Chapter 19

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The barrage of engines echo throughout the streets of the Witwicky neighborhood, as all the Autobots, converted to their alternate modes, drive down the streets, eventually turning on an alleyway right next to the Witwicky house, away from any onlookers. The three humans, Sam, Danielle, and Mikaela, sit tensely inside of Bumblebee's alternate mode, with Danielle in the driver's seat, while Sam and Mikaela sit in the back. It feels almost natural to Danielle to sit in the front driver's seat. Sam wouldn't dare sit in the front, now knowing that their Camaro was an alien robot. He didn't want to insult Bumblebee by sitting in the front driver's seat, not that Danielle minded.

The light brunette "directs" Bumblebee to the alleyway, leading the rest of the Autobots to the secluded area. She lets go of the wheel once Bumblebee fully stops, acting as if he was parked into position. The doors unlock, making the three teenagers hastily step out of Bumblebee's alternate mode.

Sam looks over to Mikaela and Danielle, his shoulders slightly shaking with anticipation, "I need you two to stay here, all right? Both of you. You got to stay here, and you two are gonna watch them."

Danielle and Mikaela nod, the lighter brunette laying her hand on her brother's shoulder.

"Be careful" Danielle tells her brother, "We don't want dad out in the back where he could see...y'know, everyone."

Sam nods to her, leaning over to quickly press his lips on her forehead, before running to the gate that led to the background, unlocking it, before sprinting down the backyard, to the backside of the house. Once Sam was out of Danielle's sight, she sighs loudly, walking over to the front end of the Camaro, stuffing her hands into her pockets, sitting on top of the hood of Bumblebee. She feels the tightness of her chest pulsating slightly, causing an odd discomfort to her. It made Danielle almost lose her breath every few minutes, but she wouldn't dare tell anyone about it.

"Danielle?" Danielle hears Mikaela say her name.

She opens her eyes, seeing the darker brunette stare in front of her, a look of worry etched on her features. Danielle scoffs slightly, nodding her head to Mikaela.

"I'm fine, trust me. I'm just....." Danielle trails off for a few seconds, "processing all of this madness."

It was only half the truth. By now, Danielle was already used to the robots needing their help. She lied about being fine. She feels the urge to tell someone, but with the ongoing problem regarding Archibald Witwicky's glasses, Danielle didn't want to cause any more problems.

Danielle takes another breath, before tensing up in surprisement, hearing a car transform. She turns around quickly, seeing Optimus Prime transforming out of his alternate mode, standing proudly over 20 feet. Danielle freaks out, running over to Optimus Prime.

"Optimus!" Danielle yells to him, "What are you doing?!"

"We must find those glasses...Danielle" Optimus says to Danielle under his breath, hesitating at saying her name, before walking off.

Danielle feels a pinpoint of pain hit her square in the chest, but her adrenaline keeps the pain numb, as she runs with Mikaela to all the other Autobots, who have changed out of their alt modes, making their way to the backyard.

"What are you doing, guys?! You're supposed to stay here!" Danielle yells.

Her voice was heard on no ears, as every Autobot steps over the fencing, walking onto the property. Danielle curses loudly, seeing the taller Autobots walk aimlessly onto the grassy ground, leaving footmarks along the way. She notices Bumblebee from afar, taking a stealthier approach, as he advances to the side of the house as if he knows where he's going- it would make sense, as Bumblebee has been living a the Witwicky household for almost a month now.

Danielle and Mikaela quickly rush onto the property, seeing Sam frantically running to Optimus Prime, nearly shaking in his pants, "What are you doing? What are you doing?"

Optimus carelessly walks by the fountain Ron had built over a year ago, his right foot closest to it at about 10 feet away.

"Watch the path! Watch the path! Please!" Sam pleads for Optimus to listen.

As if his plea was on deaf ears, when Optimus accidentally takes a step onto the fountain, momentarily losing his balance, more focused on not hitting any electrical wires. Sam and Danielle groan in anger, as the toll of Optimus stepping on the fountain, the leftover water splashing onto their clothes.

"Oops. Sorry. My bad" Optimus notices this, trying to apologize.

"Oh, I...." Sam tries to think of words to say, to possibly scold the 20 foot plus robot, "You couldn't...You couldn't wait for 5...You couldn't wait for 5 minutes. I told you to just stay! Just stay! God!"

Danielle sighs loudly, walking away, and instead, glancing over at the other Autobots. Ratchet and Jazz stay close. She couldn't find Bumblebee, as he was probably doing his own thing, scouting out the place for any signs of Judy and Ron. She knew where Optimus was, but she couldn't find Ironhide...

It wasn't until she hears Ironhide's voice that caused her to nearly panic out of her shoes.

"You have a rodent infestation. Shall I terminate?" Ironhide asks.

Danielle quickly spins around, finding him aiming both his cannons at Sam's head. She sees Sam in front Mojo, who barks triumphantly at the large robot. Danielle runs to Sam's side, hastily grabbing Mojo, holding the small chihuahua in her arms.

"No, no, no, no. He's not a rodent, he's a chihuahua. This is my...this is my chihuahua. We love chihuahua's!" Sam tries to explain, looking over at his twin sister, "Don't we?"

Danielle nods her head frantically, trying to keep Ironhide calm.

"He's leaked lubricant's all over my foot!" Ironhide scowls.

"...He-He peed on you?" Sam says to the large robot, "Bad Mojo. Bad Mojo!"

"Bad Mojo!" Ironhide mimics Sam, scolding the small dog.

"I'm sorry. He's got a male dominance thing. That's all it is" Sam tells Ironhide once more, trying not to make the situation worse.

Danielle sighs, seeing Ironhide walk away, and drops Mojo on the floor, seeing the small dog run to his outside dog house. She runs over to Sam, who was desperately trying to get the Autobots to hide, hastily grabbing her wrist, dragging her inside. They don't have much time, they needed to find the glasses as soon as possible.

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