What?? Alpha!?

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Btw the art or pictures aren't mine unless i say so and here's the list of what you need to know.

(Y/N): your name
(E/C): eye color
(H/C): hair color
(F/C): favorite color
(F/F): favorite food
(F/D):favorite drink
(F/N): friend's name
(F/CL): favorite club
"(Y/N)!! Get up it's your first day of Phoenix Drop High!!", screamed mom.

I fell off of bed and got up,"I'M UP!!", I screamed back. I took a shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, dried my hair, and brushed my hair. I then grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs where my mother was waiting for me. She gave me a pop tart for breakfast and also gave me a packed lunch.

"It's your favorite~ (F/F) with (F/D).", she said," Have a good day at Phoenix Drop High sweetie.". She then hugged me after that i ran out the door and started walking to Phoenix Drop High. It was a great school but people there start getting weirder. I never associated with the Werewolves or Meif'wa, and I never even made any friends and it's my second year being at Phoenix Drop High.

I got to the fountain and saw people talking, I started chewing on my pop tart.

"LOOK OUT!!!", someone yelled.

"Hm..?", I looked up to see a frisbee and a werewolf coming straight at me. I ducked and heard water splashing, I then got up and turned around just to see the Werewolf holding the frisbee in his hand while sitting in the water. I lent my hand, looking at him dead straight in the eyes," Need a hand??". He grabbed my hand and got out from the fountain," Thanks!", he said.

"No problem.", I said while smiling. He than started shaking rapidly to get some of the water of him, I laughed and covered my self.

"O-oops sorry.",he says sadly.

"Oh it's fine, what's your name? Im (Y/N).", I said while sticking out my hand.

"I'm Ein, So uhh.. are we friends now..?", he asks while shaking my hand. I froze, friend? He's gonna be my friend? "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that, I'll go now.". He sounded sad, like really sad. I grabbed his arm as tears formed and ran down my face," No I would love to have you as a friend.", I said.

"Are you.. okay..?", he asks.

I realized I was crying and wiped my tears away. "S-sorry! It's just I've never had a friend before.", I said looking down.

"O-oh..", he says while looking down. While we were having a moment i feel arms wrap around me. "H-huh..?", I gasp and saw that Ein was hugging me.

"E-Ein..", I smile and hug him back.

"Heyyyyyy Baby!", a familiar voice said.
(I cringed at that lol ♡)

"Oh no...", I groaned and turned around to see little Travis.

", I groaned and turned around to see little Travis

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♡My Werewolf.♡      >_>Ein x reader<_<Where stories live. Discover now