Chapter 2

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"Yes!" Both Sam and Danielle cheer as they jog over to their father's car, a wide smile on both twins faces. Danielle was the first to get to her father's vintage car, opening the passenger door, and climbing towards the back seats, strapping herself in, setting her messenger bag to the side.

"Hi, daddy" Danielle greets her father, kissing his cheek, before resting her body back on the seats, watching Sam strap himself into the car.

"So?" Ron asks the two.

"A-. It's an A though" Sam explains quickly, calming his breathing.

Sam shows Ron the papers of both Sam and Danielle have, as Ron's emotionless face changes into a slight grin, as he was proud for his two kids.

"Yep. You're good" Ron announces.

Danielle smiles widely, as she leans over to Sam, gripping his shoulder tightly, squeezing it with joy. They are going to get a car!


"I got a little surprise for you two" Ron says to his two children.

The three have been driving for a good half an hour, as Ron slowly pulls up to a big lot, causing Danielle and Sam's expressions show confusion.

"What kind of surprise?" Danielle asks.

"Little surprise..." Ron mumbles as he drives down the little road, showing the two teens what he was "taking" them to.

It was Sam to first react, as he laughs in excitement, seeing the large "Porsche" brand on the side of one building, Danielle noticing right after.

"No. No, no, no, no. Dad!" Sam laughs, "Oh, you gotta be kidding me."

"Oh. I am," Ron laughs loudly, "You two aren't getting a Porsche!"

Danielle sits quietly, knowing it couldn't have been true. Sure, her father was a good man, but he was a cheapskate, and giving his kids a Porsche....that was not her father.

"You think that's funny?" Sam accuses their father, a look of hurt on his face.

"Yeah, I think it's funny" their father replies, chuckling.

"What's wrong with you?"

"What? You'd really think I'd get you and Danny a Porsche for your first car?"

"I'm not gonna talk to you for the rest of this whole thing."

Danielle, or Danny for short, giggles in the back of the car, just as Ron pulls up to the side of the street at a dealership, with the name of "Bobby B's!". Danielle notices the look of Sam's face, and knew that he was not liking the place, and would rather be at the Porsche dealership; heck, she would be too. Sam gets out of the car once Ron turns off the engine, Danielle following suit, hopping off the seat to the sidewalk, not bothering to use the little gap that was in between the front and back seats. She adjusts her jacket, glancing over at Sam, a small smile on her face, comforting her twin brother.

Sam notices Danielle, and gives back a small smile, before both of them start to walk towards Ron, who was near the property building, waiting for the both of them.

"Here?" Sam exclaims to Ron, gesturing to the beaten up cars in front of the three, "No, no, no, what is this? You said...You said half a car, not half a peice of crap, Dad."

"When I was both you and Danny's age, I'd be happy with four wheels and an engine" Ron responds gruffly.

Danielle was in between Ron and Sam, as they walk by the old vintage cars, towards the entrance to the building, where Danielle notices a man, who she suspected to be the owner of the property, "Bobby B".

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