Chapter 24

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Everyone screams simultaneously, feeling the car ram into the robotic leg in front of them. The car stops, a loud rumble vibration throughout the car, as a giant hand reaches over to the back glass windows, the fingers right by Danielle's window. Danielle finds it in herself to scream in fear, pushing her body closer to Sam and Mikaela, trying to get as far away from her side door as possible. Glass breaks as the robotic fingers go through the windows, reaching over to the interior roof of the car. With only 2 robotic fingers, the car lifts off the ground from the rear side, making everyone scream even louder and frantic.

Both men in suit scream to the teenagers, causing the teenagers to scream right back.

"Shift your weight to the front!" Sam yells. Everyone moves their bodies forward, Danielle stabilizing herself by pushing her feet against the backside of the driver's seat, afraid to be suddenly surged forward by accident. Right as everyone pushes back, the car roof breaks, ripping it off from the car itself with ease. Without the weight holding them up, the car falls back in place, startling everyone in their seats. Danielle feels her stomach go to her throat, her heartbeat pulsing from her wrist and neck.

Everyone gasps, looking up, seeing the culprit, holding the car roof in its right hand. Danielle finally realizes who the robot was, and she wasn't sure to give a smile or to feel just as anxious as she was already. Thankfully, Sam understands the robot's identity, leaning over to the two men in suits in the front.

"You A-Holes are in trouble now," Sam states "I would like to introduce you to my friend-"

"Optimus Prime" Danielle mumbles loudly, interrupting Sam.

The leader of the Autobots throws away the car roof to the side of the road, staring down at the 5. He shows his true self to them, giving a stern glare through his metal face.

"Taking the children was a bad move" Optimus says sternly.

Danielle and the others hear a rally of men running toward the broken car, guns were drawn. Sam gives a gasp at this, but Optimus Prime stays strong and unmoved.

"Autobots, relieve them of their weapons" Optimus orders.

The ground shakes again, as the rest of the Autobots land on the ground from the bridge behind the 5 humans, running over to the rally. Danielle catches sight of Ironhide, with both his cannons drawn, pointing at all the men in suits who have their guns drawn. He yells for them to freeze, while Jazz walks in front of Ironhide, his left hand transformed into an odd contraption, Danielle watching all the guns around the area floats over to his arm, sticking onto the contraption, "Give me those!"

Just when it couldn't get any better, Danielle notices the familiar yellow and black Autobot come into her field of view. She looks over at Bumblebee, his left arm turned into a cannon, aiming over at the people around them. She gives a small smile seeing the yellow Camaro Autobot, before turning her head, watching the main man in the suit looked up at Optimus Prime.

"Hi, there" the man says, waving slightly at Optimus Prime.

Optimus crouches down, his face feet away from the front end of the broken SUV. He gazes at every face, before looking down at the man, "You don't seem to be afraid of us. Are you not surprised to see us?"

"Look, there are seven protocols, okay?" the main man in suit tries to explain, 'I'm not authorized to communicate with you except to tell you, I cannot communicate with you."

"Get out of the car."

"All right. Me? You want me to get-"


With Optimus' stern ordering, everyone starts to scramble out of the car. Danielle stumbles out the best she can, with her hands cuffed behind her back. She gives a sigh, noticing Mikaela walking over to her hastily, her hands already uncuffed. She holds up a bobby pin in her right hand, and walks behind Danielle, pushing the bobby pin into Danielle's cuffs.

"Good job, Mikaela" Danielle comments.

Like magic, the handcuffs click, releasing her hands. Danielle lets the cuffs drop onto the ground, instantly having her hands come to her front, scanning the damage. There was a bright red discolor in her wrists, with heavy indentations.

Danielle looks over to her right and sees Mikaela uncuffing Sam, them briefly talking. She walks over to Sam, rubbing her wrists. Sam notices her and nearly springs over to Danielle enveloping her into a tight hug.

"God, I'm so worried, Danielle" Sam mumbles in Danielle's shoulder as he leans down.

"I know, Sam. I'm worried too" Danielle mumbles into his chest, both twins feeling the same emotion.

Mikaela steps over, making the fraternal twins pull away, staring over at her.

"Sam, I have a record because I wouldn't turn my dad in," Mikaela confesses, "When have you had to sacrifice anything in your perfect, little life?"

Sam's expression drops, causing Danielle to frown. She knew what Mikaela said did hit him. Mikaela was very different than them. Both Sam and Danielle never really had to sacrifice anything; if anything- they were spoiled young. Danielle gives an apologetic look to Mikaela, who nods her head in response. Danielle looks around the area of the three teenagers, catching sight of the same yellow and black Camaro. Danielle pulls away from Sam and Mikaela, walking over to Bumblebee, who was patrolling around the scene, his left hand still drawn.

"Bumblebee!" Danielle yells out.

She catches Bumblebee's attention in an instant, as his blue optics look over at her approaching form. Bumblebee gives a whir of appreciation, before crouching down to be closer to Danielle's height. Bumblebee tilts his head, seeing Danielle give a toothy grin at him.

"I missed you, yellow" Danielle tells him, "Thanks for saving us."

"Anything for-you-Beautiful" Bumblebee's radio emits back to Danielle.

The silence begins to grow, causing Danielle's cheeks to grow a pale pink. She wasn't sure why she was embarrassed, maybe it was the fact that a 20-foot robot was crouching down, staring at her intently. She doesn't feel her chest constricting as each second goes on, but looks over at Bumblebee, giving a timid smile.

"You don't have to call me beautiful, Bumblebee" she tells the yellow Autobot.

"But you are-Beautiful-you're the most beautiful-creature-I've ever seen in my-life. And trust me- I've seen a lot of things" Bumblebee replies almost instantly to her comment.

Danielle's cheeks grow from a faded pink to almost a vivid pink, as she blushes from Bumblebee's compliment.

"Great," Danielle thinks to herself, "If a giant robot from another planet is calling me beautiful, then I don't know what to say. Should I say thank you? Maybe hug him? I mean, he's not human- can robots take affection? Hell if I know".

Before Danielle can say something to Bumblebee, Mikaela taps on her shoulder. Danielle adverts her attention to Mikaela, who gestures towards the man who interrogated later. Danielle notices the handcuffs in Mikaela's hands and gives a small smirk. Mikaela grasps Danielle's hand, pulling her away. As Danielle is being pulled away, she looks over at Bumblebee, who was still crouching down and gives a warm smile to the Autobot.

"I'll be right back!" Danielle mouths to Bumblebee.

He responds by giving a loud whir, rising up from the ground, before walking away, patrolling around the area.

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