Ein vs Kai! Maggie?? SASHA?!

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(Y/N): your name
(E/C): eye color
(H/C): hair color
(F/C): favorite color
(F/F): favorite food
(F/D):favorite drink
(F/N): friend's name
(F/CL): favorite club
(M/N): mom's name
(F/A): favorite animal
(F/D): favorite dessert
Thank you!

I walked around the neighborhood enjoying the sweet air.. tomorrow was Ein and I's second date. Pretty exciting right? You reader's out there~. (STOP BREAKING THE FORTH WALL!! I PAID GOOD MONEY FOR THIS WALL!!) Okay! Okay! Well this is how the fight first started.


  I walked for hours until I got to a park slightly more away than the other one. I sighed and texted Ein to meet me at a park near Aphmau's house. I waited for a while but I started hearing yelling, I got up and walked over to the yelling to see that it's Ein and Kai yelling at each other.

"YOU ARE NEVER GETTING (Y/N)!!! SHE'S MINE!! YOU MEIF'WA!!!", Ein yelled. Kai threw a punch and got Ein in the nose. Then Kai punched Ein's stomach. Ein threw a punch and hit Kai's cheek he then kicked Kai in the place where it does not shine. He then started kicking Kai in the gut.

"HEY STOP!!", I yelled. Ein stopped and lowered his ears in shame. "I-I'm so sorry.. He started talking about how good it felt to kiss you and I couldn't take it...", he said in shame. I frowned and walked down there. I looked at Kai and kicked dirt in his face. (Sorry Kai lovers!! Or anyone that you care about like Travis!!)

I smirked and dragged him over to the lake, we saw the sun setting and I turned to him. I grabbed his hands and held them in mine.. I then looked at him and kissed him deeply. I pulled back and smiled.

  "See you tomorrow babe. Excited for our second date~!", I exclaimed, running back home. Ein ran back to his house, I got to my front door and could hear my mom? I opened the door and saw a dachshund. The dachshund looked at me and wagged her tail. I started wagging mine also, I bent down and held her close.  (Maggie's in here for a special surprise later~) I smiled at mom,"What's her name..?", I asked.

"Maggie.", she answered.

I looked at her,"Hi Maggie!", I said.

'HI!!' a voice said in my mind.

  "I can communicate with Maggie in my mind.", I said looking at mom. She nodded,"Well she's fed, she had water, and she went to the bathroom so go to sleep I know you had a tough day today.. take her with you okay..?", she said. I nodded and picked her up, I went upstairs and laid Maggie down on the bed. I lay down next to her and fall asleep.

-Sasha's P.O.V.-

I got on a ladder up to (Y/N)'s window. I had to get photos for Gene.. and I was gonna do it!!! I got to her window and took out my camera.. I growled since there was nothing good to blackmail her with yet. I was about to get off.. that's when I slipped,"AHHHH!", I screamed, I got up quickly and ran away with Zenix.

-(Y/N)'s P.O.V.-

   "AHHHHHH", I heard someone scream. I jolted up and checked outside my window.. I sniffed but didn't smell anything.. "Hmmm..", I hummed and went back to bed.



584 words!!


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