Chapter 8

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"Danielle, hurry up! We're gonna be late to go pick up Sam from jail!" Ron yells outside of the house.

"Okay, coming!" Danielle hollers back, tying her shoes.

It only took 30 minutes after Danielle had made the phone call to the police that it was confirmed Sam was in police custody. Being relieved, Ron and Judy slept peacefully back in their room, unlike Danielle. For her, she could go to sleep in her own bed, her worry over Sam keeping her up. So, when Ron told her earlier that morning that he has to go pick up Sam from jail, Danielle felt somewhat relieved, running to her room to get dressed.

"Hurry up!" Ron yells once again, making Danielle groan.

She finishes tying off the last knot of her running shoes, springing up from her unmade bed, running over to her door, nearly leaping off the stairs, towards the back patio. The coldness of the weather didn't bother her, as she comfortably wore a pale teal Nike sweatshirt and black leggings, her white Nike brand running shoes keeping her feet warm. She didn't bother caring about her hair, leaving it a mess on top of her shoulders, worrying about it later. Ron leans by his dark green car, smirking over at Danielle.

"Ready to bust your brother out of jail?" Ron asks her.

"I bet you thought you would never say that in your life" Danielle snorts.

Ron laughs, unlocking the car with his keys, he and Danielle getting inside the interior.

"Let's just go get Sam, he has a lot to tell us" Danielle sighs, "I just wish the car is okay."


"Look, I can't be any clearer than how crystal clear I am being," Sam explains for the fourth time, "It just stood up."

Danielle and Ron stand behind Sam as he sits, looking over to the two officers in front of him. The officer to the left of Danielle shakes his head with doubt, while the officer in front of Sam sits unemotionally.

"It just stood up. Wow. That's really neat," the officer in front of Sam, the interrogator, says, before grabbing a small, plastic portable measuring cup, handing the cup to Sam, "Okay, cheifie. Time to fill her up. And no drippy-drippy."

The 3 Witwicky's stare at the interrogator dumbfounded.

"What are you rolling? Whippets, Goofballs? A little wowi-sauce with the boys?" the interrogator continues on, staring intently at Sam.

"I'm not on any drugs" Sam states.

"Then what are these?" The interrogator questions, the officer to Danielle's left handing the interrogator a medicine bottle. He stares at Sam and his twin sister, before gazing down at the bottle label, "Found these in your pocket. "Mojo". Is that what these kids are doing now? A little of Mojo?"

"Those are my dog's pain pills" Sam clarifies.

Danielle rolls her eyes, before resting her hand on Sam's shoulder.

"Sir," Danielle says, "You can easily see the vet stamp on the side. My brother is not doing any drugs, nor has he ever been on any. Please, can we move on?"

The interrogator looks up at Danielle, her noticing his dark brown eyes analyzing her form.

"Are you sure you're not taking some drugs, Missy? Maybe I should be asking you to use the cup instead of your brother"

"Okay, that's enough!" Ron announces, glaring at the interrogator.

Danielle frowns, thinking that the interrogator must be on drugs to accuse her of being on drugs. But yet, Danielle still didn't understand Sam's comment earlier, about the car just standing up. That's impossible, and she understands why the police won't believe him, but still, accusing her of drugs is the most idiotic thing for just defending her twin brother.

The interrogator moves his coat in front of Sam, unintentionally showing his strapped on handgun attached to his belt. Sam and Danielle both couldn't help but glance over at it, noticing the firearm. Unfortunately, the interrogator saw both wandering eyes.

"What was that?" The man asks, gazing into Sam's eyes, "You eyeballing my piece, 50 cent?"

He leans forward, barricading Sam in his seat, making Danielle feel uneasy.

"You wanna go? Make something happen. Do it," said man continues, threatening Sam, "'Cause I promise you, I will bust you up."

There was silence after that, but only for a few seconds, as Sam quietly mumbles a sentence that nearly sent Danielle into fits of laughter.

"Are you on drugs?"

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