Oh no...

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(Y/N): your name
(E/C): eye color
(H/C): hair color
(F/C): favorite color
(F/F): favorite food
(F/D):favorite drink
(F/N): friend's name
(F/CL): favorite club
(M/N): mom's name
(F/A): favorite animal
(F/D): favorite dessert
(F/IF): favorite Icecream flavor
Thank you!

  I woke up and saw that there was no Ein beside me. I frowned but sat up, I went downstairs and saw a girl. She was tan with shortish black hair and dachshund ears and tail she also is wearing the collar that Maggie has, she wore a black sports bra, and black jeans but no shoes. Uh? Weird?

(Maggie in real life)

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(Maggie in real life)

(My drawing of Maggie!)

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(My drawing of Maggie!)

"(Y/N)!!", she exclaimed. My eyes widened,"Maggie..", I hugged her and smiled,"You're more human than last time which was yesterday...", I said chuckling. She laughed and hugged me back,"Does that mean I get to call you sister?", she asks. I nodded and went to get food, I went to the school with Maggie to sign her up and go there myself. Maggie looked nervous,"It's okay Maggie you'll be fine just stay near me..", I said, she nodded and I started talking to the guidance.

-After signing Maggie up-

Maggie had all my classes, which was great. I walked her to her locker and told her I would go to the bathroom. She nodded and got her stuff ready, I waked to the bathroom but when I got back Maggie was all beat up. I ran to her,"What happened!?", I exclaimed. She slowly pointed to Ivy, I growled and went up to her. "WHY WOULD YOU HURT MY SISTER?!", I screamed.

She looked at me and scoffed,"Because she was talking to Gairroth!", she exclaimed.

"First you're saying his name wrong and second YOU DON'T HIT SOMEONE WHO IS RELATED TO ME!!", I yelled but before I did anything she punched me. I growled and stopped myself, I couldn't get expelled or Maggie would be alone... I couldn't do that to her... I punched her once and it sent her flying into the lockers. I smirked and walked my sister to our first class which was P.E. with Ein..

I walked in with Maggie in our uniforms, Ein smiled until he saw my nose and eye.

"Who did this..?", he said with his eyes glowing. I pointed to Ivy who was going to her next class which was mine after P.E... Chemistry.. he growled and looked at me. I hugged him,"Who's the child?", he asks.

"Maggie!", she said. He thought for a minute,"Wait. Weren't you a dog..?", he asks. She nodded and skipped to talk to a red haired werewolf?

 She nodded and skipped to talk to a red haired werewolf?

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Blaze was his name..? Whatever Maggie was just trying to make friends! I looked at Ein as he dipped me down and kissed me. I held his cheeks and smiled. Until..

"PDA!!!!", the gym teacher screamed.

I rolled my eyes, No one could ever beat Ein at being the best boyfriend ever.



This is the end of this one BUT I'm starting the Mystreet version of Ein x Reader soooooo look forward to that~!!

538 words.


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