WEREWOLF!? New friends..? All boys or girls?? Both??

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(Y/N): your name
(E/C): eye color
(H/C): hair color
(F/C): favorite color
(F/F): favorite food
(F/D):favorite drink
(F/N): friend's name
(F/CL): favorite club

Thank you

      I woke up, got out my bed, and went downstairs to see my mom cooking.

  "Hi mom.", I grumbled.

  Mom smiled and came up to me, she gets sad when I don't make friends but I feel like she's gonna die when she hears what happened today.

   "Soooo~? Any friends~?", mom asked.

   "Actually, yes. I have friends and I'm now the Alpha of the Werewolves. Mom squealed like an adorable baby pig and hugs me.

   "That's so great!!!!", she exclaims.

   "Hey mom?", I said looking at her.

   "Yes..?", she answers.

    "Was.. Was dad.. Was dad a Werewolf..?", I ask. She drops the rag she was holding, then picks it up, grabbing the counter and looks down.

   "Yes.. he was.. you are half Werewolf but.. I don't know if you have powers.. or if you can transform...", she looks at me while saying that," I don't even know if you'll get ears or a tail.. but just know being the Alpha is a big opportunity and the Werewolves will be asking if you have found the one yet.. but remember.. make sure... HE'S THE ONE CAUSE I WANT GRANDBABIES WHEN YOU'RE OLDER!!!", she exclaims while stars were in her eyes. I blushed and looked away.

   "Finding a male Alpha? Well I don't think i have to date them but it would be nice to find a lover instead of being alone locked in my room all the time...", I said.

  Mom claps her hands together and puts (F/F) on the table. My eyes sparkled and I even started drooling. I sat down and grabbed a plate, mom comes up with some (F/D) and pours it into a cup.

  "Eat up!!", she says.

  We started eating and after that I did my homework and went to bed.

  (>~< time skip to school >~<)

  I walked into school and bumped into someone. I dropped my things and bent down to pick them up.

  "Oh sorry!!", the person said. I looked up and saw a blonde boy with baby blue eyes.

 I looked up and saw a blonde boy with baby blue eyes

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