle glances over at the sky, seeing 2 jets fly in the horizon over Mission City. She looks over at Captain Lennox, then over at Epps, who holds a giant walkie-talkie in his right hand, raising it to his mouth, "Raptor, Raptor, do you copy?"

Sam and Mikaela take a step closer to Danielle, noticing no response coming from the link in Epps' hand; the Air Force jets won't respond back.

"We have you visual," Epps repeats into the walkie-talkie, "Green smoke is the mark. Provide air cover and vector Black Hawks for extraction."

On cue, one of the men beside Epps pops green smoke next to a military vehicle, making the area around them mist with smoke. Danielle looks above her, seeing a lonesome jet fly over them, making its way back around to the city. But yet, she doesn't notice, the slightest bit of coldness forming at the back of her neck as the jet passes by.

"It's Starscream!" Ironhide yells out to everyone, being the first one to notice the rogue jet.

Hearing his statement, Danielle feels Sam panic beside her, his hands shaking in fear and anxiety. Epps looks over at Ironhide, then towards the horizon, seeing the faint jet.

"Please tell me you copy.." Epps pleads back into his walkie-talkie.

Before Danielle can even process anything, she feels herself being lifted off the ground. She gives a gasp of surprisement, finding herself lying on her back, the whole area moving so fast around her. She looks around and notices the yellow and black coloring.

"Bumblebee" Danielle yells at the Autobot, "What are you doing?"

Bumblebee doesn't answer Danielle, as he runs away from the scene, holding Danielle in his two hands, taking her as far away as possible. Lying in Bumblebee's palms, Danielle forces herself to sit up, looking around, seeing herself being taken away from Sam and the rest of the Autobots.

"Bumblebee!" Danielle yells at him once more, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm taking you- somewhere safe- Starscream- is deadly" Bumblebee's radio tells Danielle frankly.

"I can take care of myself, Bee!" Danielle yells at him, finding it hard to hear him with the sudden cars honking at each other as Bumblebee passes each car.

"I care about you- too much- to even think about you getting hurt- my spark- wouldn't take it."

Hearing him, Danielle raises an eyebrow, before scooting over closer to Bumblebee's servos.

"Why?" Danielle asks, "Why wouldn't your spark take it, Bee?"

Bumblebee stops, before carefully laying Danielle down on the concrete, acting as if she was a delicate piece of glass. He crouches down in front of her, his eyes staring down at her much smaller form. He moves his right hand to her, his middle finger going underneath Danielle's chin, making her look up at him.

"Beautiful- my spark wouldn't take it- because you have my spark- you keep me motivated to protect the ones I love- out there. And- you're the person- I love the most" Bumblebee confesses to Danielle.

Danielle grows speechless, scanning Bumblebee's face frantically, trying to see any spec of doubt on his robotic face. She looks at his cheeks, his chin, and then his bright blue eyes. Staring up at them, she feels herself at a loss of breath, her chest starting to ache in pain. Being stuck in her own trance, she doesn't hear Ironhide yelling in the distance for Bumblebee's name. Danielle notices Bumblebee look away from her, then back to stare at her. He leans forward ever so slowly, pressing the edge of his chin and closed mouth against Danielle's forehead, holding that position ever so gently. Danielle jumps in her spot, feeling blistering heat engulf her body. He pulls away from her, looking at her face once more, before entirely pulling away, taking a step away. Seeing him walk away, Danielle nearly jumps onto her feet, and lunges over to his right hand, grabbing onto 3 of his fingers. Feeling her touch, Bumblebee turns around, seeing the brunette staring up at him, fear in her eyes.

"Promise me," Danielle yells, "Promise me you won't get hurt! That you'll come back!"

Danielle feels tears prick at the corner of her eyes, "Promise me, Bee!"

Bumblebee's face softens, before giving a nod towards her. Despite his soft face, Bumblebee fully pulls away from her, before breaking into a run towards all the other Autobots and military, leaving Danielle behind.

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