Chapter 45

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Danielle bolts upward, panting for breath. She can't comprehend the last few seconds, only that she can feel her heart race more than a mile a minute. Sweat coats her back, her long black sleeve shirt absorbing it, sticking to her back uncomfortably. Danielle sighs, wiping a hand across her face, catching her breath.
It has been the third time in the last week since this has happened. Ever since the fight back at Mission City, for the past two weeks the Autobots have taken refuge on Earth, everyone including Bumblebee residing at the nearest military base for questioning. Danielle was only thankful that before the Autobots left they helped her "transform" back to her regular self- her human self. It wasn't easy, but after an hour, Danielle managed. Getting advice from Ratchet, Danielle has been mindful to ease her emotions, since one slip up she can accidentally transform, either in public or in the comfort of her house.
She should feel safe and relaxed since no one is trying to kill her or her family. But yet, every second she has to herself, she is tense, afraid of her own body. No one has told her about the reason why she can turn into an alien robot, no one has bothered to explain it to her.

Danielle gets out of her bed, finding the summer bed sheets too hot for her body. Her feet step onto the cold wooden floor, nearly stumbling from her fatigue. Danielle stretches, her muscles popping, easing her shoulders and arms. She walks over to her dresser, pulling out a dark green cardigan, slipping it over her shoulders. She grabs her pair of white slip-on shoes, carefully slipping them on her bare feet, ignoring putting on socks. Taking a deep breath, she slowly opens her bedroom door that leads into the hallway, stepping through. She carefully closes the door behind her, before carefully stepping towards the house staircase, mindful of not waking anyone up. She doesn't know what time it is, just having the urge to go outside to cool off. Walking to the door that leads to the backyard, the brunette slips outside, closing the sliding door behind her. Feeling the cold brisk air hit her, she takes a deep breath, ignoring the goosebumps on her exposed legs. Glancing at the yard around her, Danielle frowns. Seeing the destroyed grass and walkway causes Danielle to remember that night of the Autobots walking into their yard without permission.

Carefully walking around the destroyed parts of the yard, she hears a car pull up to the gated driveway. She looks up, watching Bumblebee, in his alternate form, pass through the gate, unaware of Danielle's presence. Placing her hands on her hips, Danielle makes her presence known.

"You know, if I was a parent, you'd be grounded" Danielle calmy states.

Bumblebee lets out a loud whir of surprise, nearly shifting his alternate form in reverse, backing out of the property. Danielle reacts, rushing over to the Camaro, calming down the surprised Autobot.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Danielle shouts quietly, "You can't be waking up the whole neighborhood, Bee!"

Bumblebee starts to calm down slightly, his alternate form visibly shaking, Danielle noticing the model shake from side to side. Danielle grows guilty, walking over to the driver's side of the Camaro, resting her hand on the roof.

"I'm sorry for startling you" Danielle apologizes, "I probably should have announced my presence before startling you."

Bumblebee fully calms down, relaxing at Danielle's touch. The radio starts to flicker, alerting the brunette.

"Why are you- up so- late?" Bumblebee's radio emits.

Danielle contemplates whether, to tell the truth to Bumblebee, and decides that it's not worth lying to an alien robot.

"Nightmares. Been happening since Mission City."

Bumblebee stays quiet, only opening the driver's side of the door slowly. Danielle glances at the door pushing her back, realizing what Bumblebee is offering.

" know I'm not allowed to leave the house" Danielle sighs.

"You'll be back- before sunrise- Beautiful" Bumblebee assures.

Danielle rolls her eyes, before giving a small laugh, sitting inside Bumblebee's interior. She straps herself in, resting her hands on her lap. She closes the door, watching Bumblebee's starting to back out of the driveway ever so quietly, careful to not wake up the neighborhood, let alone her parents. Automatically, Bumblebee lowers Danielle's seat slightly, enough to let her rest her head, as he starts to drive down her neighborhood street.

During this time, Danielle starts to nod off to sleep, finding that being inside Bumblebee's warm interior, his leather but soft seats almost feel like her bed. Despite being half-conscious, Danielle hears Bumblebee put on some low-beat music, having hints of a piano to make it more calmful.

Danielle doesn't know how long she has slept, or how far she and Bumblebee have driven, but she wakes up seeing the ocean in front of her. Humming, Danielle sits up in her seat, finding Bumblebee parked beside a cliff overlooking the ocean. Glancing around the area, she finds no car or person around them, no beach-goers walking on the beach a hundred feet away from them.

"Hmm, Bee?" Danielle hums, rubbing her eyes, "What time is it?"

"No time when you're- living in the moment" Bumblebee's radio emits, trying to lighten the situation.

Danielle gives a smile, before stepping out of the car. She takes a seat on top of the hood, resting her body against the windshield, staring at the stars in the sky. She lets out a breath, relaxing her shoulders.

"Bee?" Danielle asks suddenly.

The radio static stops, letting Danielle know that Bumblebee is listening.

"Who am I?" Danielle questions, "Who am I really?"

Danielle doesn't let Bumblebee answer her question and she continues on.

"I lived 16 years of my life as a human. Now all of a sudden ever since Sam and I bought you as a car I've been getting these weird feelings. Feelings like I can't breathe and this fuzziness in my head."

She gets off of the hood, "And then- And the Deceptions show up, and then the Autobots. With- With the creek and Sam's glasses, and then all of a sudden I'm this 15-foot tall robot humanoid person thing-y. And then you called me Jinx...Why does everyone seem to know who I am beside me? What do I not know that everyone else does!?"

She stops speaking, trying to contain herself. Bumblebee notices Danielle's hesitation, reacting quickly, transforming into his robotic self. kneeling in front of her. Danielle turns around, letting Bumblebee see her fully.

The Camaro-like robot's expression saddens seeing Danielle's face. Tears are rolling down her cheeks, her lips pulled back to hide her abrupting sobs and gasps. Her once tanned smooth cheeks are pink and tear-stricken. Her right arm is grasping her left wrist, holding it tightly, looking as if she is restraining herself. He stares into her eyes, seeing the pigmentation in her brown eyes slowly brighten, glimpses of the familiar electric blue peaking.

Danielle stands her ground in front of Bumblebee, despite her expression breaking every second.

"W-Who am I?"


Hello everyone! Darcy here. I'm Back! Well, almost back. I am almost done with my Senior Year of Highschool! Finally I will be done! Right now I managed to finish this chapter, this is my thank you to all the readers who have stuck around to see this to the end. Thank You! I am not done with the book justttt yet, there is about 1-2 more chapters of this book, then all of you amazing people will be ready to read the second book of this series! I am sorry once more for taking such a long time, and I am ever so grateful for all of you choosing to read my book and it's almost at 50 thousand reads! Agh! Thank you!!! See you guys till the next chapter much love xxxx

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