Chapter 41

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Chaos ensues around the three, as Danielle feels the ever-growing chills down her spine. She hears various battle cries, as well as prominent explosions behind her, shaking the ground underneath the city everyone stand on. Bumblebee's grip tightens on Danielle, seeing someone she hasn't yet.

"B-Beautiful- hide" Bumblebee's radio wheezes out, urging her to leave him.

"It won't happen," Danielle responds back to him, "I'm not leaving you like this."

Danielle continues to glance at both Bumblebee and Sam, before hearing a truck pull up next to them. She glances over, seeing the truck to be a tow truck, and Mikela gets out of the driver's seat, walking over to the two transformers and human.

"Sam, Danny," Mikaela rushes, "help me with this."

With careful fingers, Danielle grabs onto the many steel wires Mikaela hands to her and Sam, as the 3 start to wrap Bumblebee with the wires. Danielle leans forward, wrapping a wire around his midsection, pressing her cheek against his chest. She feels the vibration of a car engine rutter next to her head, as Bumblebee places his hands on either side of Danielle's waist, not wanting to get rid of their touch.

"Sam! Danielle!"

Danielle turns her head, seeing Captain Lennox and his team run over to them. She can feel the stares of all the men, looking at her new body. Feeling the staring, Danielle gives a ghost of a blush, pulling away from Bumblebee's chest, to face the Captain. Captain Lennox nods at Danielle, before approaching Sam.

"Where's the Cube?"

"Right there."


Will Lennox runs over to a burning car, shouting over at Epps. Mikaela pulls on the wire conveyor, securing Bumblebee as he starts to get pulled onto the back of the tow truck, being off the ground. Danielle looks over at the yellow scout, seeing said scout pout. Danielle feels guilt, wishing she could have gotten to the scene earlier. By now, Bumblebee could have been on the battlefield, protecting everyone, ensuring fewer deaths. Danielle partly blames herself for it.

"Okay!" Captain Lennox calls out, running back to Danielle and Sam.

"What?" Sam asks.

"All right," Captain Lennox pants, "I can't leave my back there, so here, take this flare."

He pulls out a flare from his pocket, handing it to Sam. Danielle glances over to Sam, his face showing worry as he holds onto the flare.

"Okay, there's a tall, white building with statues on top. Go to the roof. Set the flare-"


"Signal the chopper and set the flare-"

"No, no, I can't do this!"

Will grabs Sam by the collar of his jacket, pulling him close. Danielle's eye's widened, seeing Sam's face of near pissing himself as the Captain stares him down.

"Listen to me! You're a soldier now!" Will shouts, before grabbing the Cube, handing it to Sam," All right? I need you to take this Cube. Get it into military hands, while we hold them off, or a lot of people are gonna die!"

Captain Lennox walks away from Sam, grabbing Mikaela's forearm.

"You got to go. You got to go" Will urges.

"No, I'm not leaving-"

"You need to go. Go-"

"I am not leaving till I get Bumblebee out of here, okay?" Mikaela interrupts Captain Lennox, gesturing to Bumblebee being perched on the tow truck.

Captain Lennox lets Mikaela get into the tow truck driver's seat, turning on the ignition. Danielle looks over to her left, seeing Ironhide and Ratchet runs over to them. She sees the two Autobots look over at Danielle, before glance down at Sam.

"Sam," Ironhide says, "we will protect you."

Sam nods, before breaking into a run, with the two Autobots and military teams following alongside, taking him to the rendezvous point. Danielle looks over at the fading group, before standing up. She knows she has to join the fight. She can't stand the idea of being at fault once more for potentially saving hundreds of lives. She crouches down to Mikaela.

"I want you to take Bee somewhere safe, okay?" Danielle asks the brunette.

Mikaela nods, both girls ignoring Bumblebee's radio wheeze of worry. Danielle glances over at Bumblebee, and walks over to him, standing in front of the sitting Autobot. Danielle frowns, seeing Bumblebee's pained look. She crouches down to his height, and leans forwards, wrapping her hands around his neck, giving him a tight embrace. Bumblebee tenses up in her touch, before his arms wrap around her waist, pulling her closer to him, where both their servos touch. Danielle holds him close, before pulling her head away, her once crouching position turning her to being on her knees once more, staring at Bumblebee.

"I'm gonna go help them. As much as I can" Danielle mumbles to the yellow mech.

Bumblebee gives a longing look, trying to lean closer to Danielle, but does not dare to touch her. Danielle gives a sad frown, pulling away.

"I'll see you soon, Bee" Danielle whispers.

She rises up from the ground, standing over Bumblebee. She looks at him before turns her head, ready to walk away.


Danielle feels a hand grab onto her right wrist before her body gets pulled, stumbling to her knees. Danielle doesn't have a lot of time to react, as she feels something unknown press against her lips, while hands rest on both sides of her cheeks.

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