Chapter 1

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I walked in the room and saw the headmaster sitting at a desk. "Miss y/n I presume," he asked.

"Yes, sir," I answered him directly. He got up out of his seat and walked up to me, "Nice to meet you, I'm headmaster Cross." We shook hands and he noticed the other eleven people in the room.

"And I'm guessing that these are the Sakamaki's and Mukami's?" He asked an I simply nodded. After the introduction, he sat back down and pulled out some papers.

"From these papers, everyone except Yui Komori will attend the night class." He told us and we all looked at Yui.

"night class?" I questioned. "Yes, this school works with two different classes. The day class and the night class. The day class takes their classes during the day and vice versa." He explained

"and you all must know that the night class are also-" Before he could finish the door opened, revealing three people.

The first person to walk in was a girl, around 15 years old, short brown hair and brown eyes. The next to walk in was a boy with silver hair and lilac eyes, he was taller than the girl and they had the same arm band around their arm.

The last to walk in was another guy, he had brown hair and brown eyes, much like the girl's and had a white uniform on.

I stared at him and then it hit me. I knew those eyes and that hair, it can't be. I was completely frozen when he looked at me with those eyes. It was him, I ran up to him and hugged him as tight as I could.

Everyone gasped in shock and I started crying. "Big brother, I missed you so much Kaname." I cried. He pulled me away and bent down to my level, he stared at me in complete and utter shock. "y/n, is that really you?" He asked me.

I nodded and he returned the hug I gave him. Everyone around us was in a state of shock and confusion, they didn't know what to think.

We pulled away from each other and turned back to the group. "Wait, you have a sister?!" The brown haired girl said. "Yes, y/n is my sister, I'll explain everything later." He said calmly.

The headmaster regained his composure. "R-Right, umm, this my daughter Yuki Cross and this is my son Zero Kiryu." He pointed to the two teens and they waved to us.

"We're members of the disciplinary committee, I heard that we'll be getting a new member." Yuki cheered whereas Zero said nothing.

"As I was saying before, the night class is different than the day class because the students in the night class are...vampires," he explained. "Wait. Vampires?" I was confused.

"Oh, we didn't want to tell you just yet M-Neko-Chan, but he's right. All of us, except Yui, are vampires." Kou sadly explained. "Then why am I in the night class?" I asked, looking for an answer. The headmaster stepped up. "I was strictly told not to tell you the reason you are in the night class." I was still surprised at what he said a moment ago.

"Wait how am I not a vampire?" I asked Kaname. "I don't know either but you were formerly a vampire and something happened to you, leaving you like this," Reiji stated.

"Miss Komori, you will be helping Zero and me on the disciplinary committee since you know about vampires." Yuki shook Yui's hand and handed her the same arm band that the two already had.

Yuki led Yui out of the room to take her to her dorm room, Zero followed them. That only left me and the...vampires. "Kaname, take them to the night dorms and get them settled in before class starts." headmaster Cross instructed.

He led us out of the room and past the day campus, into the night campus. He opened the door to what looked more like a mansion than anything. "everyone else is asleep, we'll do introductions later." Kaname explained.

He led us up some stairs and showed up the rooms we'll be sleeping in. Most of the guys had to share a room and I had a room to myself, at the end of the long hallway.

Kaname opened the door, the room was huge. "My room is just a few doors down. I'm glad to have you back y/n." he smiled sweetly. "Me too." I responded. " you should get some sleep before class, you have a uniform in the bathroom. goodnight." He hugged me one last time and I walked into the room.

I was staring at the amount of space in the room and sat on the bed. It was soft, 'that's it I'm sleeping right now.' I thought to myself as I pulled the blanket over me and slowly fell asleep.

'tomorrow I start night class...with vampires' Was my last thought before I fell into complete sleep

Sakamaki or Kuran? {Diabolik lovers x vampire knight cross over}Where stories live. Discover now