Travis? Kawaii-Chan?? Who wins??

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(Y/N): your name
(E/C): eye color
(H/C): hair color
(F/C): favorite color
(F/F): favorite food
(F/D):favorite drink
(F/N): friend's name
(F/CL): favorite club
(M/N): mom's name
(F/A): favorite animal
(F/D): favorite dessert
Thank you!

I went back to Zane's house the next day, I knocked on the door and saw Travis when the door opened.

"Oh hi Travis!", I smiled. He smiled back and let me in. "So is Kawaii-Chan here too..?", I asked.

"Yea so is Dante cause why not?", he answered. I giggled and nodded, I saw Kawaii-Chan and Zane baking in the kitchen, Travis growled but kept calm. I smiled and saw them pull out cupcakes, I saw that they were competition cupcakes so one of each was gonna be decorated by one of us. Garroth and Vylad were here too so 1 cupcake each for 6 people. We all grabbed one and started decorating our colors. Mine was (F/C), Zane's was black, Garroth's was blue, Vylad's was dark green because Laurence is light green but he's not here so let's forget about him, Kawaii-Chan's is pink, Dante's was blue, and Travis' is white. We decorated them with really cute items Kawaii-Chan brought, we left them there and went to the back yard to start this competition.

Travis and Kawaii-Chan were death glaring each other.

Kawaii -Chan:

  Kawaii -Chan:

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  We started the competition with toy swords

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We started the competition with toy swords. Zane wanted real swords but I chose foam swords. They started fighting, for Kawaii-Chan it was more of an advantage because she had cat-like reflexes. But for Travis it was also an advantage because he was trained in combat. (Now I don't know what I'm writing lol. It's like a Phoenix Drop High and Minecraft Diaries mix XD.) After a while, Travis was beaten down and had Kawaii-Chan's foot on his chest, keeping him down she cheered in victory for the first battle. Travis got up and huffed in annoyance. The second battle was with water guns, after a while Kawaii-Chan steps out.

"Kawaii-Chan chooses to forfeit!!", she yells.

"What why??", I ask.

"Kawaii-Chan has taken a liking to Dante-kun!", she answers. We all looked at him, he was scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.


  Travis chuckles and walks up to Zane, putting an arm over his shoulder

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Travis chuckles and walks up to Zane, putting an arm over his shoulder. Zane blushed and looked away, we went inside and stayed up all night baking and eating. The cupcakes went to different people, I got Garroth's, Garroth got Dante's, Kawaii-Chan got Vylad's, Vylad got Travis', Dante got Zane's, and Zane got Kawaii-Chan's. There was one cupcake that we didn't decorate so I swirled (F/C) and Dark Blue together so it would be like a mix of Ein and I. I then got edible decorations and used dog ones and hearts. I smiled and texted Ein to come over, he ran over so quickly. I then gave him the cupcake and smiled, he smiled back and started munching on it. After, we decided to watch a movie, Vylad and Garroth passed out, Ein and I were snuggling, Zane and Travis were also cuddling, and Kawaii-Chan was sitting in Dante's lap. I smiled and passed out after the movie ended, to be honest we all did, one by one.



569 words.


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