Chapter 13

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It was like Danielle was in one of the classic car action movies. Where the good car is being chased by the bad car. If anything, Danielle can presume the Camaro, in this case, is the good car, since it was the car to save the three of them from the police cop robot car, which was, in this case, the bad car. The Camaro drives through bike trails and small roads, the cop car following closely behind.

"Go, go, go, go!" Sam yells to the yellow Camaro, holding onto Danielle's hand and the dashboard.

Danielle holds onto the seat belt strap, feeling it tense under her hold before she feels the seatbelt secure tightly against her.

"Oh, God! We're gonna die! We're gonna die!" Mikaela screams.

"No, we're not! We're not gonna die!" Sam assures her.

"Oh, my God!"

"Trust me. He's a kick-ass driver!"

Danielle raises an eyebrow, hearing the engine stutter a bit as if the car was laughing at Sam's remark. That was when Danielle sees the Camaro heading over to a glass window.

"We're gonna die!" Sam squeals along with Mikaela, as the Camaro, drive straight through the glass window.

The glass breaks in seconds, sending sharding all over the car, some of the shards into the open windows, making a few land on Danielle and Sam. The Camaro passes through a wooden barrier, trying to get the cop car off their trails. The Camaro turns for a donut, its wheels screeching, everyone gripping for dear life.

"Oh, my God!" Mikaela screams.

The car turns back forward in less than a second, driving off quickly, using the traction of the wheels to get out of the donut, leaving the cop car stalling for a couple of seconds.

It had been about an hour since the race, and already the sky has gotten dark. Danielle sighs quietly, holding the seat belt strap tightly against her chest as the Camaro takes the 3 to one of the corners outside of a warehouse. The car backs up slightly, rolling the windows up and turning off the headlights, just as the monstrous cop car lazily passes by. Sam besides Danielle gaps as the Camaro doors lock, him and Mikaela frantically trying to undo the lock but the locks itself were jammed inside the car door, securing the 3 inside.

"We're locked in" Sam states.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious" Danielle mutters, looking down at the little symbol on the steering wheel, staring at the man with armor.

She brushes her right thumb against the symbol, feeling an almost aura of safety form around her, not even noticing the seat under her growing warm.

"The car won't start," Sam explains, "At least we ditched the monster, right?"

Mikaela scoffs her own heavy breathing echoing in the car. Danielle grips the steering wheel tightly with both hands, feeling a buzz go through her. The 3 glance at the cop car that was now making a second roundabout, stopping right as it reaches where the 3 were hiding, making Mikaela's breath to hitch.

"You had to say something, didn't you?" Danielle mumbles under her breath, using her right hand to slap Sam's shoulder. She glances down at where the keyhole was in the car, seeing said keys turn, the engine flickering.

"Time to start" Sam mumbles.

The engine of the Camaro suddenly roars, tires screeching as the car lurches forward fast. The Camaro drives as fast as it can, not caring that the cop car notices them, and tries to block them off. The yellow and black car easily avoids the Camaro and drives over across the street to what is a Water and Power plant, nearing towards the edge of the road. The car drifts sideways, and everything felt as it was a blur. The doors open, Danielle's seat unbuckles, and all 3 teenagers fall out of the car, landing harshly onto the asphalt. Danielle groans, wincing as her head collides against the ground, making her ears slightly ring.

"Could've given us a warning" she remarks, leaning her head on her right hand, trying to drown out the ringing.

But, Danielle couldn't fathom if what happens next was real, or if her head was just making illusions up.

The Camaro in front of the 3 teenagers....transforms. Just like the way the cop car transforms. Except, the way the Camaro transforms was graceful, gears slyly shifting into one another, creating a swift whirring sound, compared to the metal grinding the cop car had made hours ago to Sam and Danielle. The Camaro turns into a yellow and black colored human-like robot, standing at almost 20 feet tall. Danielle's mind spins, shocked at the fact that her car, the car she and her brother bought....was one of those "things". Sam and Mikaela get off from the ground, helping Danielle up, as her gaze was fixed on the Camaro robot in front of her, as it makes a fighting stance, its body in front of the three teenagers, as if the robot was protecting them.

She catches the sight of the cop car speeding towards the now 4, transform in an instant, launching himself at the Camaro, toppling them a few feet away from the teenagers. The teenagers stumble away, Danielle holding onto Mikaela's hand tightly. The monster throws the Camaro into a nearby water tower, stunning the robot for a few seconds, just enough time for the monster to advance to the teenagers. Sam tries to back up, but he trips, landing on the ground with a thud, seeing the monster. Danielle holds her breath, unable to process what the monster does to them.

The monster's chest opens, revealing a stereo inside. But, as the stereo is shown, it pops out of the monster's chest, transforming flawlessly, turning into a smaller robot version of the monster in front of them. Except this monster was the 3 teenagers height and size. The little monster screams in a high pitched voice, nearly freezing everyone to death in fear, before scrambling to their feet, stumbling away from the little monster. Danielle hears the larger monster voice scream out, followed by grunts as Danielle runs away, not bothering to look back.

She doesn't catch notice of Sam's yelps as he falls to the ground, the smaller monster latching on his back. Danielle and Mikaela turn, running back to Sam, seeing the monster pulling Sam's pants down, leaving him in his boxers. Mikaela tries to pry the monster off of Sam, but with a sharp hiss swipes Mikaela's arms out of the way, scaring her. Danielle panics, running over to Mikaela and the monster, using her right leg to give a sharp kick in the robot's face, sending it off of Sam. Sam gasps, rushing onto his feet, only in his shirt and boxers. Danielle and Sam bolt into a run, Mikaela running the other way, while the monster runs after the twins, ignoring the tan brunette. The twins run towards a thin fence line, planning to hop over it. But, the small monster squeals, jumping on Sam's back once more, making him fall with the force. Danielle slides with them, the twins rolling down the steep semi hill, landing sharply on the fence line.

Sam grabs onto the robots metal leg, flinging the robot off of his back, making it land a couple feet away. The robot jumps off the floor, the twins hear a gear shift in its body, before running to Sam and Danielle, jumping on Danielle's shoulders. She holds her hands out as the robot tries to inch its metal hands at her throat, trying to keep the monster at bay.

"Where is it?! Where is it!?" the monster's voice squeaks out with venom.

"I don't know!" Danielle screams back, "Go away!"

Sam screams, catching sight of a female shadow running towards the two, with something in her hands. It was Mikaela, with an electric hacksaw in her hands. Without even hesitating, she hacks the monster's arms off, everyone hearing its ear-piercing scream.

"Kill it! Kill it! Get it! Get it!" Sam and Danielle scream out.

Mikaela stops, seeing the damage of the robot. Danielle pushes the robot off of her, seeing the monsters head detach from its body, trying to crawl away.

"Not so tough without a head, are you?" Sam mocks the monster, before kicking it away with his foot.

The monster gives a shrill scream as it flies away, leaving the 3 alone. Everyone pants until they fall silent, processing everything that has happened in the last 10 minutes. But, what was most noticeable to Danielle, was the uneasy quietness. Minutes ago, she could have heard the police car and the Camaro fighting earlier, but now it was quiet.

"Here, come on" Sam mumble, grabbing onto Mikaela and Danielle's hands, tugging them along.

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