Kisses?! Travis!!!

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(Y/N): your name
(E/C): eye color
(H/C): hair color
(F/C): favorite color
(F/F): favorite food
(F/D):favorite drink
(F/N): friend's name
(F/CL): favorite club

Thank you

    I woke up hours later, expecting mom to be home but she wasn't... I went downstairs and saw a note.
Hi honey, I'm not gonna be home until very late so you'll have to make something for yourself to eat. Sorry baby but I'll love to hear what happened at school today if you want to talk about it~!


     Well, I'm gonna make a salad. I grab the ingredients and get started.

*knock knock*

   I looked at the front door and went to check the window. I saw Ein, I blushed in embarrassment and opened the front door.

   "U-uh.. Hi Ein...", I said shyly.

  "H-Hi.", Ein, said.

   "Come inside.", I said moving out of the way.

   He walked in and sat down on the couch. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back and go back to the salad.

   "School ended already...?", I asked. He nodded his head.

"Yea, I wanted to talk to you..", Ein said.

  "About...?", I asked.

   "The kiss on my cheek you gave me..", he said. I blushed, I looked at him and then looked down.

   "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean too.. I hope you're still my friend..", I said as I sat down with a salad next to him.

   "It's okay.. I'm not leaving you.. I'm your first friend and I plan on being you first friend forever..", he said.

   "Thank you..", I whispered.

  "So your father.. he's dead..?", he asks.

I nod my head,"Yea he died two weeks after I was born.", I said," He was an Alpha like me.. I guess it was in our blood..", I laugh awkwardly.

  "How'd he die..?", Ein asked.

  "A lot of Werewolves didn't like him so they burnt the house down thinking me and mom would die also but they only got my dad, then my mom and I moved so no one would come after us..", I said.

  "Killing their own kind... my god..", he said, I nodded my head and finished my salad. I hugged him as I felt tears spill out.

  "I'm sorry for asking.. I must be horrible..", Ein said while looking at me.

  "No it's fine.. I needed to say something..", I said.

  "Oh yea.. what's the deal with you and Travis..?", he asked.

"He likes me but.. I didn't like him back.. I wanted to be his friend but as I rejected his love, he started bullying me for it.", I said.

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