A Quick Update

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Hello, everyone. It's been a while. How are you guy's doing today? I am posting this quick update for two reasons. One, It's been about over twenty chapters since I last posted a full fledge Author's Note, so I feel compelled to make one today. And two, it's been a while since I last updated this book. I am so sorry! We are nearing the end of this book and I basically left you guys hanging!

I will be honest about this book: I have never been more proud to be the author of this. We almost have over 35,000 views on this book, can you believe that? I originally thought I would maybe get around 10,000, at the most. It makes me wonder what my other books will be like when they will finally be able to be posted onto my profile. I thank you guys so much for this unique blessing, it means so much to me.

A lot of you guys might be asking right now "Cut to the chase, Darcy. When are you going to actually update?" The answer to that question is...I don't know. As you guys know, I am a senior in high school. It's nearing the end of my year, and that means finals and graduation. That's all fun and all, but it's very challenging when you are given loads of things to fill out and tests to take. I even have to get ready for college, as well. With my schedule being booked, I am not sure how long it will be for this book to be properly updated. 

I want to assure everyone that I will be continuing to write and update my stories. I promise I will finish this book and continue on with more books, whether they are related to Bumblebee or not. I am so sorry for this inconvenience, and I hope you guys stick around to the end, it will mean a lot to me.

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