Chapter 39

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The area around Danielle sounds muffled, as Danielle can only hear her own heartbeat echo in her eardrums. She stands still, watching Bumblebee's running form fade from her sight. The ever-burning feeling inside the pit of her stomach aches, growing with a passion.

"Crap..." Danielle huffs, hearing her heartbeat race, "Dammit."

With her curse, Danielle starts to follow Bumblebee's indentations on the ground he made with his heavy feet, running back towards the battlefield, not willing to sit and watch something she can possibly prevent.

With over 5 minutes, Danielle can feel her lower half growing numb running down the streets of Mission City. She aches, trying to keep her breathing steady, regretting half-assing her effort back in P.E. over the decade she has been in school.

Danielle pants, stopping in the middle of the street. By now, all the cars were deserted on the streets, people running the other way than she was, away from the danger. People must be looking at her like she has a deathwish. In some cases, she is.

Danielle leans against an abandoned car, a regular, grey SUV with all of its doors opened, the keys still in the ignition. Danielle feels her body shaking for oxygen, succumbing to the need. She looks up at the sky, finding the blue sky inviting her to stop and stare for hours.

"I gotta keep going" Danielle speaks out loud, "Who knows what will happen if I don't".

Danielle groans, pulling herself off the SUV, stumbling to catch her balance. Despite her urge to just sit down, Danielle pushes herself to jog forward to get to Sam and Bumblebee. 2 minutes into her painful jog, Danielle can feel the slight heat of familiarity. The feeling was soothing, making Danielle forget about the pain in her legs. But, as soon as she feels the warmth, a sharp stab of coldness destroys the warmth drastically. As just as fast the cold hit her, she sees a loud explosion over 200 feet in front of Danielle. Her ears echo from the loud explosion, using both of her hands to cover her ears. Smoke engulfs the streets around the origin of the explosion, growing large in diameter.

"Shit," Danielle yells, "Sam!"

Pushing herself beyond her limit, Danielle starts to jog faster towards the blast zone, trying the best she can to ignore inhaling the smoke. As she reaches the blast zone, Danielle feels her knees give out. She breaks her fall on her knees, her right hand pressing against a nearby building, coughing up smoke. Running a mile and a half in less than ten minutes sure makes Danielle want to sit and not move for the rest of the day.

Danielle stares down at her pants, still wearing the obnoxiously bright blue scrubs, her white tank stop dirtied with smoke. She was lucky enough to grab some shoes, remembering an S7 man in suit giving her plain white sneakers to use. At least it was better than being barefoot. She lets out a shaky breath, before looking up, squinting at the smoke dissipating around her. Once the smoke clears up, that was when she catches sight of everything.

Cars around her exploded. One of the military vehicles, the tires melted from the missile blast, being unable to use. Shards of glass and metal were around Danielle, some metal pieces as close as two feet from her knees. But, with the smoke clearing up, Danielle sees the truth aftermath.

She sees Sam and Bumblebee. Both of them were close to each other, Sam kneeling next to Bumblebee. The yellow and black Autobot was lying on his stomach, with both his legs blown off of him. The sight of it makes Danielle's stomach drop. Both Sam and Bumblebee are covered in soot, with some blood stain on the side of his forehead. She glances over to her left, seeing Mikaela running over to the two, equally covered in suit and dirt as well.

"I gotta get up" Danielle thinks to herself, trying to rise up from her knees.

She groans, finding the pain horrible, making it nearly impossible for her to get up. She is stuck on her knees, only being able to watch from afar, instead of running to the three. Trying to focus her breathing, she can feel the warmth starting to encase her once more. Despite the soothing feeling, she still feels tense, like she knows something bad will happen if it didn't happen already.

With her inner conflict, Danielle doesn't hear a shrill cackle of laughter, before the ground around her shakes. Being startled, Danielle gives a slight gasp, frantically looking around for the source of the ground shaking. She hears the shrill cackle of laughter echo before a dark purple robot walks into view. Danielle's heart drops, seeing the dark purple robot approach Bumblebee.

The robot is a tall brute, with a masculine figure, its arms bigger than its own head. The robot's exoskeleton looks beaten. The color of the robot was a dark purple with a silver shine as the sun casts over it. From afar, Danielle can feel the coldness the robot radiates, and, as it turns over to where Danielle is, she can see the robot's dark glaring red eyes.

"Poor little Bumblebee" the robot snarls at Bumblebee, its deep voice vibrating around the area.

Danielle feels heated, finding her body overheat as the robot takes an approaching step to Bumblebee.

"It's a shame," The robot speaks coldly, "seeing a small little missile could do so much harm. To think, one of the best scouts for the Autobots', is now vulnerable, and with two little insects as witnesses."

"Go to Hell!" Bumblebee's radio yells at the Decepticon.

The Decepticon laughs, placing its foot on Bumblebee's chest, inches away from his neck. Bumblebee is forced to lie on the ground, staring up at the Decepticon, who transforms their right arm to a blaster.

"It will be a great honor for Lord Megatron to know of your demise. You were a pestful enemy. And like all pests, they end up dead" the Decepticon announces.

The Decepticon raises its blaster to hover over Bumblebee's head, powering up. Danielle's heart stops, her body increasingly radiating painful heat.

"Goodbye, scout."

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