Chapter 15

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The soft engine vibrates the car as the Camaro drives off, with the 3 teenagers inside. No one knew where the Camaro was taking them, all they could really do is wait and see what happens. Danielle shifts in the driver's seat, feeling part of her consciousness awake still, listening in to the space around her, her eyes still closed.

"This car's a pretty good driver" Mikaela states.

"I know" Sam mumbles.

"...How is it that Danielle can sleep in this car, this alien robot?" Mikaela asks Danielle's brother.

"......Honestly, I have no idea."

A ghost of a smile appears on Danielle's lips, as she moves her hands slowly to the leather seats, feeling them warm up against her fingertips.

"Why don't you go sit in the back seat, there?" Sam questions Mikaela.

"I'm not gonna sit in the back, there are no seatbelts" Mikaela complains.

"Yeah....You're right," Sam mumbles, "Well, maybe you should sit on my lap."


"Well, I have the only seat belt here. And Danny is using the other one. You know, safety first."

Danielle hears Mikaela sigh, as she shifts right next to her.

"Yeah, all right" Mikaela sighs.

"Right?" Sam nearly squeaks out.

Danielle listens in as she hears the shift of the car, before hearing a click of the seatbelt, confirming her suspicions. Mikaela was sitting on Sam's lap, with the seatbelt cross over the both of them, making Mikaela safe on his lap. Danielle hides her small snicker, hearing Sam act so bold towards his crush.

"You know," Mikaela mumbles, "that seatbelt thing was a pretty smooth move."

Sam snickers at her comment, holding her a little closer to him, "Thank you."

"You know....what don't I understand? Why, if he supposed to be, like, this super advanced robot, does he transform to this piece-of-crap Camaro?" Mikaela mumbles, not aware of the consequences.

The Camaro's tires suddenly screech, making everyone jerk in surprise. Danielle opens her eyes, seeing the Camaro pull everyone over. Both seatbelts unclick, the doors opening, a signal for everyone to get out. Danielle huffs, stepping out of the car, Sam and Mikaela following suit.

"What the hell, Mikaela?" Danielle yells out to Mikaela, shutting the car door behind her, walking onto the curb.

"You heard all of it?" Mikaela only asks.

"Of course I did! You won't automatically sleep in a car when you're in a driver's seat!"

The three teenagers hear a stranger yell at them, as the three watch as the Camaro drives off, leaving a trail of dust behind it. Danielle's heart sinks, watching the yellow and black Camaro speeding off, their only ride gone.

"Fantastic. Now you pissed him off" Sam complains to Mikaela, "That car is sensitive. I mean, $4,000 just drove off."

Danielle slaps Sam on the shoulder, visibly angry, "You only care about the $4,000? Sam, that car saved our lives! We should be thanking it for even letting us stay in its interior. Am I the only one here who is grateful for that car? Vintage or not!"

Sam instantly shows a look of regret after Danielle's scolding, pulling her into her arms. The height difference of Danielle being 5'6 and Sam being 5'10 was prominent, making Danielle rest comfortably underneath Sam's chin, wrapping her arms around his middle. Danielle sighs, squinting her eyes, before looking over Sam's shoulder, hearing a loud deep rumble approach them. She catches a car pull up to them, and she gasps. The car was a Camaro, a 2008 Camaro. Danielle doesn't help but smile, giving a loud laugh. Sam and Mikaela follow her trail of vision, seeing the Camaro in front of them.

"What?" Sam gasps.

Danielle doesn't hesitate herself to running over to the driver's side, quickly sitting in the new leather seats. She straps herself in, feeling the familiar warmth encase her. Mikaela gets into the back seats with no problem, strapping herself in, while Sam sits on the passenger side. Danielle smiles over at Sam, then back at the car, feeling amazed. She grips onto the leather coated steering wheel, just as the Camaro drives off, making bystanders think Danielle was driving the car, but in reality, she has no idea where this alien robot was taking her.

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