Date #2!

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(Y/N): your name
(E/C): eye color
(H/C): hair color
(F/C): favorite color
(F/F): favorite food
(F/D):favorite drink
(F/N): friend's name
(F/CL): favorite club
(M/N): mom's name
(F/A): favorite animal
(F/D): favorite dessert
Thank you!

   Mom and I went dress shopping, it was embarrassing..


  "Mom stop screaming!!", I exclaimed.

  After a while, we finally got this (F/C) dress that kinda poofed out at the end. It's really cute, I smiled and hugged mom.

  "Thanks mom...", I said.

   She smiled and hugged back, she drove me to where Ein and I's date was happening. It was a place called Olive Garden. I've never been there personally.. but Ein said that Garroth talked about bringing his TOTALLY REAL GIRLFRIEND here.. whatever he's talking about is stupid.. I went inside and saw Ein waiting for me at the table. I saw a waiter come up to me and sit me with Ein. I looked at the waiter and noticed that it was Daniel, one of the Werewolves at school. "Hi Daniel!!", I cheered. He waved and asked for drinks, I asked for (F/D) and Ein got a plain water.

  He went to get our drinks, I looked at the menu and saw Chicken Piccata:
Grilled chicken breast topped with a lemon garlic butter sauce, sun-dried tomatoes and capers. Served with parmesan crusted zucchini. So I decided to choose that, (you don't know how hard it was to choose from an online menu lol). Ein saw the Grilled Chicken & Cheese Piadina, so he chose that. We saw Daniel and as he made his way over here, Ein smiled. We both told Daniel our orders and started talking after he left.

Ein grabbed my hands and smiled, I smiled back and saw Daniel coming with our food.

<hours later>

  Ein drove me home, my mom wasn't home so I smiled. He parked his car on the side and we got out, we went to the door. I open the door and dragged Ein in. I put on a movie and pushed Ein onto the couch. His eyes widened and grabbed my arm pulling me onto him. I shrieked and closed my eyes, I opened my eyes and saw him smiling at me. I smiled and kisses him, he kissed back and put his hands on my hips. I put my hands on his chest to kinda lift my self but also feel his muscles. He blushes and flips us over, I turn red and look away. It got a little chilly so Ein decided to put his hands under my shirt. I blushed more and fell asleep during the movie.

-Ein's P.O.V-

I saw her phone light up so I grabbed it, Zane had texted her. -Hey wanna go on a Icecream date tomorrow?-

I turned on her phone and answered it. -Yea sure, I'll bring Ein with. Double date lol.-

  -lol thanks (F/N)! See you tomorrow.-

   I smirked, 'well i'll probably get smacked tomorrow but.. it'll be worth it.', I thought.

  I drifted to sleep, and thought of the future.



542 words.

See ya!!

♡My Werewolf.♡      &gt;_&gt;Ein x reader&lt;_&lt;Where stories live. Discover now