Ein and Kai and shootings..?

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(Y/N): your name
(E/C): eye color
(H/C): hair color
(F/C): favorite color
(F/F): favorite food
(F/D):favorite drink
(F/N): friend's name
(F/CL): favorite club
(M/N): mom's name
(F/A): favorite animal
(F/D): favorite dessert
Thank you!

   -(Y/N)'s P.O.V.-

I woke up the next day with no Ein. I frowned but it makes since.. we have school today. I got up and got ready.

<Kai's P.O.V.> (whoooaaaa!)

  I went up to the Werewolves and swayed my tail around.

  "Huh.. hey do you know anything about your Alpha (Y/N) and who she's dating..?", I asked.

"Huh..?", one hummed,"Oh yea she's dating Ein the Omega! By the way, I'm Dottie!!", Dottie exclaimed.

I chuckled," Thanks for the information..", I said. I walked away, smirking,'Ein's, Aphmau's friend.. but (Y/N)'s boyfriend.. I'm going to make sure Ein doesn't get to have her anymore.. watch out Ein..', I thought.

-<(Y/N)'s P.O.V.>-

'Ein's, Aphmau's friend.. but (Y/N)'s boyfriend.. I'm going to make sure Ein doesn't get to have her anymore.. watch out Ein..',

  Kai's trying to get to me.. I growled and ran to school with out my lunch or breakfast. I saw Kai smirking, I ran up to him and pinned him to the wall. "YOU ARE NOT RUINING EIN AND I'S RELATIONSHIP!", I screamed.

  "You have mind reading powers.. Mother of Irene..", he said looking down. Then I felt lips on mine, my eyes widened and I pulled back.

  "You jerk!", I yelled, I smacked him. The Werewolves growled and surrounded us.

"What's going on..?", someone said. I looked and saw Ein.

  "Meif'wa here kissed Alpha!!", Daniel yelled.

  Ein glared at Kai and walked into the circle. Looking at Kai, Ein punched him and grabbed my hand pulling us away from the group. I hugged him,"Why does everybody do this to us..?", I said, tearing up.

  "I don't know.. but calm down okay? You're safe..", he said calmly.

  As we turned a corner, I saw a couple of Werewolves who were adults..? I saw they had a picture of smol me,"Oh no!", I pulled Ein back around.

  "Whoa!", he exclaimed,"What's up..?", he asked.

"Those men..", I pointed out ," They're the ones who killed my father..", I said.

   They walked over her and saw me, one of them grabbed my hair. I yelped, trying to make them let my hair go. They put something cold and metal on the side of my head.

  "Sooo~.. Alpha.. today's your lucky day~..", they said.

  "OKAY, WELL NICE TO SEE YOU GUYS!!", one of the men yelled catching everyone's attention.

"HEY LET GO OUR STUDENT!!", Ms. Irene yelled.

  "Not unless you want to see them die~", the last one of the group said.

  "This girl's dad was the Alpha of us three adults here!! But seeing that we only killed her father we came after her and the mother too!!", one exclaimed.

  Tears went down my cheeks, people's eyes widened. Ein came up, but one of them pointed their gun at him.

  "What relation do you have with her..?", the guy pointing the gun said.

"Ein.. no..", I said.

"I'm Ein, her boyfrien-", he said until bullets were fired.

"EIN!!", I screamed.

To be continued..


Whoa! Cliffhanger!!

555 words.


♡My Werewolf.♡      &gt;_&gt;Ein x reader&lt;_&lt;Where stories live. Discover now