Shadow Knights?

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XD Aphmau's face in the picture!! Ok lets get to the story.

(Y/N): your name
(E/C): eye color
(H/C): hair color
(F/C): favorite color
(F/F): favorite food
(F/D):favorite drink
(F/N): friend's name
(F/CL): favorite club
(M/N): mom's name
(F/A): favorite animal
(F/D): favorite dessert
Thank you!

    I woke up, stretched, and got ready for the day. I went downstairs and grabbed a pop tart and my already made lunch. I checked the time, I was a couple minutes early but I started walking to school. I saw Ein at the front of the school stairs when I got there. I smile and hug him,"Hi~", I said, smiling.

  "Hey!", he said brightly while hugging me back. I snuggled into him and held him close.

"So uh.. are we dating..?", I asked.

  "I mean why wouldn't we..?", he said. I shrugged, I then grabbed his hand and went to the fountain. I pulled out my pop tart and gave the second one to him. I smiled and started munching on the pop tart. The Werewolves came up to me and stood by Ein and I's sides.

"Huh..?", I looked at them, then looked at Ein,"What's this..?".

"I told them Travis was a bad guy and forced you into kissing him so I told them to stay by your sides. We even got some Werewolves to some of your classes that I'm not in so they can protect you.", he said.

  "They listened to you..?", I asked.

  "I told them we were dating. So I'm the male Alpha now.", he said.

I smiled and hugged him,"Thank you so much Ein..", I said.

"No problem..", he said.

The bell rang, so I grabbed Ein's arm and dragged him inside. I got to Chemistry and sat right down, I saw Travis and looked away. Travis was still bruised up by Ein, but why would I care..? I sat down and saw Daniel, and Dottie sit right next to me.

"Here to stand guard and protect me..?", I said looking at them. They nodded happily and looked at me," We came under Ein's orders!", they cheered. I smiled, the teacher came in and we started paying attention.

<~Skip to P.E.~>
I got in my P.E. uniform, put my hair up, (unless you have short hair), and put my stuff away. I got out to the gym and saw Ein and Aphmau talking, she was crying.. I went up to them and when I learned why Aphmau was crying.. ohhhhhh.. I got maaaddd... I'm gonna beat up this Kai guy! Ein and I decided to go sit down and chat since we got to do whatever today.

<~Hours later~>

  I walked out of school with Ein, as we were walking, 3 people walked up to us and stood in our way. One looked about the age of 20-21. The other two went to our school.. I'd say about 18-19.

"Uh...? Excuse me..?", I said.

"Hi little one~ I'm Gene the leader of the Shadow Knights!", Gene said.

"Can we like.. nickname her Gene~?", the girl said.

  "Like what Sasha?", Gene asks the 'Sasha' girl.

   "Wolfie~!", she says.

    "That's offensive.", I said.

     "Well Wolfie~ we wanted to recruit you~", Gene said.

    "No way.", Ein said.

    "Let her choose!", Gene exclaimed.

    "Nope.", I said, dragging Ein away from them.

<>Gene's P.O.V.<>

  Grrrrrrrrrr. I'll get her to join. I looked at Sasha and Zenix.

"I want you to make her join and get pictures so we have stuff to blackmail (I'm so tired I forgot what blackmail was. It's 1:20 am.) her with.", I said.

"Yes Gene!!", they said and ran home. I chuckle, 'We'll get you Wolfie~..', I thought.

//(Y/N)'s P.O.V.\\

   I led Ein to my room and sat on my bed. He looked around and smiled.

  "Hung the posters up already..?", he asked.

   I nodded and grabbed his arm pulling him onto the bed. I snuggled into him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Hey I'm supposed to do that!!", Ein exclaimed. I gave him a kiss and giggled.

"Heh shut up let's take a nap..", I yawned and fell asleep, snuggling into his chest.


I'm tired. I finished it at 1:43.

721 words.


♡My Werewolf.♡      &gt;_&gt;Ein x reader&lt;_&lt;Where stories live. Discover now